Crossfit any opinions / experience

I am just curious if anyone here has tried crossfit? I started insanity last month monday marks my first 30 days I feel really good and want to fully embrace this good feeling and my increased energy there is a crossfit gym in my area with free intro classes I wanted to see if anyone has tried a crossfit class and get their opinion on the overall experience ive googled it and it seems overwhelming but effective?


  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    One of the women that teaches boot camp at my gym does crossfit. She said they have adult diapers in the locker room, just in case...
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    i f*cking love crossfit. been doing it for 4 months. not going back.

  • i debated joining a crossfit box, till i saw the prices
  • LuxHappens
    LuxHappens Posts: 72 Member
    I am just curious if anyone here has tried crossfit? I started insanity last month monday marks my first 30 days I feel really good and want to fully embrace this good feeling and my increased energy there is a crossfit gym in my area with free intro classes I wanted to see if anyone has tried a crossfit class and get their opinion on the overall experience ive googled it and it seems overwhelming but effective?

    Before I was unemployed I did CrossFit.
    I was given the Insanity DVDs, so I do that now (currently on week 6 of my first round) -- but as soon as I am working again, I plan on jumping headfirst back into CrossFit. It is unlike any other workout! I love the incorporation of heavy lifts (I don't own weights or I'd still be doing those), as well as kettlebell and medicine ball exercises. Also, the box (aka gym) I visited was very small, and I typically had one-on-one training for a ridiculously low fee. Can't beat it. Highly recommended as far as I'm concerned.

    Also, that ^^someecard^^ is right -- I probably talked off more ears than I can recall when I was doing CrossFit. You can't help it; there are so many quick & miraculous changes in your body that it's hard to even keep up with them!
  • I take a class that I'm told by many is the equivalent to crossfit. I'm actually thinking of moving and will no longer have access to it and I'm honestly stressed about losing it! I'm going to try a crossfit class next week and I'm so excited!!! I know for me, I cannot stop telling people about my class so if crossfit is anything like it I'm sure I'll be just as addicted. I've done it all. Dancer, gym rat, yoga fanatic, diet, diet, diet. I'm 38 and stable with it all for the first time in my life. I love it!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    High rep olympic lifts for reps with time sounds like a recipe for injuries to me
  • As in any class, you hope for good instructors that pay attention to individuals. But, yeah, if not, major issues...
  • I have been doing crossfit for 3 months now and love it. The workouts can be killers but it is very addictive we have a great trainer that stresses form over speed and really pushes us. I am down 50 pounds and have lost 5 inches in my mid section. Feeling better than I have for years.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Didn't read the whole thread. Im typing drunk. Crossfit is bad mmmkay. Srs. Just do normal lifting plz and spare yourself