Find some friends

I would like to find some friends on this network to compare notes, success, and challenges that we all face dieting. Right now my two boys are one of my biggest inspirations and unfortunately I can't not motivate my wife at this time. My goal is to lose 20lbs and I should be close to ideal weight it would be nice to have a support group or friends with same goals. Any suggestions are welcomed. Good luck to everyone!!!


  • CreativeRedhead
    Hi and welcome! I kind of feel your pain on that one. My husband hasn't really jumped on board with me like I imagined he would. And yes it would totally be great to have a nice group on here to share things with. I find myself with a million questions sometimes and no one to ask them too. :) Good luck with your goals though. I love this site so far!
  • harvlace
    I completely see where your coming from... It can be hard without at least one person who knows what your going through.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Its kinda rough to keep motivated myself... I don't have any friends that are willing to work out with me, and my schedule is kind of all over the place. And my fiance is on a year-long deployment so I don't have him here to keep me accountable either! haha
    One of the things that is really keeping me going is the fact that I really want to get a dog soon, and I'm working towards a run so we can exercise together! I'm surprised at how much that alone is keeping me going!
  • dljochum
    dljochum Posts: 27 Member
    It's really interesting hearing each of your stories. It's also nice to meet each of you. I decided in December I would start to lose weight because I wanted to be able to play with kids longer, perform better at my job, and upset at how many clothes doidnt fit me anymore. I have immediately lose 8-9 lbs but hit a wall. Since no one else in my household us dieting it was hard to stay motivated. Hopefully, we can push each other as times get tough.!! Thanks for listening!! Welcoming any other suggestions.!!!
  • dljochum
    dljochum Posts: 27 Member
    Good luck with getting a dog Kcdrake. I have two black labs and love their energy and mannerisms!