Hello - lots to lose

Hello fellow calorie counters!

My name is Jenny and I have a long way to go with my mission. I started using the app for myfitnesspal about 2 weeks ago. I started at 303lbs!!!!! Never been so heavy and easily doubled my weight in the space of 3 years. So embarrassing when I think about the short amount of time it took to get in this state. However, I feel good about doing something about it now.
My first week I lost 4lbs. I need to become half a person (realistically more) but my aim is 150lbs.

My problem at the moment is that I lack motivation to move about. Even picking something up off the floor is a struggle (including putting shoes and socks on in the morning!).

Does anybody have any suggestions to get me moving?!


  • sewcat64
    Hello Jenny
    I too have a long way to go.. I'm also at my heaviest weighing in at 206lbs looking to reach 185lbs then to 135lbs baby steps for me. Just started getting serious this week! I'll walk along side of you if you need a pep talk!
    I am used to going home making dinner for all and then on the couch I go.. this week every day I've walked in the door and changed right away and hit the eliptical for 10 mins. Then I cook. It's hard but I an pushing myself!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,132 Member
    Hi, Jenny, Welcome!

    One of my favorite quotes is, "Move and your heart will follow." Another one is "You'll never regret having worked out. You will regret having NOT worked out."

    I'd say to start by logging accurately all the food and drinks you are consuming. If that doesn't get you off the couch, nothing will. Nothing like finding out your favorite tiny healthy meal is actually 1400 calories, and you're only supposed to eat 1300 for the day! :noway:

    If you want to eat any kind of normal calories, you'll really need to start moving.

    Good luck.
  • Amerka
    Hello ALL, Although I am almost at my goal I have learned a lot during my journey. I went to nutrition counseling for 4 months and have tried to apply what I learned there. It's going to be a struggle but you have made the effort to start and thats 1/2 the battle. I was told it helps to get plenty of protein, about 30 grams in the morning and about another 30-50 during the day. I use the Bariatric Advantage Mixes because of the flavors. I make Sugar\Fat Free puddings with two scoops and I have a some what Healthy Meal and lots of Protien. Try for Whey Protien Isolate as your body absorbs better. Keeping the Diary will help you a lot more than you think.
  • carmeness75
    Hi Jenny Welcome Welcome!!

    It's not easy at first but just start with a walk around your block. This is what I did and now I walk for 1 1/2 hours, and I lost 10lbs. in a month but I do count my food intake and I laid off a lot of foods. So do what is easy for you just start then work your way up. Some movement is better than none.
    I wish you the best of luck, and remember you can do it you will feel so much better.

    Much success,