Upped My Calories, Need Some Support

I saw the dietitian a week or so ago, and she told me to eat more! Which I already knew, but was scared to do. This week I upped and it wasn't too intentional, as it was my fiance's birthday and we had 4 parties!! I've been eating about 1200 - 1300 calories a day for the past year or so. This week I've eaten about 1600 - 1800 calories a day. My dietitian wants me at 1500 - 1700.

I'm still scared to eat more! I've put on about 3 pounds since Wednesday! I know it's water weight and all that jazz. I just really need some support right now. The weight gain is temporary and will come off, right?! I've got engagement photos in 3 weeks and I've worked SO hard to lose 93 pounds and I think I'll have a melt down if this weight doesn't come off for the photos.

Sometimes I feel like a nut job for being so consumed with all of this and sometimes I just want to slap some sense into myself and realize weight isn't all that matters. It's an ongoing battle.

Any support and experience is really appreciated!! Thank you!


  • Kayleighpaul1985
    Kayleighpaul1985 Posts: 98 Member
    I upped mine from 1500 to 1700 two weeks ago and since then I have lost 2.5lb

    I was scared I would put on weight but instead I lost!

    You will be fine xxx
  • rherington
    rherington Posts: 85 Member
    Yesterday morning I weighed 229. This morning I weighed 234. Not a big deal because I know 3500 calories nakeds a pound. I go by measurements and pics, much more reliable.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I had cut back my calories a few months ago and hit a plateau - then I actually started to gain weight - eating about 1310 calories a day. It was so frustrating - and I was hungry all the time. I finally said heck with that, and bumped up my calories to 1560 and I'm back to losing weight. I'm down 4 - 6 pounds in a few weeks eating more than I had been... CRAZY, but true. I had been slowing my metabolism down by eating too little.
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    I saw the dietitian a week or so ago, and she told me to eat more! Which I already knew, but was scared to do. This week I upped and it wasn't too intentional, as it was my fiance's birthday and we had 4 parties!! I've been eating about 1200 - 1300 calories a day for the past year or so. This week I've eaten about 1600 - 1800 calories a day. My dietitian wants me at 1500 - 1700.

    I'm still scared to eat more! I've put on about 3 pounds since Wednesday! I know it's water weight and all that jazz. I just really need some support right now. The weight gain is temporary and will come off, right?! I've got engagement photos in 3 weeks and I've worked SO hard to lose 93 pounds and I think I'll have a melt down if this weight doesn't come off for the photos.

    Sometimes I feel like a nut job for being so consumed with all of this and sometimes I just want to slap some sense into myself and realize weight isn't all that matters. It's an ongoing battle.

    Any support and experience is really appreciated!! Thank you!

    Firstly, congrats on your weight loss so far! This is definitely the right way to go. What you need to try and do is a) give it time, it will work, and b) make sure the majority of those calories are good ones - i'm guessing if you had 4 parties some of that would have been not so good food / alcohol! I'm not saying you can't treat yourself, I am an everything in moderation kinda girl, but if you have a 'bad food' week, you are gonna see the effect on the scale. However, it will come off. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you like :)
    I just wanted to let you know that I'm in the same boat. After about 12 years of on and off extreme dieting I am finally eating more. I'm only a week in. Ive been aiming for 1400-1600 Net calories. I am eating all of my exercise calories. And I just got a Bodymediafit to help me figure you my TDEE. I have not weighed myself but I'm coming off of a 800-1000 cals a day diet so I suspect I have gained some weight. I'm not going to weigh myself for a month. I'm just not ready. I'm so happy to finally be eating guilt free I really don't care if I gain a few pounds. I have so much more energy and mentally I feel so much more stable that is worth a few pounds to me. I figured it took me years to screw up my relationship with food it's not going to get fixed overnight.

    Hang in there! You are doing good things for your body. Take it slow and easy and trust yourself and the numbers.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    I saw the dietitian a week or so ago, and she told me to eat more! Which I already knew, but was scared to do. This week I upped and it wasn't too intentional, as it was my fiance's birthday and we had 4 parties!! I've been eating about 1200 - 1300 calories a day for the past year or so. This week I've eaten about 1600 - 1800 calories a day. My dietitian wants me at 1500 - 1700.

    I'm still scared to eat more! I've put on about 3 pounds since Wednesday! I know it's water weight and all that jazz. I just really need some support right now. The weight gain is temporary and will come off, right?! I've got engagement photos in 3 weeks and I've worked SO hard to lose 93 pounds and I think I'll have a melt down if this weight doesn't come off for the photos.

    Sometimes I feel like a nut job for being so consumed with all of this and sometimes I just want to slap some sense into myself and realize weight isn't all that matters. It's an ongoing battle.

    Any support and experience is really appreciated!! Thank you!

    this sounds like me just about a week ago! ha, I know what you mean though...it's vey frustrating forcing yourself to eat more... I feel like I'm putting all my weight back on! but I haven't... anyways, you'll be fine! just keep active and eat clean and blah blah blahhh:) I'm actually tryin to lose weight for pictures too! but I got about 2 months to go.. anyways, just listen to your dietitian! they will know best about this stuff... congrats! and I bet you'll look gorgeous in your pictures no matter what! :)
  • eclare87
    eclare87 Posts: 97 Member
    I also met with a dietitian who told me to aim for around 1500 calories a day. I had already been doing that because I tried to do 1200 calories a day for a while but would end up binging on the weekends or not have the energy to do the high-intensity workouts I love.

    So 1500 is working out for me. And I'm losing. Or at least returning to what I was before, when I was eating 1200 calories a day (and not losing). I'm thinking if I keep this up, I will definitely keep losing this time! :)
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    After hitting a plateau, I upped my calories - and it's like the chains came off. I used to be so hungry on rest days and struggling to not blow my calorie count completely out of the water. Went from 1200 to 1400 and have trouble eating 1400 net on my heavy workout days. And 1400 net is still feeling low on rest days. I'm going to give it a month and see how I settle to it - might even go up a little from there!

    Bottom line - even when I am so hungry and eating like a crazy person, it's still all good stuff. Just a LOT of it... LOL
  • frenchrose1
    frenchrose1 Posts: 11 Member
    It's good to see I am not the only one that has hit a plateau. I have been on a 1200 calorie diet for the past 2 years, lost 20 pounds, gained back 10 lbs and now down 5 lbs. I started walking 3 - 4 days a week since May. My scale is not moving and I feel like I am starving. So about a week ago decided to increase my calories to 1400. I hope I don't start gaining again. SCARED
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Give it some time and try not to weigh yourself to much.
  • uwdawg07
    Thanks everyone!

    I did not weigh myself this morning. Another day of eating more - but starting tomorrow I'm going to detox a bit. Make sure I'm not over 1500 calories and eating really clean.

    I hope the weight gain doesn't last too long!! I'm in a fragile mental state with all of this ;)