women of MFP

Just wondering what do a majority of you women do when you are having your period and trying to stay on track with your calories and exercise or even if you keep track of your stuff on those days?

I've heard that women cannot lose weight while on their period, is that really true?

Thank you for your help. =D


  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I don't change anything and just wait for my body to catch up with itself.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    I actually lose weight when I get my period. I've looked at the general chart of my weight loss over the past 90 days and there's a pattern.. Never failed me yet.

    I'm on birth control (for the past 6 years), so this may have an impact.

    I always track my calories. I feel better when I exercise.

    But that's just me.
  • rst12267
    rst12267 Posts: 85 Member
    I find that my PM days I may go up a pound to a pound and a half. I weigh myself daily as a self check and make sure I get enough water and stay away from salty foods. Usually I drop the weight and then some if I've been good the week following my period.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    My weight goes up about 3 pounds or so and I feel hungrier. Since I'm hungrier I just eat more. Simple as that. Weight goes back to normal after it is over.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I don't change anything that I do during TOM, but I do tend to get bloated and gain exactly 2 lbs which always disappears after, as well as whatever else I worked on losing during that week.
  • moogyface
    Thank you gals. What if you have bad cramping? For me I have to stay in bed at least one of the three days of mine with a hot pack. I have a skippy period so when I get it, it hits me hard.
  • imwithgizmo
    imwithgizmo Posts: 146 Member
    I lose weight just fine during my TOM. I stay on track as much as possible (and add a little extra salt to my popcorn).
  • Sly_Blue
    I actually lose weight when I get my period. I've looked at the general chart of my weight loss over the past 90 days and there's a pattern.. Never failed me yet.

    I'm on birth control (for the past 6 years), so this may have an impact.

    I always track my calories. I feel better when I exercise.

    But that's just me.

    I'm not on birth control, but I find that I loose a lot of weight when on my periods. This is when I eat a normal amount of calories.
  • cybelenoire
    cybelenoire Posts: 36 Member
    I have had extremely intense menstrual cycles since age 12. Not to get all TMI, but the flow is so heavy that I have to wear overnight pads through the entire 7 days (yes 7, sometimes 8 or 9). When I first started, I was getting them every 2 weeks. I cramp so severely that I vomit. I get hormone triggered migraines days before and sometimes during. I am anemic, hypoglycemic, and hypotensive (low blood pressure), and my cycle intensifies that. I also have PMDD which means I am pretty much a beast with rapid mood swings and extreme emotional distress. I have excessive fatigue, back pain, and retain water like a sponge even more than I normally do.

    Thank everything I'm taking birth control to control all this and regulate or I might be in jail for assault, battery or worse.

    Even on medication, I crave red meat during my "girl week", and often chocolate. And salt--you'd think I would avoid it at all costs, but I can't. It's often a vicious circle--must eat red meat, with something salty, followed by something chocolate. I can gain anywhere from 2-10lbs just in water weight. It usually drops right off after, though a pound or two might linger.

    Normal activity will cause my blood sugar to drop during my non-cycle weeks, but during it's even worse. I have to eat more so that I don't pass out during intense workouts. I tend to do gentle things like yoga (no inverted poses, of course), or belly dance practice, which actually eases cramps. I try to avoid weights and extreme cardio.

    I don't feel guilty about any sort of indulgence. I eat fries if I feel like, but I try to limit the intake. It's difficult. I track it. I try to get in as much activity as possible. And I drink a ton of water, more than I already do normally.

    That's pretty much it.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I get pretty bad cramping too, but find that Advil liquigels are great for helping me function on those days as I can't take a sick day from work every month.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I shop in preparation for the week.
    The house is usually cleaned of trigger foods that normally I can leave alone.
    The house itself is cleaned cos for first 3 days of cycle I am a physical wreck.
    I now always buy tampax and painkillers at the end of a cycle just in case I lose track of next cycle.
    I get anything stressful done week before (paying bills, making appointments etc).
    After 20yrs together my husband and I have learnt to minimize any stressful discussions during that time and to b honest he takes over a lot with the kids. It's not that I am agro but I am foggy headed. This can start week before sometimes.
    I only let myself pick at protein, fruits n veg n I have protein shakes. I dont minimise any of these n i dont care if it takes me over cals. Take vitamins. If I allow myself a carb I know it has the potential to become a binge so they almost disappear.
    I still exercise.
    Basically I batten down the hatches!
    Since realizing I had to strategies for this, I have sometimes lost weight when I've finished the cycle. It took about a year of losing b4 I found what worked for me. I was sick of feeling like I was in a plane with an autopilot.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Lately it seems like the week before is my worse time. The cravings have become so intense that I can't control them, then I beat myself up for it. I work around food, I normally have no issues with walking away from the food I work with, 2 weeks ago I had 1 day where I ate 3000 calories worth of food, that was a lot for me. It was my fault though. I'm working on trying to work in fiber and drink more water during that TOM.This is surely a test area for me.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    I find that walking helps my cramps more than anything else!
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I try not to do anything too different but never feel like exercising for the first 2=3 days. Like today.... It is 7.16pm and I am in bed. I put on 2-6lb just before and feel and bloated.... my jeans are tighter but it all disappears quite quickly and so my weight loss is maintained. I do crave chocolate and I have a rule anyway to try to allow myself a small choc treat daily (up to about 80cal). I get wicked PMT the week before and hubby has learned not to mess with me lol. I also get bad cramping which slows me right down and sometimes stops me ... like this morning I crawled out of bed at 10.30am. Thank god it is Saturday! I'm otherwise relatively active. I probably don't feel as hungry during my period because I am doing less.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    TOM has absolutely no effect on my diet or fitness routine. I don't really gain or lose weight, I do feel a little bloated some days. Thats pretty much it.
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    I used to lose during that time. However, within the last year or so I am beginning to gain.

    Whatever you do keep plugging away. There are so many factors that can contribute to what the scale reads.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    When it is that TOM for me, I do gain weight... I am currently 58kg and it appears I can gain 1-2kg whilst on my period. I try and eat as well as I can, but I am one of the poor sods that get really cravings... and sometimes I can go over my calories by a bit... usually I have one BIG binge-like eating day (usually a big dinner or snacks/sweets after dinner) but it doesn't affect the scales the following week. I give my body what it wants during this time (to a certain extent) and I find I am a lot more bloated from water and all the rest of it too... so the following week I always am back to normal again. It doesn't interfere with my exercise regime - I've always remembered an old netball coach of mine telling me that exercise can actually help get rid of any pains etc. during that time. I don't know if it's true or not, but it hasn't stopped me from exercising!
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I lost 2lbs yesterday and I'm on my TOM right now and have been for two days.
    So I don't believe that is true.

    Lets just hope I am down another 2 when my TOM goes away.
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't really get bad cramps or anything so just try to keep at it as normal, however if my weigh in is around then I usually haven't lost anything as I tend to retain fluid a little more. On the pill, so sometimes I don't even get periods, which is good :)