Non Food Relief from Stress/getting back on wagon


I tend to be prone to depression and especially when I feel like I have no outlet, I tend to turn to food. I think its mostly environmental causes of depression and not chemical for me - except getting sunshine daily seems to help.

Today I had a blondie(yellow brownie with m&m's) and a slice of cheesecake, a cappuccino AND mac & cheese.

Yep... all cause I feel like I can't control my current situation or make it better soon enough and I don't know how to make myself feel more okay with my predicament. ( I live with family for financial reasons and can't change it for at least a couple months. It really sucks. I would like to go back to school but have to wait til I am an in-state resident when the tuition is cheaper, so until then I have to take whatever jobs I can get)

in the past I have turned to exercise, calling a friend and that kind of thing. Any other ideas on how to pull yourself out of an emotional rut and/or how to stop reaching for food when FOOD isn't what you really need???

Basically looking for positive stress outlets you use or have heard are effective. I fell off the wagon about 1.5 months ago and desperately need to get back on track no matter what life throws at me.


  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I so wish I knew what to tell you. I am not an emotional eater. When I'm in a funk I go to bed or anywhere I'm alone just to be alone. I don't call anyone and I don't want to see anyone. My friends know this and still like me just the Try exercise, just getting out and walking or something that helps clear the head. They say it's a great way to work out your frustrations and help you think straight.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Exercise definitely helps but of course when I'm depressed that's the last thing I want to do. When that's the case, I try to turn my depression/frustration/stress into...well, I guess you could call it "aggressive energy." I get angry AT the depression, and tell it that I won't let it get the best of me, and I use that determination to push through a workout harder than I otherwise would. By the time I'm done, I'm tired, feel like I've accomplished something, and it helps remind me that there's more to life than whatever is going on at the time.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I feel the same way lately. I can't say I'm depressed..but stuck in a rut is more like it. This past week..I've done badly on my diet. Today I feel down about it. But, I have a motto called "fake it till you make it." So, I go through the motions of happy things..and somehow..the happiness follows. So, make yourself get out and focus on your blessings. You have a family that will let you live with them as you get on your feet. How great is that. I also find when I take control over my diet I gain more control over other aspects of my life.

    So let's both get with it. haha!:flowerforyou:
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    One of the best things you can do when you feel frustrated and depressed about your situation is to volunteer with those who are less fortunate. Spending time at a nursing home, homeless shelter or working with disadvantaged youth really puts things in perspective, in addition to making you feel appreciated and purposeful.

    I find that the busier I am, the less time I have to think about eating or not eating. Also, I have found that when I consume a lot of refined carbs, I generally feel sluggish and more depressed.

    For me, eating healthy makes me have more energy, which makes me want to do more things, which makes me want to eat less crap, which makes me feel better about myself, which makes me want to make healthier choices.... you get the idea.

    Sometimes, you just need to change things up and break the cycle of depression, lack of motivation, feeling sorry for yourself and overindulging.

    I like the saying, "If the problem isn't hunger, then the answer isn't food."
  • vtchicka
    vtchicka Posts: 3 Member
    I am a total emotional eater, it's my downfall. I have successfully lost and gained weight at various points in my life. The thing for me that works is a good support team (my husband). I've been in your situation before, that trapped feeling, but remember good things come to those who wait. Good luck!
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Run. Keep Running.

    It's better than any anti-depressant you can swallow, it keeps the weight off and gives you a nice looking rear end. There are plenty of programs to get you started if you've never done it or don't feel you can run more than a block. I started last October after 20 years of not running. I couldn't get to end of the block. Now? I run 10k as my regular morning run--my quick run being a 4 miler. I have run up to 12 miles in one session. Nothing has ever kept the "happy" going and shaped up my body like the running!
  • Romans624
    I had to go earlier, so I couldn't read at the time. Thanks to everyone for your thoughtful responses. I am going to think about what everyone has said and the direction I want to go in life.

    Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Make it a financial decision. If you haven't got a job that allows you to live on your own. You haven't got enough money to buy those foods. You need to learn some 'other' coping skills. Don't carry money or bank cards when you go out. Surprising how well it worked for me. Luck.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I learned to just take naps and sleep it off. That or play a video game.
  • Romans624
    I learned to just take naps and sleep it off. That or play a video game.

    Excellent idea. I have done that before but forgot about "napping" it away.