jillianpatrice Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So i am trying to loose weight but its hard when i am at lunch and lal of my friends get up to buy greasy pizza and candy.. i have no choice but to follow. I get the worst craving but the way i am eating junk food is not leading me closer t wearing a bikini on my senior trip this year! any advice?


  • krisloock
    krisloock Posts: 29 Member
    I know how hard it can be as I've been in that situation. Just make up your mind that you are going to get that grilled chicken salad and be the hottie in the bikini!!! After you've been on track for a few days you will feel great mentally and physically. Good luck!
  • ACarp24
    ACarp24 Posts: 90
    My advice is to BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH! Who cares what you're friends are eating, if they are true friends they will understand and even support your decision to get healthy. I pack my lunch everyday for school and it helps me avoid picking up a piece of pizza or some chicken fingers from the cafeteria. Some things to bring are sandwiches with whole wheat bread and low fat meat like turkey or chicken, rice cakes, fruit, veggies, low cal bars, fat free yogurt or pudding. Try it! Most fat free puddings are really good, you wont even want what your friends are eating!
  • Theres a website you should look at. Theres a list on it (i think its called starving tip of the day) that has all the advice you'll need on when you go out with friends or family to eat. I think its a site for anorexics but i found the list helpful. Just make sure you dont starve yourself like the title says.
  • SarahJayRigdon
    SarahJayRigdon Posts: 113 Member
    You DO have a choice!!!! Peer pressure is more than the pressure to do things like drugs and sex, it's the little things like wearing a certain style of clothes or eating pizza because everyone else is. Bring your own healthy lunch so you are not tempted by the tasty but greasy things your friends are eating, and just think how great you will feel when you accomplish your goal! Who know's? Maybe your friends will see that you are on to something and start eating what YOU'RE eating! :happy:
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    Don't worry! you are the one that's eating the healthy meal. You should be proud of yourself. Don't be tempted. You can do it!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    good, jillian, you posted this somewhere that may get answers.

    First of all, you are 19 with (you say) ten pounds to lose. Do you really need to lose ten pounds? Are you already in your healthy weight range? If so, then it is probably not going to be easy to lose ten pounds quickly. (you didn't say when the Bikini trip is)

    On the other hand since you are 19, your weight loss would be easier than - say - for a 50 year old.

    You said:
    So i am trying to loose weight but its hard when i am at lunch and lal of my friends get up to buy greasy pizza and candy.. i have no choice but to follow

    You most certainly DO have a choice. Only YOU control what you spend your money on and what you eat. ONLY you put the food in your mouth. Not your friends.

    You are a beautiful girl and you hold all the power over your own body. Don't forget that. That goes for all the things you do to your body, not just food, ya know?

    Good luck, I hope you get some more people with ideas for you! Welcome to mfp. :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    wow, while I was typing at my breakneck 40 wpm - LOOK at all the responses! woo hoo!
  • tanzmitpalmer
    tanzmitpalmer Posts: 124 Member
    No, you do have a choice. You just choose to have the pizza, then blame peer pressure for the lack of self-control. And I know that sounds horribly, terribly harsh, but it's the god's honest truth. If you want to get healthy for you, you have to put your foot down and do the right thing. Your body isn't about your friends or what they're doing... it's about YOU. So OWN your choices. OWN your thoughts. OWN your body. You HAVE the right and the power to choose, so use it.
  • Thanks everyone so far... your right i do have to put my foot down and stop complaining when all i have to do is what i want... and my senior trip to bermuda is in April so i have until then!
  • Thanks everyone so far... your right i do have to put my foot down and stop complaining when all i have to do is what i want... and my senior trip to bermuda is in April so i have until then!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    Take it from someone who is in the same exact position you are. i'm in high school. i'm always eating my meals with my friends. they're all thin but all they eat is crap. this used to be a problem for me. i thought "if she can have an extra peice of pizza then i can too."

    but then i made a choice for myself. i realized that my body is no one's but my own and mine may not work quite the same as my friend's do, and there's nothing wrong with that. so i made the choice to cut out all junk food.

    my friends like to joke around with me and mock me for only eating the "rabbit" food that i do. its tough because i get singled out, but they are aware that i will refuse to eat their junk so they don't even attempt to share anymore. lol :laugh:

    i've noticed so many positive changes in myself that i would never go back to eating junk just so i can be in with my friends. i shrunk down to the same size as them, and that's not even the best part. i have a lot of energy and always feel great at school when they're complaing of headaches and being fatigued. i'm proud of the fact that i'm taking care of myself.

    i hope this helps you change your way of thinking.
    feel free to share more of your stories and situtations along they way to a new, healthy you! us high school girls have to stick together!
  • The "one minute mind set" works for me, when ever I feel trapped, or tempted by my own desires, or my weekness. Packing your lunch is the best idea, but if you take a minute to think and feel, and find the passion behind your goal, invision yourself living your goal and how good you will feel, the temptation will pass, and you can later feel proud of overcoming whatever emotion you are struggling with because you did it. Don't give into your emotions! You can do it.
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