Logging meals in advance

Just figured out why this eating change (decided to not use the word diet anymore) is actually working! In the past I would stock up on good foods, eat healthy, but not pay much attention to anything other than calories. This time around I plan my entire meals ahead of time and make sure each meal is balanced in nutrients etc. Makes it sooooo much more effective to see what works and doesn't work. Thanks MFP for making my life so much more organized and even kinda fun and challenging at the same time! My daughter is a Junior in HS and is so interested she is considering a degree in Health and Nutrition. I am feeling great and actually have a realistic approach to reaching my goal :):smile:


  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I log meals in advance too, I feel I stick to my goals better. For now, I'm not focused on the carbs or anything else majorly. Mainly calories. Once I get closer to my goal and more used to eating better, I'll watch EVERYTHING I'm tracking. I try now, but sometimes I go over and it's like 'meh'
  • banshishi
    I tend to log my all my meals when I get round to logging my breakfast, that way I know what I am going to eat before I eat it, I find it easier that way. I also know if I have any calories left over and that way I know if I can have an indulgent moment..rather than doing it the other way round and being horrified at how many calories I havent got left!
  • Nukkers
    Nukkers Posts: 139 Member
    I make a meal plan every month. And I also try to log all meals in advance, some morning I sit down and log my whole day. That way I don't eat something, then log it and make excuses for not eating the way I know I should. On days I don't feel like exercising I'll prelog it and tell myself "well, you already logged it, so you have to do it!". And feel WAY better about myself afterwards.
  • cathyg57
    I tend to log my all my meals when I get round to logging my breakfast, that way I know what I am going to eat before I eat it, I find it easier that way. I also know if I have any calories left over and that way I know if I can have an indulgent moment..rather than doing it the other way round and being horrified at how many calories I havent got left!

    Haha - I prelog my exercise too!!! Keeps you accountable :)
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I prelog my entire week on Sundays... I make adjustments as needed, which tend to only be minor adjustments to exercise to be honest.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Last time around, I didn't pre-log.

    This time around, I started pre-logging when I packed up 3 days worth of food for travel. Besides keeping me on track, it just took all the anxiety over "What should I eat?" right out of my life. So much easier!
  • Swizzle1986
    i do that too!!!

    This past week i have had my full day logged around lunch time and i've been planning dinners days in advance. My fiancee is loving it because i am cooking at home alot more to control my calories and save money haha. I could already log my day for tomorrow too if i wanted!!

    I usually try and make sure i am around my calorie goal before i work out. That way if i want to have a snack after i can with the extra points of just leave it.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I prelog and pay attention to my hitting my macros not my calories. If I hit my macros, calories work out. If I do it strictly by calories, macros are somewhat off, usually. Macros are the key to me maintaining a healthy bodyweight.