I HATE 30 Day Shred!

(Sorry this is long. It turned out longer than I intended. Read at your own risk)

I do!
I hate it.

And not the good hate, like "oh, she sucks 'cause she kicks my butt" sort of thing. More like "I don't understand why I'm doing this kooky simultaneous one legged squat and military press thing."

I keep going with it because I want to finish what I started (I'm level 2 day 7).

But i'm just not excited about the workout, and I think it is affecting my general attitude.

On the other hand, I alternate each day with C25k and THAT program gets me excited. In fact, I do the dreaded Week 5, 20 min jog tomorrow and I'm so excited.

I'm at a crossroads, I guess I'm hesitating, quite honestly.

Just realizing it as I type it.

I want to begin to lift. I wish I could do it at home.
I HATE gyms, hate them (I just don't like working out around other people)! I've lost 60lbs since last November and haven't set foot in a gym all summer (I've sweated it out).

I gotta do it right?


  • is it really bad, cause i was gonna buy it?
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    well, you don't HAVE to

    but, if you want the results you aren't getting, then you do

    unless you can afford an at-home gym with all that equipment
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sounds to me like you're a runner :flowerforyou: I hate everything but running. But I do everything else to support my running and so that I can run injury free :happy:
  • AC417
    AC417 Posts: 56 Member
    It's a good workout but if you don't like it maybe you need something more fun in order to stick with it. I'm about to start Tae Bo, which looks pretty hardcore and takes about an hour. I like 30DS because it's under 30 minutes. Maybe try one of Jillian's other videos or look into videos by other trainers that offer a similar circuit training technique?
  • 45taylor
    45taylor Posts: 21 Member
    No you don"t!!! Do what you like and you will stick with it, have a better attitude about it, and achieve better results and feel more satisfied with your effort!!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    If you hate it, don't do it.

    Do the exercise you love, and keep exploring new and different exercise options to expand the variety of things you love. Sticking with something you hate will just suck, and potentially hurt your outlook on a healthy new lifestyle. I love heavy lifting, rock climbing, and riding my bicycle outdoors. Also, yoga and ballet.

    You can do living social deals to try out new things, different types of yoga, dance classes, rock climbing, kayaking, kickboxing, horseback riding, or whatever strikes your fancy. They sometimes also do really cheap one-month trials for regular gyms.
  • jerzie1213
    jerzie1213 Posts: 4 Member
    personally, i think if you don't like it, then don't do it! i actually really enjoy the 30 day shred, but there are certainly other programs that i don't like. i feel like exercise is work as it is, so you definitely should find something that you enjoy doing. there are SO many workout programs out there... just find one you like to do! at least you like the C25K program! definitely try to supplement it with something other than the 30 day shred though or else you're not doing yourself any good! even the video game workouts are fun (i'm a personal fan of the kinect zumba... in the solitude of my empty home of course!)
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    I definitely would not do a workout that has you feeling this way. I'm doing Turbo Fire right now, then going to finish up wth Tapout XT. Look it up. It will deffinitely get the finishing results.

    Good luck and don't give up!!
  • rjpvptdpt
    rjpvptdpt Posts: 3 Member
    That's funny because I'm L2D4 and I also alternate running in with my 30DS. When I jog outside, I can easily go 3 mi/~31 min, but when I jog on the treadmill, I can barely make it to 2 mi. Motivation to get out before dinner vs jogging in the basement :)

    I don't mind the kooky 1-leg kick with military press, but I _hate_ the squat + V row thing after it :) The 1-leg kick helps strengthen your hip abductors & adductors of your stance leg (for strength and balance) and your quads of your kicking leg (specifically your eccentric control -- the lowering). And the military press helps your balance as well as strengthening your arms.

    I'm a physical therapist, so thinking about the functional strengthening behind the exercises helps me get through the ones I don't like :)
  • Mrshunts
    Mrshunts Posts: 160 Member
    (Sorry this is long. It turned out longer than I intended. Read at your own risk)

    Actually this is short lol

    But you are not alone, i dont like 30 day shred either. BUT i do like a few of JM other dvds, i am currently doing banish fat boost metabolism, and no more trouble zones for strength training, also bob harper pure burn super strength dvd with weights. There are alot of weight training in home programs. Chalene extreme is good. Search around the threads.

    Do something you like, making yourself suffer through it, youre probably not doing it correctly.....search youtube and preview everything first
  • smccb
    smccb Posts: 99 Member
    Don't do what you hate. This is for YOU - find something you enjoy.

    I, too, HATED 30 DS. I did Turbo Fire and loved it. Lost 20 lbs in 3 months. I think a lot of it was the energy I put into it. You really push yourself when you love what you are doing.

    If that is running for you, then GO FOR IT.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I agree if you don't like it don't do it.

    I did P90X twice, 30 day shred, couch to 5 k (twice), extreme shed and shred and ripped in 30. for most of them I was okay, I had a love/hate with a couple but I hung in there.

    I also tried Insanity and HATED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOATHED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I stopped doing it and moved onto something I liked. Best decision ever.

    I agree with the person that said you sound like a runner. Do what you like and you'll get results.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    i couldn't get into 30DS either. its about finding out what you LOVE to do and doing it.

    for me i tried everything. i like lifting, and i love yoga and pilates so that is what i do.

    i want to love to run, but i just can't. i walk and try to run, but mostly walk.

    do what works for you!
  • LifestyleChange33
    LifestyleChange33 Posts: 169 Member
    I was over 30ds by day 12.
    I use my PocketTrainer phone app. Cost $2 and is the best thing next to having an actual trainer. I'm also ding the 100 push up app (personal goal is 10 on the toes by the end of the year) and also RunKeeper for when I walk/run. I'm about the same level as you in C25K.

    I can't do the same work out day after day. Better to switch it up anyway, right?
  • PammyGift
    PammyGift Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with some of the others. If you don't like it don't do it. You'll dread working out. You don't have to join a gym to get a workout. You do have to be a little creative about the weights. Water jugs, soup cans, chairs or even the bands they sell at any store. I know a few websites that sell videos have a clip you can watch before you buy. If you don't get motivated from doing the shred...move to something that does.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I tried to start it a few times but it kills my knees with the lunges (old injury) so yeah, I hate it too. Glad I downloaded it instead of paying for it.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I glanced at 30DS passed on it. I decided to do RI30 instead, finished and went right into JM Body Revolution about to start week 4. I do BR in the morning and C25K in the evenings.
  • I tried it and didn't like it either. So I don't do it. you need to find something you enjoy, it will make it that much easier to stick with it. free weights at home and look up an online program or just some basic things to start.
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    I hated it too! It just isn't the right workout for me and she kinda bugs me.

    I just got P90X and I LOVE IT! It's a little pricey, but you don't need the pull-up bar like it says. You just need a set of dumbbells, a yoga mat and the video series. It is kicking my *kitten*, but I love it!

    Good luck and you gotta love working out or it's just no fun!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    It's not bad. But it does get repetitive. I'm on day 8 of level 1.
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    is it really bad, cause i was gonna buy it?

    the video gets boring but great benefits i personally think
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Running is great but cardiovascular fitness is only half of the solution. Strength training will help you maintain lean body mass as you utilize stored body fat. If you really don't enjoy this particular workout, find a strength training program that is more fun for you =) Good luck!
  • I tried 30 Day shred. I loved the idea of a 20 minute workout. I did it everyday for about 2 weeks, and then intermittently for about a week after. I just couldn't get into it. I found her voice to be annoying and it became distracting to me. I would much rather do the lean P90X routines. Cardio X is one of my favorites.
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    I struggle to get started with a 30ds workout but find I am much more motivated if I warm up with something else like a 10 min run. I can deal with jillina if my endorphins have already kicked in. I actually love mixing it up and have been dong this type of theing

    10-15 min stairmaster - take a drink and a breather
    10-15 min run - take a drink and a breather
    20 min jillian

    I can end with her but I cant start with her.
    This method is also great for staying hydrated
  • is it really bad, cause i was gonna buy it?

    I would review it on youtube and do your first few days from youtube before you buy it. And watch your knees!!!
  • emacb123
    emacb123 Posts: 254 Member
    Thankn YOu!

    Thanks! You each have great points!

    Hee, "maybe I'm a runner" gosh, that makes me wnat to kiss you.
  • mmenuey27
    mmenuey27 Posts: 51 Member
    I have done Tae Bo as well and it is a great workout, and the best part is that there is some strength training also incorporated in it. Great workout!
  • emacb123
    emacb123 Posts: 254 Member
    is it really bad, cause i was gonna buy it?

    Oh no! I would never discourage3 someone from doing it! It'ts not my thing
  • Running is great but cardiovascular fitness is only half of the solution. Strength training will help you maintain lean body mass as you utilize stored body fat. If you really don't enjoy this particular workout, find a strength training program that is more fun for you =) Good luck!

    I would agree. I think that if you don't like the program, then look for another one. But you do need to add some strength training. C25K is awesome.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have done C25K twice now - I got in shape about 3 years ago doing it the first time, then had hypothyroid problems that caused me to gain weight and get out of shape, so I did it again. Then I did the 30 DS.

    I can tell you C25K and just running afterward did not transform my body like 30 DS... and now I'm working through Ripped in 30 and still transforming. One of my students was kidding around on Friday about my "guns" since I was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt. If your goal is just cardio and getting healthy, just do the running. If you want to go for some muscle toning or even building, you need to do more. Someone else already said that cardio is only half the equation and I have to agree from my personal experience.

    You're more than half way through 30DS. Don't you want to challenge yourself to finish it? Are you doing it with other people? I was in a group and it really helped me get through the program, even though I did hate some of the exercises, although I love it as a whole and what it did for me, otherwise, I might have quit or not done it as frequently. I strongly encourage you to find people doing this already if you aren't checking in with others already.

    I know you should find exercise you enjoy, so can you find other things that will do similar conditioning that you might prefer (maybe Insanity?). Otherwise, you can just get lean or join a gym.