Losing weight fast.

So i'm working out daily(1 hour), and cut my calories to 1500 calories a day.
And i'm losing weight really fast... I lost 14 pounds in one week.
I'm not sure if that's healthy?
can any of you tell me if that's normal, or not good?


  • chocobunny122
    14 lbs in one week?! Thats crazy! However, its not impossible. It depends how much you weight now and how much you need to lose to be a healthy weight. For someone who weights like 250lbs, they will lose alot of weight in the first month of changing their lifestyle habits and being healthier. Ive meet people who have lost like 20 lbs in the first few weeks of diet and excersise, but they have needed to loose around 150 lbs. However, someone who weights like 150 lbs and just wants to lose like 10 lbs overall than it may take them weeks before the number on the scale drops even 1 lb. Overall, as long as your healthy and eating enough you are doing fine. Just remember that soon your body will begin to stable out and your weight loss will drastically slow down. Just dont give up and eat enough :) Feel free to friend me as well.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    A lot of that probably is water. Expect your weight loss to slow down.

    You have a lot to lose so you can/will lose weight faster than someone with less to lose. HOWEVER, if you want to eat more and lose weight slower you can. You need to find a diet you can stick with for a long time. If 1500 calories a day and an hour working out is too hard, you run the risk of quitting. It's up to you.
  • robyn0123
    robyn0123 Posts: 30 Member
    As long as you don't lose 14 pounds every week that should be ok. When you first start a diet and exercise program you lose a lot of water weight and then the next week things taper off to average 1-2 or 3 pounds a week. If you continue the 14 pounds for the next week try to increase your calories by 100-200.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Losing 14 pounds in one week isn't a problem. EXPECTING and aiming to lose 14 pounds in a week is a problem.
  • Sweetness023
    You'll see a big drop in numbers in your first 1-2 weeks, especially if you've upped your water intake. Initially it's water weight (mostly) - because now that you're drinking water regularly, your body doesn't need to hold on to it's excess stores. You'll notice you'll be going to the bathroom a lot more especially in the beginning. I lost 9lb in my first week then 1-2lb each week after but everyone's different. :)
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    from my experience when you first start working out, and eating healthy, you lose weight really fast at the beginning; especially if you stopped drinking alcohol, the weight just falls off, along with some water weight because you body is not saving water because alcohol dehydrates the body.
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    Losing 14 pounds in one week isn't a problem. EXPECTING and aiming to lose 14 pounds in a week is a problem.

    Heads up! I agree
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'd be happy. I've been going at this nearly 2 months and hit 18 lbs today. Be thankful it's coming off fast in the beginning IMO.
  • Depends on how much you currently weigh. Like if you're 130 that would be "extreme" weight loss, but if you were around a starting weight of 210 to 240 or more that wouldn't be quite as drastic. The heavier you are, the more water weight you can carry and lose on average. Also, did you weigh directly before starting your weight loss on a fairly accurate scale and/or the same scale that you initially used?

    Anyways, 1,500 calories isn't too low of a calorie intake per day... Some people will tell you that it is, but really (personally at least, I think) that's a great calorie goal to have as your average daily intake!

    And congrats on the 20 pound weight loss, that's awesome! You're young so your metabolism is faster, and in general your weight loss journey is going to be faster and likely a bit easier for you than for those who are middle aged or so...

    Honestly, if you're eating 1,500 calories a day and you're losing weight at the pace that you are at, than good for you. Some people are going to be jealous and like to believe that it's so "unhealthy" and all, but they just wish that they could lose weight as fast as you are. The weight loss will slow down over time, but that's okay! You're doing great so keep it up. :)
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    I'd be happy. I've been going at this nearly 2 months and hit 18 lbs today. Be thankful it's coming off fast in the beginning IMO.

    hahah don't get me wrong, im so happy ! I just didn't know if its healthy or not.
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    A lot of that probably is water. Expect your weight loss to slow down.

    You have a lot to lose so you can/will lose weight faster than someone with less to lose. HOWEVER, if you want to eat more and lose weight slower you can. You need to find a diet you can stick with for a long time. If 1500 calories a day and an hour working out is too hard, you run the risk of quitting. It's up to you.

    I've always drank about 8 cups a day. I have this HUGE water bottle i bought a few years ago, and ever since than i drink that everyday, could that still be water weight?
  • crazyeaCHANGED
    Not only water loss, but also the bowels are holding less and less as well.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Right now your starting which means you'll start losing weight pretty fast. It slows down over time when the body gets rid of its current surplus. Though I hope you drop 30lb's quick the reward for that seems pretty awesome.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Sounds pretty normal for your first week. I hit 9 pounds lost my first week, don't expect to lose 14 pounds per week after this first week. Expect 1-2 pounds per week then don't give up when you hit a plateau - work through it!
  • emnk5308
    You do lose weight really fast in the beginning =) Your body is probably like 'o.O WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING'. :sick:

    It'll slow down as you go, and then it might stall out.. then you change it up again, and it'll start coming off again... Your body gets used to certain things and you have to change it up. :happy:

    Good Luck!!
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    Depends on how much you currently weigh. Like if you're 130 that would be "extreme" weight loss, but if you were around a starting weight of 210 to 240 or more that wouldn't be quite as drastic. The heavier you are, the more water weight you can carry and lose on average. Also, did you weigh directly before starting your weight loss on a fairly accurate scale and/or the same scale that you initially used?

    Anyways, 1,500 calories isn't too low of a calorie intake per day... Some people will tell you that it is, but really (personally at least, I think) that's a great calorie goal to have as your average daily intake!

    And congrats on the 20 pound weight loss, that's awesome! You're young so your metabolism is faster, and in general your weight loss journey is going to be faster and likely a bit easier for you than for those who are middle aged or so...

    Honestly, if you're eating 1,500 calories a day and you're losing weight at the pace that you are at, than good for you. Some people are going to be jealous and like to believe that it's so "unhealthy" and all, but they just wish that they could lose weight as fast as you are. The weight loss will slow down over time, but that's okay! You're doing great so keep it up. :)

    I weighed myself the day i started, and i used the same scale. and thank you for the help !
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    Right now your starting which means you'll start losing weight pretty fast. It slows down over time when the body gets rid of its current surplus. Though I hope you drop 30lb's quick the reward for that seems pretty awesome.

    haha i hope i do too !
  • lovecriminal
    lovecriminal Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats - as everyone said, initial weight loss happens fast, I lost 20 pounds in the first 6 weeks before joining MFP and lot of my friends said it is unhealthy - it happens but don't slow down even if the speed of weigh loss slows down - never quit :).

    Please add me as a friend if you like.
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    You do lose weight really fast in the beginning =) Your body is probably like 'o.O WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING'. :sick:

    It'll slow down as you go, and then it might stall out.. then you change it up again, and it'll start coming off again... Your body gets used to certain things and you have to change it up. :happy:

    Good Luck!!

    LOL that little smiley made my day !
    thanks for the tip :)