Advice for a smoker?



  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I am not a smoker, but I have a very addictive personality, so I know in a small way how hard it must be for you.

    Bad news, though: You have to quit. HAVE to.

    GOOD NEWS: There's nothing wrong with NOT doing it cold turkey. Start by just cutting back. You said you have 5-15 per day, make 12 your absolute maximum for the day. Promise yourself that you will NEVER exceed 12 a day, ever again, for the rest of your life. That wouldn't be too hard, would it? Then after two or three weeks, reduce. Tell yourself that 10 cigarettes/day are the limit for you. Slowly drop down over a period of several months, and don't ever go over your limit.

    When you get to the point where you feel you absolutely CANNOT cut back any further, seek medical intervention. Patches, Chantix, gum, whatever works for you.

    And I know you can't always avoid it, but do your best to avoid high stress. Sometimes you can't help it, but maybe tell your boss no, you can't take that promotion and have more responsibilities right now, because it would stress you out and make you crave cigs. Or put off going back to school until you quit, things like that. (Yes, I know careers and education are important, but they're not worth much of anything to you if you're unhealthy. Or cancer-ridden. Or dead.)

    You can do it! *high five and chest bump!*
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I smoke a pack a day. I can run just fine. I'm never out of breath at the end of a workout. No chest pains, coughing, fatigue, nada. I smoke right before a workout, and have one right after.

    Guess I'm just awesome.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    When I used to smoke I too had no issues with catching my breath or running or anything, but everyone is different. And we are all awesome. I quit cold turkey and I love not smoking.
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I'm an ex-smoker 2yrs 10mo quit. I couldn't run when I *just* quit.. I had to slowly increase the amount of cardio I did. Quitting is the BEST option but I know how hard it is. If you feel you are not ready to quit you wont. That's how it worked with me. Try and start off slowly with cardio. Walking is an amazing tool. I used to walk 2hrs a day years ago and smoke and not be out of breath. Work your way up and you can do it. And hopefully down the road you'll be able to quit too. Good luck.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    Smoking is my guilty secret... and I hate it . I smoke about 5 to 7 cigarettes a day. I can give up bad food and can give up alchohol but even when I quit I always end up going back to cigarettes. It is the biggest regret ever in my life that I ever started, but I know one day I will quit for good I just know I am not ready right now. I have immense respect for people who quit for good.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    quit smoking :happy:

    Yep. No excuses. You can do it if you want it. If you haven't quit or aren't going to, you obviously don't want to.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I smoke a pack a day. I can run just fine. I'm never out of breath at the end of a workout. No chest pains, coughing, fatigue, nada. I smoke right before a workout, and have one right after.

    Guess I'm just awesome.

    I smoke just before and just fater a workout too, think its my treat for for it. Im not proud of this though as i know i am taking in hundreds of toxins and damaging my lungs ect. I have to say i do like though, the electronic cigarettes are not the same.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I quit cold turkey.Blood clots in heart and legs from smoking.Quit now!
  • melpop8
    melpop8 Posts: 39 Member
    One day at a time! I chose not to smoke today. I might choose to do it again tomorrow. However, If i feel i do need one then i will and wont beat myself up about it.
    Quitting smoking cold turkey and reducing my calorie intake is tough enough when done separately never mind in tandem. Good luck to you :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    It's really not different advice from that I would give to anyone who had low cardiovascular health: Just get started. Start with walking... at a comfortable pace until you can do 30 minutes. Then speed up. Then go longer. Then speed up. Then add jogging intervals... then go longer...

    At any point, when you quit smoking, it will just become easier.
  • You are 18. Please quit smoking now.

    Smokers can still be fit, but you would not be as healthy as a non smoker who is fit!

    Quit smoking and use the money you will save to buy really cute clothes!
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I smoked for a REALLY long time, just stop. Eventually you'll begin to hate the smell of it on others and that'll only help you more. it's not cool, it doesn't help with stress, it's all mental. Just stop. Lunch Cancer is soooo 2005.
  • I know you don't want to hear it, but the best way to get rid of the bad effects of smoking is to quit smoking.
  • I finally managed to quit after 40 years of smoking, so don't give up the thought of quitting. You just have to find out what works for you. I threw thousands of dollars at quitting and finally found some nicotine mints that did the trick for me. My daughter in law used the new 'smokeless' cigarettes to quit. I tried hypnosis, anti addiction pharmaceuticals, patches, and other electronic gizmos before I found something that actually worked for me. Don't give up! Don't stress about the weight.....that will come off. I know how hard it is to quit. Good luck.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    Quit smoking but that is easier said than done. Way back when I was a young kitty cat, I used to smoke, and engage in fitness such as weightlifting and running. Here is what I did; never smoked before bed, kind of like restricting food cut off the cigarettes after a certain hour. Never smoke before a workout, and wait at least an hour after your workout. Eventually you will reduce smoking and quit, try patches, gum or Centrex (I think that's the prescription name) to help you quit. Going cold turkey won't work gradual reduction will. Patches cured me, the pills helped a several nicotine hooked friends of mine, and I really don’t know you nor am I a medical professional so I can only offer realistic suggestions. Good luck!
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    Eventually you will reduce smoking and quit, try patches, gum or Centrex (I think that's the prescription name) to help you quit.

    It's Chantix but I've found it works on some people, not for others. I used it.. made my cigarettes taste like onions!! Bleh! lol it worked and it worked for my mom but didn't work for my brother.
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    At one point I was a two pack a dayer! after I got pregnant with my last child I quit for good, its easy when you can smoke to quit, but most of the time quitting is HARD, and quitting and losing weight is HARDER! But it is possible. before I quit I went to the doctor and got an inhaler for exercise induced asthma, it helped a lot, but quiting would be much healthier. The doctor can also give you some stuff to help you quit if you cant do it on your own.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I recently quit smoking. I had to. There was no way I could do Insanity and smoke. I would not be able to take in full breaths during workouts and I HATED that feeling. Not gonna lie I still probably smoke one or two every weekend but other than that, nope. I quit with Chantix. That *kitten*'s a miracle drug!! Highly recommend it. I don't crave at all anymore unless I'm drinking.
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    Chantix worked for me. Smoke free for 5 years. I tried 3 times before, with each pregnancy and always went back. You have to be at the right time and place in your life to quit. "Just quit" is easy to say but doing it takes a lot of courage and determination. If you want it bad enuf, right time, place, it will happen.
  • I quit on August 15th of this year using the patches for the first few weeks. Honestly, you just replace the situations that make you want to smoke with healthier actvities. I walk up and down my stairs a few times if it is really bothering me. I 've gotten to a point where I don't even think about it anymore. Your lungs, heart, waistline, and your wallet will thank you.