
Hi everyone!

Well I know I'm only a week in but doing great, I've run 6k been to the gym and stayed within my 1200 cals (inc eating back exercise) however I have been really lethargic most of the week

Can anyone recommend any high energ lunch and snack ideas?

Thank you do much


  • You could be lethargic because your body needs more calories. When you exercise and gain muscle, those muscles need more calories for energy. Do you have a cheat day? I'm just curious if you find you have more energy on those days.

    For energy snacks, I find I'm more awake with greet tea. There is always apples and other fruits. Protein shakes seem popular as well.
  • Hmm I haven't had a cheat day yet as I'm an all or nothing kinda of girl and one cheat may relax my attitude and will power.
    I'm only at 1200 as I'm only 5ft and all my past research seems to say petite people need to stay at the lower end.

    Are protein shakes not for guys who want to build up?

  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I agree with the fruit idea. Peaches, mangoes, dates, bananas, pineapples, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, cherries, etc. Fruit is the perfect anti-lethargy food.
  • Protein info:
    Your body’s primary source of energy, called glycogen, is obtained by eating carbohydrates, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits. This energy is what your body uses to fuel movements during exercise and day-to-day activities. Protein can provide energy in one of two circumstances, according to Janice R. Hermann, Ph.D., RD/LD of the Oklahoma State University Extension: If you consume too much protein, the excess may be converted to energy; if you don’t consume enough calories on a daily basis, your body may prioritize protein first as a source of energy and second as a tissue/cell builder.
    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/538795-do-protein-shakes-give-you-instant-energy/#ixzz25x4kzxhn

    I also know if you mix protein and carbs (there's a certain ratio, I believe 4:1 of protein to carb) about an hour after exercising, you will feel less sore (like a recovery drink). I do this all the time with chocolate milk.

    As for cheat days:
    Cheat meals work when planned for, says Jim White, registered dietitian and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. He explains that after several days of consuming fewer calories than you burn, splurging can rev up your metabolism while stocking up glycogen for tomorrow's workout. It should also satisfy cravings that may nag at your daily diet.
    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/542505-the-art-and-science-of-cheat-meals/#ixzz25x3ieXSe