Prepping meals for the week? Ideas for make ahead meals



  • bump - great post! I've been thinking about doing the same :) Thanks!
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    I brown off a large package of ground turkey and add onions, celery, green pepper and seasonings. After it cools, I put one pound portions in freezer zip lock bags, marked with the date and contents. On my busy days, I can take one out, defrost for a couple of minutes in the microwave and pour Ragu over it to make spaghetti sauce, or salsa to make tacos, or Mamwich to become sloppy joe sandwiches in just a few minutes.
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    Anything my family likes that freezes well gets made at least double so I can freeze a batch, or do smaller containers for lunches. I need to get better at labelling, though, as I took a container of what I thought was beef stew for lunch one day last week only to discover it was beef barley soup! Good thing I had an extra spoon stashed in my desk.

    We eat a lot of soup, so I tend to make stock of some kind or another once a week. I tend to freeze half my beef stock just plain, and the other half I add cooked, diced stewing beef for days I have a bit less time. I tend to do the same with chicken stock, as well.

    I usually make a monstrous batch of marinara at least twice a year, then freeze for later use. I also make lasagnas ahead, baked ravlioli with meat sauce, shepherd's pie, chili, and several casseroles (including a chile rellenos one that my family just loves). I also make big batches of chicken nuggets to freeze, as this saves me tonnes of prep time on busy school nights.

    I even cut up all the veggies for afternoon snacks on the weekends ... otherwise, when I get home from work and the kids get home from school/daycare, I end up giving them granola bars instead, which I don't like doing on a regular basis. Oh, and I usually make a big batch or two of muffins on the weekend for easy breakfasts and lunches. These usually freeze quite well, too, so I can make a mixed box of three kinds of muffins so that we're not eating blueberry muffins all week.

    I'd suggest taking a look at what your family likes to eat, then figuring out which things freeze well, and seeing if there are even parts of things that you can freeze or prep ahead that'll save you lots of time.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    I am doing it on a weekly basis. I bought a load of veg to steam, boil, chuck in a stir fry or stew & pre chopped them all & stored in fridge in containers. Did the same with some pork & chicken to add to said meals, have just made a sweet & sour marinade to pour over some pork & veg to slow cook tomorrow & have bought & agreed with oh what is for dinner & lunch every day this week. Combo of slow cooker meat receipts & fish with spicy fruity salads & stir fries.

    It is an experiment for us as we usually do our own dinners/lunchs but this should hopefully cut our food bill, make us both a bit healthier & cut down on washing up.

    Neither of us though like the idea of cooking up a whole months food & besides we don't have space to freeze all that anyway. Doing it like this (pre-prepping ingredients but cooking on the day) will hopefully give us a bit of variety, takes a bit more work but we'll see how we go. I got most of the ideas off a diabetic website as both of us are type 2, the options had to be kid friendly too as we have a 5 year old added to that oh is thai so he is an awesome cook, likes alot of flavour in his food & spicy too, so our choices are probably different to other peoples. :glasses:
  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    Wow - some good ideas here.

    I roast a whole skinless chicken on a Sunday (cheaper than buying breasts individually), then portion it out for lunches, salads, to add to sauces. I then usually boil the bones up for stock to make stock for soups (been far too warm today to do that!). Granted, if you're veggie then not for you.

    I also make "bases" as someone mentioned - tomato sauce is a big one for me that way my husband can add it to pasta and the aforementioned chicken for his tea when I'm not around. I can make pasta free lasagne, add to roasted veg (also usually made ahead), etc for quick veggie packed meals.

    Fruit compote - whatever fruit is on offer, or even reduced at the supermarket, I cook up with spices and then freeze in batches. I can add it to my overnight porridge (or oats) and leave it overnight to defost, greek yoghurt, muesli, etc.
  • HealthyMe46
    HealthyMe46 Posts: 226 Member
    All great ideas here! Thank you! I also like for meal planning.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I only cook on weekends and we eat leftovers during the week. Pretty much anything can be made ahead and reheated. Most things taste better reheated if you put them in a saute pan and reheat them on the stove rather than in the microwave. This is especially true for meat and poultry.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    When I use my grill I normally cook a lot of food then freeze it in small portions so I can pull out some protien, shaw it and have the flavor of charcoal and hickory smoke.

    Yesterday I grilled 8 chicken breasts, 2 pork tenderloin, a large sweet potato, tomatos, and squash. The squash and tomatos were cut up and made into a ratatouille kind of thing.

    Here is a picture.
  • Danam48
    Danam48 Posts: 129 Member
    I definitely do almost all my cooking for the week on the weekend. I grill a variety of proteins (chicken, shrimp, salmon, tilapia). Then I make grains, wild rice or brown rice, and quinoa. I also like to roast a whole butternut squash in the crockpot (about 10 hours on low and slice it open and scoop out the goodness) and I also like to roast beets in the crockpot. Sometimes I make a batch of pulled chicken in the crock pot, I think i found the recipe on I also like to rotate in a recipe of Rotel chicken (chicken, can of rotel,can of black beans,corn and 1/3 reduced fat cream cheese-throw in some jalepenos and red/orange peppers for more flavor), so easy to throw into the crockpot. Then you can eat this over the rice you made, or like a soup or put it in tortillas when it thickens up. My favorite kitchen tool is a FoodSaver vacuum sealer. Keeps food tasting like you just cooked it fresh and you can portion and seal things in bags and throw them in the fridge. Grab and Go! Love it for packing our lunches for work. We love putting grilled salmon or shrimp on a salad for a quick evening meal. I can't wait for soup season! Big pots of veggies and other yummy stuff with lots of leftovers..
  • gjsmommy
    gjsmommy Posts: 90 Member

    Great ideas for future use!
  • AnnaMGP
    AnnaMGP Posts: 60 Member
    Definately gonna try some of these!!!!
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    Great ideas!

    The basics: brown rice, dice veggies, hard boiled eggs and bring meat from freezer to fridge.

    Yesterday I added: turkey bean chili, homemade chicken soup (no noodles, just the base) both huge batches to freeze. I also roasted squash for the week, pumpkin muffins treats for kid lunches, taco seasoned ground turkey, and cucumber greek yogurt dip, shredded zucchini (huge ones) portioned and froze for upcoming muffins, cakes, etc.

    It varies week to week. Next week I'm going to make a big batch of couscous cheese cakes! They're good to pair with breakfast eggs or grilled chicken dinners!
  • HealthyisBeauty
    HealthyisBeauty Posts: 16 Member
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I know this is about dinner, and I've seen a lot of great dinner ideas that I'm going to try. But, I just made breakfast and lunch for the week. I generally eat those two meals at work, and need it ready to go into the thermal tote in the morning. So, I filled muffin tin with potatoes, bacon, eggs, and cheese for portioned breakfasts. We had some this morning, and there's enough for my breakfasts for the week. I also made tuna salad and put it in half cup size containers to make sandwiches for the week. I have just discovered the whole muffin tin cooking idea, and am going to try that more and more. I think meatloaf tonight.
  • Teachinjen
    Teachinjen Posts: 88 Member
    Loving all these Ideas...

    My husband and I always sit down on Saturday and plan our our meals for the following week....It is usually determined by what protein we have in our freezer...We try to use our crock pot two or three times on the weekend, once for a weekend meal and the other times to cook ahead a protein to eat later on in the week, such as chicken, a whole turkey breast (yes, in the crockpot, oh so tender), chili, right now he even has some ribs going, yes in the crock pot! Then on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning we go to the grocery store and get any fresh veggies or fruit we need for the week. We cook ahead or prep anything we can, takes an hour out of our time on the weekend, but makes the week run so smoothly.

    As for freezing, like the other said, I always have cooked ground turkey/onion, cooked shredded chicken, chili, in my freezer in portioned bags enough for my husband and myself for dinners.

    I eat the same thing every morning for breakfast, so that doesn't take a lot of prepping, I just buy enough of what I need for the month and then it or put it in our extra fridge....Basically every morning I eat sandwich thins with sargento ultra thin provolone slices melted on top with a little spinach/artichoke hummus and an ounce to two ounces of some type of meat (turkey breast or ham) on top. I also have egg quiche "cupcakes" in my freezer for another quick breakfast if I need it. My husband likes to eat those.

    For example, this week we are having a light chicken and pea risotto, Pasilla chiles stuffed with chicken and rice, Spaghetti with turkey meatballs and vegetable pasta, grilled tilapia over salad. Right now the chicken is marinating in the fridge, my husband will grill it in a bit, then I will divide it in half...half will be for the risotto, the other half will be chopped up fine to be part of the stuffing for the chiles.... my husband will premake those and have them in the fridge so all we have to do is warm them up the day we need them. Turkey meatballs are already in my freezer( made them for another meal a couple weeks ago), so all we have to do that day add to the sauce and cook......We will cook the noodles the night before..... And as for the tilapia, all we have to do is defrost the fish the night before.....

    I am very lucky to have a husband that doesn't mind cooking. In fact he is the cook a majority of the time in our home. We try to plan the meals so both of us help out with it, so it doesn't get put on just one person, as we both have full time jobs....

    I hope this helps!
  • Teachinjen
    Teachinjen Posts: 88 Member
    Oh, and lunches are usually leftover dinner from the night before.....we always have leftovers....
  • strivingfor130
    strivingfor130 Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for all these wonderful ideas!!
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    @Island_Style2 ...would you please tell us the recipe for the black bean and quinoa burgers? Sounds so good!

  • Bump for later
  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    I boil my chicken breast, green beans, and rice on Sunday. Package the food and freeze it. Also when there are leftovers I take a couple of servings and freeze them for work lunch.