
Hi everyone,

I have struggled since my first child to lose weight after gaining 30kilo during pregnancy, I have 3 boys 6,7 and 1. and am looking for support.29167262.png
Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • welcome to MFP! You will find tons of support and advice here! I have had the same struggle except my girls are 16 and 17! We can do this! :)
  • Hi I am a Newbie to I started here this week I want to lose 30kg but I am in my 50s and it is very slow going I was doing WW for the last 6 weeks.
  • You can do it !! I had never made a conscious effort to lose weight - this is my first time round and God willing, it will be the only time :D But MFP seems to me one of the best ways to go about it. You have your friends, old and new, for support, a forum for advice and questions you can ask or answer - this site/app isn't telling you what to do or how to do it, but simply giving you the facts and info on what you choose to eat or do, activity-wise.

    Welcome and be encouraged - the beginning will soon be over and with it, the hardest part :)
  • sharkshow
    sharkshow Posts: 1 Member
    I am a Newbie also. Been on MFP for about three weeks. Just need some positive reinforcement. Don't have a lot to lose but that
    makes it harder. Mainly just trying to eat healthier and exercise more to drop cholesterol level. Trying to keep husband motivated to lose weight for health reasons.
  • Where do I begin? I have been over weight for 10 yrs now..and I mean 50 to 100lbs over weight! here I go!! Wish me luck!
  • Also a newbie to this site. Not a newbie to the battle of trying to loose weight though. I find the tracking of foods and exercise to be the trick to succeeding. I started this past Tuesday September 4th, and already have seen the weight coming off more quickly than in my past attempts just by making smart choices. Good luck to all in your journey!
  • Im not long here either, but its the best diet aid i have ever tried. Good luck x:heart: