Recommend 1 fitness activity for my situation

Hello all,

I am new-ish to MFP. I signed up several months ago and just now came back to it.

At this point in time I pretty much have my dietary guidelines where I want them, and I am now trying to focus on fitness. I am 27, 5'3", 195 pounds, and in my right knee I have moderate arthritis and a bone spur. Running is out of the question at this time. I can walk for maybe 1.5 hours per day (in addition, I am on my feet at my job 3-7 hours per day); any more than that and my knee swells and I lose some mobility in it for a day or so.

I would like to add in some exercise and activity besides walking. I am pretty out of shape, get winded going up too many stairs, rather inflexible (though I can touch my toes), and of course there's the issue of improving mobility in my bad knee. I honestly have no idea where to start! I am open to any and all suggestions to work on any of the above issues.


  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    have you considered water classes? I take both water walking and water aerobics - they both burn a decent amount of calories and cause less stress on the joints
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Elliptical. I have a crap knee, too, (although not arthritis) and so I can't run as much as I'd like.....the elliptical can get a REALLY good burn going if you really push yourself and it's so easy on my knees.

    Are you bracing your knee when you work out? I'd also get a good knee brace so you have some extra support.
  • Brewhockey
    Brewhockey Posts: 3 Member
    As you'd probably guess from my photo; I recommend a bicycle...stationary or otherwise. I was a hockey goaltender. As a result, I have arthritis in both knees. Bicycling is low-impact, burns tons of calories, and provides a good cario workout. There are so many types of bikes on the market now, it can be had to know what to get...there's something for every use. Ask around to find a reputable bike shop. Tell the salesperson what you're looking for and how you intend to use your bike and you're much more likely to buy one that's right for you. There are may article on-line about bicycle buying so you can be knowledgable before you head to the store.

    Hope this helps.
  • annie_banannie
    annie_banannie Posts: 65 Member
    I'm recovering from knee surgery and my surgeon advised me to avoid all exercises that put stress on the knee.

    That means NO jogging, running, jumping, or stair stepping. NO eliptical machine. NO treadmill.

    Instead, he recommended biking (either outdoors or a stationary bike indoors), rowing machine, ski machines (old fashioned Nordic Track), swimming.

    I found a Nordic Track ski machine in perfect condition at a thrift shop for $20. It is a great form of exercise, but it has gone out of style in favor of elipticals, incline trainers and more computerized, high-tech machines. That's too bad for people in gyms but great for people who want to buy the machines on the cheap. :)

    Here's information about the Nordic Track ski machine:

  • NuclearMosquito
    NuclearMosquito Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks guys! I actually have wanted to get a bike for a year or so. And I will keep an eye out for a Nordic Track too, I frequent thrift stores and I've seen quite a few over the years.

    I appreciate everyone's help!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    weight lifting.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    any aqua fit classes - good workout - no stress on the joints - I've also got bad knees and stay as far away as I can from ellipticals - nothing will aggravate my knees faster