You know your a runner if...



  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    *you have in your favorites list
    *you hang on to old running shoes & shoe chips as keep sakes
    *the front of your fridge has race bibs all over it
  • shesabattgirl
    you calculate the mileage to your local stores for your next run.
  • randysbombshellgirl
    You think gold bond friction stick is the greatest invention EVER!!!!
    You will never have to buy another safety pin in your life
    All the dogs in the neighborhood look @ you with envy in their eyes
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    You know you are a runner when you are running around the local lake and go, I prob. should stop and head home.. but since I'm already this far, I might as well finish!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    About 15 years into my running someone asked me how much I run and I realized I had run 6 miles a day 6 days a week for 10 years. Yes, dedicated shoes, gear for all weather, I ran regardless of weather and was proud of it. I ran the CIM in 1987 (my first marathon ever) when it had the worst storm in it's history (still), pouring rain and 50-60 mile winds. I still finished in 4 hours (the next year I cut 20 minutes off my time, but part of that was forcing myself to go 1 minute per mile slower the first 10 miles to leave some reserve for the end).

    But at my age I love switching it up. I love running outdoors and I live remotely in the mountains so the trail is right out my back door. But still, I love having days when I can just go to the gym and do interval training on the treadmill and listen to music and focus on running without having to worry about tripping on rocks, get a break from extreme weather, hit the weights first, whatever. I never block my hearing with music outdoors, it is important for safety to have all your senses but that is just how I am.

    Oh yes, tempo and fartlek! Now everything is called HIIT, what the heck?, we used to just call it go out and do some sprints!

    Anyway you know you are a runner when you find this ad in a magazine and cut it out and frame it for a decoration in your bathroom! LOL MFP cut it off but the girls girlfriend is standing in the dirt road being the lookout. I loved this!

  • guacamole17
    guacamole17 Posts: 109 Member
    you have more workout clothes in the laundry than work clothes
    you want to shop for more work out clothes than anything else, I'm a little excited about buying cold weather running gear.
    you get excited about new tan lines. I kinda look like a road map right now.
    you name and talk to all the neighborhood dogs on your route :D
  • blackcoffeeandcherrypie
    your runs revolve around the weather and you try to avoid the treadmill at all costs!

    I love my treadmill! Doesn't mean I'm not a runner.

    I know I'm a runner cause I don't care what I look like in my spandex and sweatbands :-P
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    - you spend more on running kit than any other part of your wardrobe
    - you have a sadistic sports masseur on speed dial
    - you dread sandal season thanks to 'runner's feet'
    - YOU SMILE AT OTHER RUNNERS!! (important to me!)
    - you have the world's dodgiest ipod selection...
    - you plan new exercise classes so they're far enough away from 'the long run' not to leave you crippled...
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    you have black toenail ... :noway:
  • zumbatastic
    Oh wait, one more:

    You know you are a runner if your husband tells you, go run, you are starting to be a *****.
    's true.

    Oh, that is SO TRUE at our house!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    About 15 years into my running someone asked me how much I run and I realized I had run 6 miles a day 6 days a week for 10 years. Yes, dedicated shoes, gear for all weather, I ran regardless of weather and was proud of it. I ran the CIM in 1987 (my first marathon ever) when it had the worst storm in it's history (still), pouring rain and 50-60 mile winds. I still finished in 4 hours (the next year I cut 20 minutes off my time, but part of that was forcing myself to go 1 minute per mile slower the first 10 miles to leave some reserve for the end).

    But at my age I love switching it up. I love running outdoors and I live remotely in the mountains so the trail is right out my back door. But still, I love having days when I can just go to the gym and do interval training on the treadmill and listen to music and focus on running without having to worry about tripping on rocks, get a break from extreme weather, hit the weights first, whatever. I never block my hearing with music outdoors, it is important for safety to have all your senses but that is just how I am.

    Oh yes, tempo and fartlek! Now everything is called HIIT, what the heck?, we used to just call it go out and do some sprints!

    Anyway you know you are a runner when you find this ad in a magazine and cut it out and frame it for a decoration in your bathroom! LOL MFP cut it off but the girls girlfriend is standing in the dirt road being the lookout. I loved this!


    I've done this more than once. And I've never had someone to look out for me. I'm a risk taker :laugh:
  • leanme28
    You're always in a better mood on Running Days!


    Also counting your long runs in miles because it sounds easier for the brain to run 20miles than 32km.
  • Happylady123
    Happylady123 Posts: 166 Member
    :frown: when you have learned the names and locations of the tendons in your legs and ankles from self diagnosis of your over training.

    :grumble: when everyone pisses you off a lot less after you have finished your run.
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    One of my friends posted something the other day. I didn't read all the responses so I don't know if it's been said or not

    but He said "you know you are a runner if the sight of a beautiful woman running makes you jealous instead of lustful"

    I thought that was hilarious
  • Happylady123
    Happylady123 Posts: 166 Member
    :wink: when you have no idea what the latest new movie releases are, but you know the dates and times of all the next two month's races/runs...
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    when the only reason you stop running is because your running blisters opened up again hahaha

    when you know all the restaurants with a public bathroom or a favorite tree when runners trots take over

    when you're jittery throughout the whole day anticipating your run and then when its finally over you get depressed and wait till tomorrow to do it ALL OVER AGAIN
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Yup.... that is me right now !!! But I have only just started to run (couch to 5k). Knee is really suffering. Still love my spin class !!
  • Happylady123
    Happylady123 Posts: 166 Member
    When you AND your dog are depressed because you are recovering from injury and can't run yet. My dog looks at me every day I come out of the house to see if I am wearing running gear, and I swear I can hear a sigh of disappointment when I am not wearing it. The other day I had been wearing running gear from cross training on my indoor bike and came out the house to run an errand. My dog got so excited, because he thought we were running!
  • mamafish2313
    When your dog goes nuts when you get your running shoes on, when you keep your hydration belt in the glove box, when you see other MFP logging their running and you get jealous.

    When you always see the same people on the running trail and they ask you how many miles today? Or they know your dogs' name.

    Every time you have a birthday or Christmas a lot of your gifts revolve around running gear.

    When you look forward to hill training and rain doesn't squash your spirit.

    When you save your money to enter runs and are always training for something.

    When sunny rest days don't exist.
  • melindadunston
    When you know what tempo and fartlek mean :bigsmile:

    I had to Google "fartlek" only to find out I already was doing it during my training. LOL :laugh:

    Same here!

    Also...when your husband gives you a set amount of time to talk about your running. After that time runs out I must
    6 miles isn't a long run anymore.
    Treadmills suck!
    You know what Endomondo is.
    Have running socks and normal socks.
    Would rather get a new pair of running shoes than a pair of pumps anyday!