Looking for friends with 100+ to lose!

I'm 20 pounds into my journey to lose 200 pounds. I'm looking for some friends with similar goals that are dedicated to healthy weight loss. (You know... good exercise, not under-eating, all that good stuff.) If you still struggling to find your way, that is fine. I'm happy to help share my knowledge with you as well! It would just be great to talk with more like-minded people fighting the same battle.


  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I've got 200lbs to lose too or at least that's my lofty goal
  • I'm in much the same boat as you, with well over 100 to lose. I'm 12 lbs lost so far and looking forward to what tomorrow brings. It's hard, but this site and the calorie calculator is keeping me honest and knowledgeable about what I'm putting in my mouth.

    I'm adding you now! And anyone else, feel free to add me as well! The more the merrier!
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I no longer have 100 pounds to lose, but know what it is like to do so. I have lost almost 111 pounds and have about 46 pounds left to get to my goal. If you are committed and willing to put in the work that it requires, you will succeed. Good luck to you.
  • Xia21
    Xia21 Posts: 84 Member
    Awesome thread! 12 down about 90 to go.
  • Would love to be your friend! I, too have that to lose. Go ahead and add me. :D--Gretchen
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    I sent requests to you guys. Looking forward to working together! And ldrosophila... it may be a huge goal, but the way I see it... I didn't get this way in a few months. It took a lifetime. It is only fair it takes me a while and some hard work to get healthy again.
  • LindaVas
    LindaVas Posts: 127 Member
    I need .. no I am going to lose 100+ also!
    Anyone can add me! :happy:
  • babygyrl1999
    babygyrl1999 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Amanda, My goal is to lose 110 pounds. It sounds like a lot but I am willing to take it a day at a time. I would like to be your friend. Everyone needs a little encouragement and needs to know that they are not alone.
  • alphabetsalad
    alphabetsalad Posts: 24 Member
    I have well over 100 to lose - my goal is to drop 150 lbs and I'm around 1/3 of the way there. Feel free to add me if you wish! :smile:
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    Add me too -- at 5'4" and 230 lbs I have at least 100 to lose. Can't picture it yet though -- been a VERY long time since I've been there. Never in my adult life..
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    For my current goal I am on track to lose 175. Then reevaluate and see if I can do/need to do a few more pounds. Anyone can add me.
  • I have 100 + lbs to loose. I would love the motivation and friendships from all on our new life style changes and weight lose journies.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I started my weight loss in January, but have only recently joine MFP. I was using Livestrong, but find the MFP app easier to use. I'm very serious about exercising. Pretty serious about eating healthy, but I don't deprive myself. Exercising made me want to watch what I eat. Dieting never made me want to exercise. So, this time around I decided to start with exercise. It's really made a big difference for me.

    I like to cook and eat at home mostly. I always have recipes to share. I'd like to be friends with someone who's serious about this journey. My current work out pals aren't too serious about making the changes necessary, but it does help to have someone to exercise with.
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    It is awesome how many people are here with similar goals!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I have 186 pounds to lose, and I'd love to have more friends! We can do this!
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    I've lost 79 of 200 so far. Feel free to add me :)
  • I too have a lot to loose glad i found this forum myfitness pal is fantastic for watching my calorie intake, It seems daunting having so much to loose but im taking it in baby steps
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    Added you three. Thanks guys!
  • 55 pounds down (23 since I started using this tool). I want to get to 250 or less, never been there. I was born at 251 I think. It's funny, my motorcycle seems to have more horsepower as I get lighter. At least 75 more to go..... Let's do this.
  • My name is Steven Gonzales and I'm well over 112 lbs overweight and that is my goal to lose 112lbs I call this diet Diabetic-2000 calories and 270 Low Carb Diet and plus I walk for 30 minutes each morning 7days a week next Thursday I'll be adding another 5 minutes and so so on until I reach 60 minutes a day. This diet has no restrictions on eating, eat what you want and when as long as you don't go over 270 grams of Carbs and don't eat after 6pm .

    I'm very confident I will reach my goal with all the love and support from my friends and family.
    I will face this challenge like I face danger look at it straight in the eye and conquer it!