Whats going on?

r1chy Posts: 48
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so i have been doing MVP for 4 complete days now but I wanna check that what is happening is normal.

I never used to drink enough water by a long way and I am now. I have followed my calorie count to within 100 cals each day but I am sat here tonight and about 1 hour before I am due to eat my belly has started rumbling and I am starting to get hunger pangs. Is this normal? I havent adjusted the amount of food I am eating just the type.


  • hey, it could be a number of things. if you have started exercising you may need to change your calorie intake, more exercise means you should make sure you have enough fuel ( calories )
    your hunger pains are probably a really good sign!! if you are eating the right things more regularly than you used to your metabolism is probably picking up which is great! if you are active and feel real hunger then your body is telling you you need to eat. if you eat your 3 meals and have 2 snacks on a regular basis you should be good. just dont confuse those pesky cravings for hunger :wink:
  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    I feel great!! more energy but havent started exercising yet. One step at a time!

    I am not active at the minute as I have a desk job :(

    I have been drinking water to top my belly rumbling (it was that loud my work colleagues could hear it) and will eat my last meal for the day in about 45 minutes
  • Hey Buddy, I am kinda goin on the rule of, if I am hungry, then eat something. So if your getting those little rumblies you are probably needing some fuel. Try those little 100 calorie packs, they are convenient and may stop the grumbles. Oh ya I found that sometimes I feel really acidic if I dont eat enough carbs, that may also be why you are getting those pangs.
  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    I did find the jacket spud I had just after I posted this filled me up for the rest of the day. So carbs definately stop me feeling hungry.

    What are the 100 calorie packs. I am in the UK and I am not sure if they sellt hem here?
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