Chobani "butterfinger"

hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
A couple months ago I tried eating plain nonfat greek yogurt. I just added a touch of honey to it, and I couldn't stand it. And I knew I couldn't douse it with honey in order to make it taste good. But I gave it another try a few days ago. And now I've been coming up with different ways to use it/make it taste great (I also made a concoction to dip apple slices in - Chobani, PB2 chocolate, cinnamon and truvia)
I currently have a sweet tooth and instead of going for gelato, this is my latest.... butterfinger Chobani.

Its super simple.

- 1 serving of Chobani (or any non-fat plain greek yogurt)
- 2 T of Chocolate PB2
- 1 packet of Truvia (or similar)
- approx 1/8 tsp of Frontier alcohol free butterscotch flavor (I just bought this at my local whole/health food store, its also available online, such as Amazon) otherwise, I'm sure you can use jello butterscotch flavor or even sprinkle in some butterscotch chips to help give it that flavor.

It tasted great. I devoured it.

The nutrition info is below NOT including the 1/3 serving of semi sweet chocolate chips I sprinkled on mine

145 calories
22 protein
1 fat
16 carbs
10 sugars
150 sodium

I couldn't find any nutrition info on the butterscotch flavor, but their site said its an insignificant amount..


  • cosmicgirl64
    cosmicgirl64 Posts: 16 Member
    Sounds amazing!!! Will definitely try it. I've tried a looooot of yoghurt and weighed up all sorts of nutritional info against all the brands and Chobani is my top pick :D I absolutely love it! For me personally I'd rather eat food with natural/no sugar rather than packed with sweeteners. Wish I could kick my sweet tooth in the butt but in the meantime I'll settle for some chobank yoghurt mmmm
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Sounds amazing!!! Will definitely try it. I've tried a looooot of yoghurt and weighed up all sorts of nutritional info against all the brands and Chobani is my top pick :D I absolutely love it! For me personally I'd rather eat food with natural/no sugar rather than packed with sweeteners. Wish I could kick my sweet tooth in the butt but in the meantime I'll settle for some chobank yoghurt mmmm

    Yes, I'd rather get the nonfat, plain version and be in control of the flavorings and sweeteners myself.
    The last couple of days I've eaten alot of greek yogurt :smile:
  • deedeetris
    deedeetris Posts: 207 Member
    That sounds so good. I'll have to try--thanks for the idea!!
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Oh..... my.... god.
  • abaka123
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    Brilliance :D Very creative...

    There's a little concoction I was fond of for a while: Fage plain, PB2, Cocoa powder, stevia, cinnamon & dark, sweet frozen cherries.
  • tarag8100
    tarag8100 Posts: 60 Member
    I haven't tried Chobani yet but the MFP community seems to be in love. I'll have to try out this recipe!!
  • Anu_mee13
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    mmm.. sounds yummy!!
  • amadacorazon
    amadacorazon Posts: 42 Member
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member