Ok C-Section Moms I need some Motivation!!

I had my 1st baby this past April via emergancy C-Section, I was big before i got pregnant and im back down to my pre pregnancy weight and i still have a lot to go. BUT i have this huge flabby "pooch" i know it probably wont ever completly go away but if you have the c-section belly or did and lost a lot of weight or any weight and it got smaller or looks better PLEASE share your pictures before and after or durring...im just really getting to the point where im kinda upset i will never be able to have the flat belly i have always wanted....I love my daughter and wouldnt trade her for the world and yes i look at it as my battle scar from bringing such an amazing baby into my life but its still not pretty LOL. So if you have pics please share if not just share your story i just need a little pick me up and to know it will at least get "better"


  • sarahbeth913
    sarahbeth913 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey! I've had 2 C-sections. Neither was was emergency so I'm not sure which way your scar runs? Mine is a bikini cut which is very helpful but I've had 2 other surgery's (Appendix and exploratory) that left me with a few nicks. I don't have before and after's but there's two programs that are amazing to help you get rid of your pooch. The first one I've used and gets WONDERFUL results and it's Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I have abs now...they still have fat on them but they are there. I've lost 42 of my 80 lbs of baby weight from that program and walking.

    The second is Momma wants her body back. My sis in law uses it and it has helped her SO MUCH. I want to get it. It's designed for women who have had babies and targets our problem areas. I hope this helps. Don't give up. :) Feel free to friend me if you'd like. :)