how to handle a cheat day

Just want to know how to handle a cheat day I have been so good all week but would like to have a day off tomorrow will this totally blow all my good work...:ohwell: Am I allowed to do this?


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    How do you benefit by a cheat day? You're better off knowing what you put in your body and owning that decision. There's nothing wrong with going way over your calorie goal in a day, but recognize that you're doing it. It will have an effect on your goal based on what your goal was to begin with. If your goal is to lose 1 lb/week and you've faithfully stuck right to that every day but then in one day you eat/drink 3500 extra calories (though that's REALLY hard to do in one evening or whatever) you will definitely undo all the good you did in a full week.

    You are allowed to do whatever you want, but you're less likely to achieve your goals that way. If you're okay with that, enjoy! If you're not, just eat and drink what you want, track it, own it, and see how it affects your efforts.
  • AliasSha
    AliasSha Posts: 46 Member
    I personally vote as long as it is in reason. Enough to just shock your system and treat yourself a little. When I try and look at a cheat day, I find out how many calories I need to stay the weight I am at and just eat that, exercise like normal and then go back to normal the next day.

    It keeps me reminded that I am allowed my little treaty days every now and then.
  • suenewberry81
    suenewberry81 Posts: 241 Member
    Felt the same way yesterday a went well over the top and went 800 calories over :-( felt so guilty this morning so I've cleaned the house floors etc... Went to the gym and took my 3 kids out on there bikes, the scales say I've put 2lb on weigh in day is on Monday so my fingers are crossed the scales change, they do say your body needs a cheat day to keep your metabolism working fully, go for it and see what happens
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    I want to have a cheat day because I will be out all day with my hubby and after weeks of being good am thinking I could have a wee day off :happy:
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    I would never plan a cheat day.. they happen, but I don't feel they should be planned. It is called cheating for a reason :P
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Hahaha I posted pretty much the same thing... Today was my, "cheat day"... and I feel sick because I've been eating healthy all week and now I feel like a slob.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Instead of have a whole day, just have a free dinner and that's it specially if this is your 1st free day.
    I can eat lots of calorie if I can have a whole day to eat.
    Dinner is the last meal of the day. If I want eat more junk food after dinner, well too bad,,.. the day is over.. time to go to sleep.
    I don't call it "Cheat" dinner.. because I'm NOT cheating my diet. Free dinners are on my schedule- 2 free dinners per week.
    I also notice the 1st few free dinners, I did it lots of empty calorie but not any more.
    It also helps me stick to my diet... because I know I can eat that cookie on my free dinner and I can go all the social events without feeling guilty.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I dont have cheat days because, although I have tried to change my eating habits, I will on occasion have to have a brownie or something like that. I have learned not to feel guilty about it. I make sure I add it to my foods. This is a life style change for me, not just a diet.
    I know I will have to have something not good for me every now and then.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    I am hoping not to be struck by lightning.....I am going to just go for it within reason..... :tongue:
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    If you need a high-calorie day, just DO IT! Enjoy it, and don't worry about it. You'll still be able to lose weight. People get so uptight about "cheat" days, but IF this really is a lifestyle, "cheat days/refeed days/spike days/high-calorie days", or WHATEVER you want to call them, are a reasonable part of a healthy lifestyle. I lost all my weight with a cheat day every couple of weeks. I ate around 2000 calories on regular days, so my "cheat days" were usually OVER 3500 calories. Never had a problem, and they are FUN.

    Unfortunately, :cry: now, I don't really do them that way anymore because my stomach seems to have shrunk or something. All I know is I get really, really SICK now if I eat like that, so it kinda takes the fun out of it. :sick:

    Whatever you do, just OWN it, enjoy it, and get back on track the next day. It's really not a big deal. :drinker:

    Edited to add: I ALWAYS planned my cheat days. To me, it helped me enjoy them and feel in control of the whole process. If I don't plan it and just lose control, to me that's a "binge"...I guess it's semantics. :ohwell:
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I have not taken one, I started losing back in June. I think you are only cheating your gains that you have worked hard for. What I've heard before is this advice: have a cheat meal, at a restaurant, eat one thing off the menu, and take nothing home.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    The way you manage is it to be reasonable--I would say have 1 portion of something indulgent at each meal time and try to choose wisely for the other portions...example:

    1 donut
    low fat latte
    a couple hardboiled eggs

    Salad w/ bacon bits, crispy chicken, crumbled eggs, no dressing
    cup of soup
    water or unsweetened tea to drink

    1 candy bar

    sirloin steak
    steamed veggies
    side salad without dressing

    Share a slice of cheesecake or something

    You'll likely blow your target by 1000ish calories (or less) with this approach if the servings are reasonable.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Whether or not you should cheat is a different question, but assuming you're going to cheat tomorrow I'd say the plan should be go have fun, don't worry about food intake while at the same time not having an all-out binge, and get back to your diet the next day without worry.

    You ultimately need to balance social activity with "excuse to eat". One can turn into the other if you aren't careful but at the same time I think it's important to take days off occasionally.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    I lost over 20 pounds in 8 months. I just had two "cheat weeks" with vacation followed by a business trip in Colombia. I continued to log and based upon my activity level and eating estimated I'd gain 2-3 pounds. Stepped on the scale this morning and found I'd gained 4, although suspect some is water retention and bloating due to TOM.

    Back on the wagon today to continue the lifelong journey of healthy living and weight maintenance.

    To summarize - don't totally deprive yourself but do learn to indulge now and then without going totally out of control.
  • Leeannboswell
    Kev: Yah, me too! Or I should say me neither.

    I might plan a cheat MOUTHFUL, but NEVER a cheat day. Get real, ain't gonna happen!!! I am committed, focused and sick of being over weight. That kind of thinking (cheat day) is not conducive to my fresh new ME.

  • pattiecovert
    pattiecovert Posts: 1 Member
    Today I was offered a beautiful slice of baskin robbins birthday cake. I implemented my "Savor It!" method— took a small slice, sat down, and slowly enjoyed every single bite. My husband I still talk about sopapillas we had in NM ten years ago! The rest of the day I'll be back on track.
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    today was my cheat day...blew all my macros, blew my calories and i actually couldn't remember everything i ate so i couldn't even log everything in. but i knew it, i knew what i was getting myself into and i'm ok with it.

    6 days good, 1 day bad...this is not going to destroy all my efforts. and i'm not in any race to lose weight. if i take two steps forward, 1 step back, that's ok. i'll get to my goal one day however long that may be. and along this journey, i'm learning from my mistakes, making better decisions and feeling good altogether.

    you are only human. enjoy your day. your body will thank you for it. just don't face the scale for a few days, drink TONS of water and it'll work itself out.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,272 Member
    Instead of a cheat day I try to have a cheat meal and go only slightly over(300-400 cals). We can't be perfect all the time. When I want something I try to have it to get it out of my system. I'm not's a lifestyle change for me. Also, when I have that special meal, I always try to work out at least 15-30 minutes extra the following day.

    Also, I always log everything no matter what it is to remind myself that I had my "cheat meal". Usually this is no more than once every couple of weeks.

    I don't believe this will totally blow what you've accomplished. Just up the burn the next day:wink:
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    for me there is no such thing as a cheat day when I was dieting I cheated didnt cheat whatever changed from every fad there was until I realized my LIFESTYLE had to change and that means living a certain way but it also means that on those days you have events occasions or just what the h*ll lets go out time you dont do it with guilt I have been at this for over 51 months and probably have a 100 days that were not my norms but when it is over I return to what I know is good for me so no labels no cheats etc go out and enjoy then go back to the right stuff
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    so there seems to be divided opinion on this....but hey I am only human and to deprive yourself every single day cant be good :huh: