I'm starting over and looking for Good FP friends!



  • Hey, I'd love to be friends. I was in a very similar situation; been an emotional eater all of my life. Last year I started getting really into changing my habbits and losing weight, lost 50, but then fell into a slump and gained almost 30 back. I started getting back into the swing of things about a few months ago, working my way back up to my initial 50 lb loss, at 42 right now. Emotional eating is difficult to get under control, it's definitely a process, but it's definitely achievable! Just have to be patient, keep working at changing your habbits, and remember not to beat yourself up when you make a mistake! Just always remember, tomorrow is a new day. :)
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    Any one who wishes to, feel free to add me.
    I am trying to be less of an emotional/stress eater as well. I had it under control when I was younger, but the past 10 years drifted back into the old bad habit. I've resolved to beat it and get healthy again, and so far I have been doing alright (not 100%, but it's all stepping stones to a healthier me)
    We all could use motivational friends on this crazy journey!
  • KayWatNor
    KayWatNor Posts: 21 Member
    We've ALL been there....you can do it! Feel free to add me.:smile:
  • Hi Guys,

    Kindly add me. i started March 19, 2012. lost about 20lbs now. but seem to can't get it further down to my goal weight of 160lbs. I've been relapsing sometimes and not listing most of the times. i only have one friend, my brother. please add me to gain my drive back. kindly add me.
  • jgarrisond
    jgarrisond Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Hey Girl!

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    I too have had this happen to me in the past. I just recently started back to losing weight again. I started in the middle of this past July. For many years I have battled with losing weight and then gaining half if not all back. It is very discouraging.

    Hope all goes well!
  • Raw_Bean
    Raw_Bean Posts: 293 Member
    Sending a friend request. I can certainly relate! I am not that new to MFP, I had a different profile but wanted a new profile name badly (the other was no longer applicable)...I missed logging in one day and took the broken login streak as an opportunity to make a new profile!

    Starting fresh can be nice!