not losing much =/

seleck05 Posts: 74 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi guys, so I have been at this since beginning of Oct. and am 3 lbs. thinner than when I started. Now, granted I did have about a week of not being soo strict about calories around Christmas but I was still counting and making pretty decent choices. I am just so frustrated and wondering if I should even keep trying. I have my calories set at 1390 per day, I put down that I am "lightly active" even though I am a student because I live in NYC and thus walk everywhere I go, take public transportation and live on the 5th floor of a walkup apartment. I feel hungry often if I stay within my calories and am trying really hard! I eat my exercise calories and I workout about 3x per week. I'd say I probably go over my limit once a week on either a Fri or Sat night if I go out with friends or with my boyfriend out to dinner but even then I try and do an extra long workout to keep the damage minimal. Any thoughts on if I am eating too many calories or too little?? I spoke to my doc. and he thought I should def. be losing weight at 1400 per day.


  • Maybe you are not eating enough. If you walk everywhere you go and such, then you are burning calories there, too. Do you take into account those calories burned? Maybe by pedometer or heart rate monitor? Also, depending on if you are going over your calories on the weekend by consuming alcoholic beverages, I've been told the body burns those off before burning off fat. Not sure but maybe that helps? Good luck and don't give up! Just think that you are making healthier choices!
  • I'm no expert, but it sounds like you're eating too little. Do you eat your exercise calories? And with a 5th floor apt, and walking everywhere, I'd say you're more like moderately active. It sounds to me like your body is in starvation mode, so you're not really losing anything but muscle.
  • Do you get your 8 glasses of water in each day? I know for me that when I drink all of my water I lose weight faster than when I go more than a couple days at a time without getting them all in. Just a thought...
  • Lynnlin
    Lynnlin Posts: 16
    I'm no expert, but it sounds like you're eating too little. Do you eat your exercise calories? And with a 5th floor apt, and walking everywhere, I'd say you're more like moderately active. It sounds to me like your body is in starvation mode, so you're not really losing anything but muscle.

    This is exactly what I was thinking....It seems like you are really active, and your body is freaking out about not getting many calories...
  • seleck05
    seleck05 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys! I am just not sure. I lost about 20 lbs a couple of years back while living in Paris (that time I lived on the 7th floor of a walkup) and I ate about the same as I am now (probably drank more alcohol though-all the wine!) but this time my scale just isn't budging! I was thinking about going to see a nutritionist but everyone I read on here that goes to one has gotten put on like a 1000 calorie diet and I really feel like that isn't healthy so I don't know if I should go.
  • Thanks for the replies guys! I am just not sure. I lost about 20 lbs a couple of years back while living in Paris (that time I lived on the 7th floor of a walkup) and I ate about the same as I am now (probably drank more alcohol though-all the wine!) but this time my scale just isn't budging! I was thinking about going to see a nutritionist but everyone I read on here that goes to one has gotten put on like a 1000 calorie diet and I really feel like that isn't healthy so I don't know if I should go.

    I would try upping your calorie intake a bit for a couple weeks by about 200. See what that does. I think if you are eating too little (since wine has quite a few calories! Anywhere from 80-185, depending on the type) then that should do it for you. It would put your calorie intake to something closer to your Parisian intake.

    It's really all trial and error! But I personally think it's best to eat more calories first, than to eat less and risk losing muscle, you know?
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Whenever I get to the point where the weight won't come off no matter what I do, I try and overeat by a fair bit (like 500-1000 cals over) on one day, it seems to 'shock' my body into life again. It's the way I have beat a couple of plateaus i've experienced over the past 8 months.
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