I HATE 30 Day Shred!



  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    is it really bad, cause i was gonna buy it?

    the video gets boring but great benefits i personally think
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Running is great but cardiovascular fitness is only half of the solution. Strength training will help you maintain lean body mass as you utilize stored body fat. If you really don't enjoy this particular workout, find a strength training program that is more fun for you =) Good luck!
  • I tried 30 Day shred. I loved the idea of a 20 minute workout. I did it everyday for about 2 weeks, and then intermittently for about a week after. I just couldn't get into it. I found her voice to be annoying and it became distracting to me. I would much rather do the lean P90X routines. Cardio X is one of my favorites.
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    I struggle to get started with a 30ds workout but find I am much more motivated if I warm up with something else like a 10 min run. I can deal with jillina if my endorphins have already kicked in. I actually love mixing it up and have been dong this type of theing

    10-15 min stairmaster - take a drink and a breather
    10-15 min run - take a drink and a breather
    20 min jillian

    I can end with her but I cant start with her.
    This method is also great for staying hydrated
  • is it really bad, cause i was gonna buy it?

    I would review it on youtube and do your first few days from youtube before you buy it. And watch your knees!!!
  • emacb123
    emacb123 Posts: 254 Member
    Thankn YOu!

    Thanks! You each have great points!

    Hee, "maybe I'm a runner" gosh, that makes me wnat to kiss you.
  • mmenuey27
    mmenuey27 Posts: 51 Member
    I have done Tae Bo as well and it is a great workout, and the best part is that there is some strength training also incorporated in it. Great workout!
  • emacb123
    emacb123 Posts: 254 Member
    is it really bad, cause i was gonna buy it?

    Oh no! I would never discourage3 someone from doing it! It'ts not my thing
  • Running is great but cardiovascular fitness is only half of the solution. Strength training will help you maintain lean body mass as you utilize stored body fat. If you really don't enjoy this particular workout, find a strength training program that is more fun for you =) Good luck!

    I would agree. I think that if you don't like the program, then look for another one. But you do need to add some strength training. C25K is awesome.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have done C25K twice now - I got in shape about 3 years ago doing it the first time, then had hypothyroid problems that caused me to gain weight and get out of shape, so I did it again. Then I did the 30 DS.

    I can tell you C25K and just running afterward did not transform my body like 30 DS... and now I'm working through Ripped in 30 and still transforming. One of my students was kidding around on Friday about my "guns" since I was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt. If your goal is just cardio and getting healthy, just do the running. If you want to go for some muscle toning or even building, you need to do more. Someone else already said that cardio is only half the equation and I have to agree from my personal experience.

    You're more than half way through 30DS. Don't you want to challenge yourself to finish it? Are you doing it with other people? I was in a group and it really helped me get through the program, even though I did hate some of the exercises, although I love it as a whole and what it did for me, otherwise, I might have quit or not done it as frequently. I strongly encourage you to find people doing this already if you aren't checking in with others already.

    I know you should find exercise you enjoy, so can you find other things that will do similar conditioning that you might prefer (maybe Insanity?). Otherwise, you can just get lean or join a gym.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I don't much like 30 day shred either. Well, I like how I feel afterwards, but I don't particularly enjoy doing it. I prefer something slower and more mindful - like yoga, or like lifting. All that leaping around doesn't do it for me! I actually like the one legged squats though - because I don't have good balance, and so for me those exercises are really useful!
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    then don't do it, life is too short to spend it in things we don't like to do.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    I really HATED it too, I don't like the jumping, damaging things on my body. I don't like her at all for some reason, find what you love and do it. You are more likely to stick to something you enjoy. I started doing Rushfit ( in week 6) and love it.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    if you hate it and it's affected you negatively, drop it and find something else. don't torture yourself... in the mean time, while you search for something else, you could add extra walks or something and don't give up..
  • You don't need to go to the gym, google 'you are your own gym' I've been doing it and I absolutely love it, my arms look amazing!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I've tried two of her workouts and can't stand either of them.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I'm the opposite. Also doing 30DS and C25K - I HATE HATE HATE C25K - I'd much rather do the 30DS. Except I pulled a muscle in my shoulder the last time I did it, so maybe it doesn't like me much.
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    I love the 30DS but I admit that I found Level 2 to be really trying. Level 3 is MUCH better. But I agree with everyone else. If you hate it, by all means don't do it. You aren't motivated to try your hardest to make each exercise count if you hate something.

    Get outside for a run or other things! I've heard that some folks at my office like P90X. I think they are nuts, but they like it. I use to love TaeBo and I still love Zumba (which you can do at home).

    Good luck!

    I'm on 30DS Level 3 and it KICKS MY BUTT. In the good - I can't believe i'm getting my butt handed to me this much by a 20 min video - kind of way.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I do too. It's just really annoying because Jillian Michaels has a really nice body and she's pretty muscular and you know she didn't get that way by doing a zillion squats and lunges with 3lb weights.