New girl in town!

Hi everyone,
I have been reading in site for since yesterday now. Feels so good to be here.
I have hopes''' that I can loose this extra 88 lbs on my body that is very much not needed and weighing me down.
( in so many ways )

Loosing this weight over time will help me to be comfortable again. I know in my heart I will never be skinny.
I have never been that skinny girl I always wanted from my teens , 20's 30's and now 40's
I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin again. I miss my size 10/12 clothes too!
I am 5 ft.9 and big boned! I know its not about the number and this time I am doing this for just Me!!

I hope to stay on track , Lord knows I have tried so many times ... Lost the weight only to gain it back in a year or so!!

Each time is harder and harder for me to loose weight too! Glad to have this on my laptop and my cell phone!
I have a good feeling about this change in my life style and staying on track!! This time ''' No Walking away '''
Key for me would be sticking around after I have hit my goal. Staying in the loop or I just go back to old habbits!
Funny how it is so clear to me know. Staying on track and then continue to monitor my weight at goal.

Thanks Myfitnesspal site and everyone here,


  • AliMariesDad
    Welcome! I'll be glad to help encourage and support. Friend request sent.
  • LJSchmitt
    LJSchmitt Posts: 121 Member
    Glad you joined the community. Every day that you log in and track, the easier it gets. This site has been a God-send for me as I have spent over 40 years trying to be a healthy me. Since joining MFP, it has been an eye opener. If you need a friend, add me.
  • Shashaaa123
    Thank you :-) I needed to hear your up-lifting words of encourgagement!! :-)
  • danarod23
    danarod23 Posts: 23 Member
    Happy to have you. There is some great support and tools on here that will hopefully be good to you too. If you need guidance or support you can friend me! I'm willing to help you out and give you tips or support in whatever way you need. We can get you to that "skinnygirl" at any age! You can get there. Just motivation and drive is all you need!
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello & welcome! :flowerforyou: You can add me as a friend as well. Hope you enjoy all that MFP has to offer and good luck! You can friend me as well.:smile:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome Shashaaa you have found a great community here and lots of people willing to offer you their support. Send me a friend request if you like. Also there are several groups out there you may like which seems to where the most sharing happens.
  • garcia_we88
    garcia_we88 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello and welcome. I am new as well. Please feel free to add me. :)
  • Eddie274
    If I can do it anyone can!! 60lbs down and 40 to go! Friend request sent. Anyone else that wants to be friends you can add me too, the more the merrier.
  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome, so happy you found this site. I came here about 3 months ago now. I've never had so much support. You'll find it a great place to meat people and learn some stuff to help you out on your journey to health. You can add me if you like for support.
  • aracelyadrah
    aracelyadrah Posts: 3 Member
    Options can do it!:smile:
  • Celticsnowflake
    Celticsnowflake Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome and I've sent you a request!! I'm 5'11" so I understand the feeling that you will never be the "little" girl, but we just have to be healthy and happy as ourselves and get into lifelong habits
  • Cds309
    Cds309 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi ya!! Welcome. I've been on the site almost a month. Im down 12 or so pounds. Keeping track helps a whole lot and its really easy to do on here!! Good luck!
  • shill822
    shill822 Posts: 6 Member

    This is a great place for encouragement and support. WE CAN DO THIS! Friend request has been sent.

  • Shashaaa123
    Just wanted to drop a note to say (((Thank You))) all very much for the warm welcomes and friend supports.:heart::flowerforyou:
    Thank you to my friend ( Melissa ) who showed me the way to this site :-)

    I need to remind myself always""" that when I hit my goal ( fingers crossed ) I need to stick around ,
    Not just take off thinking I have this thing down and leave!
    When I do leave after I have lost weight and drop out of my accountability ALways> I go back to old habits!!

    This time ~ I have no excuse now! No more excuses!! Not this time I can just feel it ....... Programmed in my phone-and computer.
    STAY Connected!! << Key

    I have more hopes today then yesterday of loosing and getting to goal.
    Also and sticking to goal ( Maintenance ) What a chore hey? I have no clue really I never have stuck to it, Just hit goals and walked? Seems I have always gained my weight back in a year or two.......

    I should know better then that! So anyhows~ Good days and Bad I am blessed to be able to track no matter what!!
    For me that has been a big key in how I can loose the extra weight to be healthy and free!

    Today I choose to eat right and treat my body with love and kindness & I sure hope you do too! :flowerforyou:

    Blessings to all & Happy Weekend everyone to you and your family!! :heart:
  • june21112
    Reading your post was like it came from my mouth. Since starting MFP I am losing weight and staying on track. I'm going to send you a friend request because it is important to have encouragement and the ability to see what others are doing that works.
    I wish you well on this important journey. YOU CAN DO IT!