Increase Metabolism??


ok lately i guess after the exercising and stuff, i have been having alot of problem with hunger. I feel so so so hungry like almost all the time im hungry and i mean really hungry and its so bad that i cant even fall asleep properly at night and have to eat a meal before i can actually fall asleep.

I was never this hungry before, but now i feel so hungry all the time i am not sure whats going on?
like last week i ate alot, and amazing i didn't gain any weight but i didn't lose any either

Anyone has this problem, it only started since i starting running so im thinking it could be due to increase metabolism


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    You = spending more energy than normal.
    Food = energy.

    Eat back half your exercise calories, it will help.
  • weightlose88
    weightlose88 Posts: 37 Member
    yea but i think i feel so hungry usually its really hard to exercise everything off ...
  • ftumsh1
    If you're hungry, eat more.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Your diary isn't public so I can't tell if you are eating enough. How much are you eating? Sounds like you probably need to up your calories. I had the same thing happen a couple of weeks ago and uped mine a lot and still loosing. Because you started running maybe it's the muscle you gained that is making it look like you haven't lost.

    I suggest measuring youself with a tape measure once a week if you aren't already and tracking it on here so then you can really see what is going on.
  • victoriadw84
    victoriadw84 Posts: 77 Member
    I agree, you need to increase what you are eating. Now that my body has gotten back into the routine of exercising my hunger has increased ALOT too. I go to bed hungry, wake up in the middle of the night hungry and wake up hungry lol. It was suggested to me to also increase what I am eating. I agree with the other post. You are using more energy and you need to fuel your body for the energy you are putting out. It works out, Good luck :)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Can't see your dairy so it's hard to say what advice to give.
  • weightlose88
    weightlose88 Posts: 37 Member
    i made the diary public for now but to be honest alot of times i keep forgetting to log so thats why i dont care about it much

    but i know 1200 should be enough for me it was good before now suddenly its not enough at all i dont want to slow down on loosing weight
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    In the absence of any useful diary info you question is just a rhetorical one.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    i made the diary public for now but to be honest alot of times i keep forgetting to log so thats why i dont care about it much

    but i know 1200 should be enough for me it was good before now suddenly its not enough at all i dont want to slow down on loosing weight

    Maybe by being on a low calorie diet before you have ruined your metabolism. That can be fixed though over time.