people who are 40? the 20's can have their blog!!!



  • tausha_k
    I will be turning 39 next week. I am in better shape now than I was in my 20's. My husband I are trying to have a baby. I am excited about getting pregnant (even though I am high risk for my age) because I am in better shape than I was with both of my pregnancies 10 years ago!!
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    43...and I still say the only thing better than my 30s has been my 40s
  • chunkyjeff
    chunkyjeff Posts: 68 Member
    41 .... And the happiest I have ever been !!!!!!!!!!
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    My husband is about to turn 51 and I will be 48 in November.

    Truly, I feel healthier and am able to do far more now than I ever could in my 20's. I think the difference is that I have finally grown up a little and realized just how much of the BS I was soooo worried about back then really does not matter in the long run. That can all be released from my mind and I am free to take the time to enjoy that long run without freaking out because the laundry is still in the floor.

    Inspiration came in the form of an elderly couple, perhaps 80 or 85 years old. I watched them waiting on a train in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and listened while they decided what to do and where to go. They were already at the train station, on the platform, backpacks and trekking poles at the ready, looking over a map preparing to seize a beautiful day! I want us to become that couple someday!

    This fitness thing is about far more than just looking good in my jeans, although that is a pretty cool fringe benefit; it is more about being able to finally relax in my own skin and know that my body is going to hold up long enough to complete this adventure. Barring some unforeseen catastrophe, we will not become physical burdens to our own children while they are discovering themselves. Maybe someday, but not today, not now. We will not steal their 20's and 30's from them.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I am a month away from 38; I am not rushing to 40 yet.
  • 40tmw
    40tmw Posts: 17 Member
    Turned 40 this year and decided to get in gear! Going to lose 40 pounds in my 40th year! Eat your heart out 20 year olds - weight loss isn't for sissies at this age!
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    Turning 47 in a few days, but still a kid at heart in attitude!! I used to always get told by my husband to "be more serious", but my response was that it is boring to be serious all the time. Here's to getting older and looking and feeling fabulous!
  • 40tmw
    40tmw Posts: 17 Member
    That's right! Gotta start somewhere! You can do it!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    43, hurrah for ME! :drinker: :
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    43 and I love it! I'm in better shape than a lot of women half my age and I'm certainly in better shape than I was when I was 20 :smile: I love running a race and flying by women who I probably have 20 or so years on...I want to say that's right, you just got passed by a 43 year old honey LOL I used to be scared of hitting the dreaded 40's but I've found life only gets better!
  • LindaVas
    LindaVas Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 44 and looking forward to a slim and healthy me in the near future!
    40's rock! :drinker:
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    turning 50 next month and in the best shape in my life,,we rock this place
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    I turn the big 40 in December. Going to celebrate in Vegas! I'm still trying to feel as fabulous about it as the rest of you. =)
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    My drivers license says I'm 43... then again, it *also* says I weigh 180 pounds. Lies!!!

    I feel more like a kid, and haven't seen 180 pounds in more than a year and a half. The 40's have been very kind to me so far! :happy:
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Turning 47 in a few days, but still a kid at heart in attitude!! I used to always get told by my husband to "be more serious", but my response was that it is boring to be serious all the time. Here's to getting older and looking and feeling fabulous!

    How does that song go again....?

    "Growin' up leads to grwing old and then to dyin'
    and dyin' to me don't sound like all that much fun..."

    Who knew back then that John Mellencamp was so very wise LOL
  • langecornu
    langecornu Posts: 40 Member
    Im stuck at 31 for the past 10 years hahahahah
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    OK kids - 59, running my 6th marathon in 6 years in two weeks, riding a 100 mile bike ride. Life is good.
  • falcon367
    50 ... there is no substitute for experience!
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    My drivers license says I'm 43... then again, it *also* says I weigh 180 pounds. Lies!!!

    I feel more like a kid, and haven't seen 180 pounds in more than a year and a half. The 40's have been very kind to me so far! :happy:

    HEEHEEE for a change, I actually weigh LESS than what my driver's license says I do! I think I shall leave that number on there just to make the officer go "Really?"
  • stonebreaker143
    40 here and going to be 41 in november.....can't beleive i am 40 but still feel young! :smokin: