
I've finally decided to get serious about getting healthy, and losing the weight I've gained over the last few years. I don't look as heavy as I am, so I've been getting away with halfway trying to change my eating/exercise habits. However, reality kicked me in the butt when I couldn't get into clothes I could wear as recently as 6 months ago. Talk about shattering the denial I was in.... LOL! Anyway, I start (again) September 8th, and I sure can use some support and accountability. My goal is to lose 30-35 pounds and to be able to wear the clothes I haven't touched in 6+ months. Here we go.... :smile:


  • Twyla17
    Twyla17 Posts: 9 Member
    I was in the same denial LOL.. I am very tall so I have always been able to carry my weight well. I turned 40 a couple weeks ago and was looking at a picture and thats when reality kicked in for me! you said you need to lose 30 to 35 lbs?? you've got this :smile:
  • dbrownie68
    Thanks Twyla17! I appreciate your reply. I've been able to nip and tuck to hide some of the extra pounds I'm carrying, but the proof was in the pudding when I saw a picture of myself in a one-piece swimsuit. Not pretty! :embarassed: But, I needed to see it to realize it was time to get serious.