Insanity or JM body revolution

I have several JM videos already. Worth buying body revolution or go to insanity?

Also, has anyone mixed up JM videos for the week? I have 30DS, Shed 2 Shred, butt & thighs, kick boxing, 6wk6pack.


  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I've got no experience with Insanity, but I am very much enjoying Body Revolution. I've been doing it 2 weeks, but I have altered the program a bit to suit my fitness level. I'm a week ahead on the strength training (doing 1-3 and 1-4) and I am doing the phase 3 cardio already. I plan to move up to strength 2-1 and 2-2 next week.

    Prior to starting BR I was doing 30DS level 3 for strength and Power 90 Express for cardio. I need variety in my workouts, so I like the BR program for it's variety. I was thinking of trying Insanity or P90X when I am done with Revolution.
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    I've got no experience with Insanity, but I am very much enjoying Body Revolution. I've been doing it 2 weeks, but I have altered the program a bit to suit my fitness level. I'm a week ahead on the strength training (doing 1-3 and 1-4) and I am doing the phase 3 cardio already. I plan to move up to strength 2-1 and 2-2 next week.

    Prior to starting BR I was doing 30DS level 3 for strength and Power 90 Express for cardio. I need variety in my workouts, so I like the BR program for it's variety. I was thinking of trying Insanity or P90X when I am done with Revolution.

    Thanks. I did one round of p90x but the next month is not conducive for the workouts. I need something more simple but still get my heart pumping out of my chest.
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Anyone else?
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I like how JMBR is only 30 minutes a day and the workouts are always changing.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    I just finished BR and absolutely loved it. I started Inanity and I'm not feeling the love as much. Don't get me wrong it is freaking hard, but it's not as varied as BR! I had pretty great results with BR so really hoping sticking to Insanity will give me the results that I hear so much about. They are 2 different kind of workouts, that's for sure...Good luck!
  • bjthrift
    Never tried insanity but I am loving body revolution. I don't follow the plan exactly due to my work schedule and I also run, body combat, and boot camp during the week.
  • jennifermaffei17
    I havent heard as many people doing body revolution as I have Insanity, maybe because body revolution isn't even a year old yet, but I'd go with body revolution. I love jillian and she gives me the best results!
  • FitBrunette
    FitBrunette Posts: 28 Member
    Both! I did JMBR first and I believe it is what physically trained me and prepared me for Insanity. I don't think I could have done Insanity without doing BR first. I lost 21lbs with BR and am on my last week of Insanity. I have lost 17lbs and 27 inches so far.
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    I just finished BR and absolutely loved it. I started Inanity and I'm not feeling the love as much. Don't get me wrong it is freaking hard, but it's not as varied as BR! I had pretty great results with BR so really hoping sticking to Insanity will give me the results that I hear so much about. They are 2 different kind of workouts, that's for sure...Good luck!

    Interesting you say insanity is less varied than BR. I definitely want variety. Thks
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Both! I did JMBR first and I believe it is what physically trained me and prepared me for Insanity. I don't think I could have done Insanity without doing BR first. I lost 21lbs with BR and am on my last week of Insanity. I have lost 17lbs and 27 inches so far.

    Excellent tip thanks!
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Is BR as hurried as the other JM videos? Just did 6wk6pack and it seems she doesn't give you enough time to go from one move to another.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I have done Insanity and JMBR. I did Insanity first and I didn't lose much. It is very hard and improved my endurance a great deal. I am currently near the end of JMBR. I actually like it better than Insanity because it uses weights, which means you can make the exercise harder with a heavier weight or easier if you choose. Jillian doesn't encourage breaks, while you have to be a beast do do Insanity without stopping. I agree with it being more varied. It is 15 DVDs, Excluding the Cardio Workouts that you do twice a week, you never do a workout more than 4 times before its on to the next one. I also like that its only 30 minutes. Month 2 Insanity DVDs are closer to an hour.

    If you are a fan of Jillian's workouts, then you will love Body Revolution. It is her best workout to date. I am always drenched when I am done. I lost 10lbs in the first phase, haven't weighed for the 2nd phase yet. I think I lost 5lbs during the entire Insanity program. When I'm done, I plan to do an Insanity/JMBR hybrid. Insanity has better cardio, but JMBR uses weights. I hope this helps
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Is BR as hurried as the other JM videos? Just did 6wk6pack and it seems she doesn't give you enough time to go from one move to another.

    Most moves are 30 to 60 sec, as many as you can do. She definitely gives you time to go to the next move, because she is explaining each move and sometimes you have to take a breath in between. There are 4 circuits in each workout, usually consisting of about 4 to 5 moves, you finish the first set with a cardio move for 60 sec and then you do another set before moving on to the next circuit.
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    Doing BR and loving it!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am on the 3rd month of Body Revolution. I've never done any other JM workout, but I find this one pretty good. I like it because it's easily adaptable for fitness level. My coworker and I are at 2 different fitness levels and she can modify as needed. (And truth be told, I have to modify from time to time.)

    My only experience with Insanity is hearing my son and his friend thundering through some plyo in my living room at 5:00 a.m. a couple years ago. It seems pretty high intenstity. But, that's not always a bad thing. . . :-)
  • BeantownSooner
    Thanks. I did one round of p90x but the next month is not conducive for the workouts. I need something more simple but still get my heart pumping out of my chest.

    No experience with JMBR but Insanity will absolutely 100% pump your heart out of your chest. It basically cycles explosive Plymetrics/Cario/Body Weight Resistance exercises for 3 minutes with a 30 second rest. Then another round...30 second rest....then another, etc. Most of the month 1 workouts are 35-43 minutes with month 2 adding even more to around 50-55 minutes. No weights, just your body and bring your mental will power along with it.

    There is lots of jumping types exercises so if you have any lower body or back issues that would be one thing I'd caution you about. That said, you can absolutely go at your own pace and modify as needed and it's still a great workout.

    The other thing you could do is make up your own P90X workout for the next month if time is an issue for example remove all of the resistance workouts except Core, do Plyo, Kenpo and Cardio X, only do the first 45 mins of Yoga X, do Stretch X once a week, etc.