numbness?? concerned!

okay, this is something that has me very scared and I'm hoping someone on here can shed some light for me or at least has maybe had a similar experience.
2 days ago as I was walking up a flight of stairs I got the feeling like something was in my pocket, like the size of a wallet. I then realized that area was completely numb! No pain, no soreness, no tingling, just no sensation what so ever. That whole day pinching it, slapping, nothing! It feels as if someone injected Novocaine in that particular area. The area is not my outer hip and not my groin area, it's the highest point of my leg, only in the front, right where my leg meets my pelvic area, right where the front right pocket would be on a pair of jeans.
It's still numb today and after resting my legs and not working out, I tried to lightly do the elliptical today and even though the area hasnt grown or gotten any worse it's still completely numb!
Please don't say to see a doctor, I did that yesterday afternoon. She said that the area wasnt typical ( she said usually it's extremities or the outer thigh) and I got a round of blood work that will be in next week.
I was just hoping someone might have had any info or advice because I'm starting to get very worried.

Sorry this was long! thanks for any help!


  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    It could possibly e a pinched nerve? I had Bell's Palsy once as a teenager. A nerve behind my eye got pinched somehow, and half of my face froze! It felt exactly like it was shot up with Novocaine. Luckily, my doctor put me on steroids and it went away after about 2 weeks.
  • dizneedana
    dizneedana Posts: 40 Member
    I don't want to scare you but please watch it closely. Eight years ago a portion of my right thigh went numb and over a few weeks got worse and worse until I could not lift my leg anymore to even put on pants. I went to a neurologist who diagnosed Guillain-Barre Syndrome which is when a virus eats away the covering from your nerves. Anyway, again, I am not here to scare you but PLEASE-if it doesn't get better--demand a neurologist! He can do certain nerve conducting tests to see whats going on! I was paralyzed for a year and in a rehab center afterwards learning to walk and feed myself. Today, I still have residuals but thankful I can walk again! It is your body and if something doesn't feel right, it is up to you to take charge!
  • sStephSs26
    sStephSs26 Posts: 40 Member
    thank you! I was thinking along the lines of some nerve damage, but the doctor said the area was uncommon. I've been adding more lunges and squats to my routine so another thought was a muscle issue. thanks again, i'm a worry wart so this has me scared!
  • sStephSs26
    sStephSs26 Posts: 40 Member
    thanks dizneedana! That's a little frightening but Im already worried so any info is appreciated! Did your doctor say what caused the syndrome? Like anything I would have done? Did it start as your whole leg or just a specific area? How soon did the area progressively get worse?
  • dizneedana
    dizneedana Posts: 40 Member
    The only thing that happened was that a month prior I had an infection when my daughter was born. Not much is known about it. A lot of the time it starts at the extremeties but mine started on my right thigh. It felt as though I was injected there with novocaine but over weeks got worse. At the beginning I didn't have any pain or anything except numbness. They diagnosed it with a spinal tap. My doctor let it go at first thinking it was part of me having a baby and a pinched nerve also. When it didn't get better my OB sent me on to a neurologist. I really debated about posting because I didn't want to scare you but I really want you to be aware and be on the look out in case you notice it getting worse. One thing I have learned from this is to really listen to your body and if something isn't right, demand to be seen by someone else. It is probably a pinched nerve but something I did was draw a line with a sharpie around the numb area to tell if the area was enlarging. Take care!