Help with diet and work outs

So I am returning to MFP for help. I have lost over 35lb's since being on a low fat diet due to gallbladder attacks, and now that I have had it taken out, and moved away for college, I am finding it hard to stick to that diet, and to continue to lose the weight.
I am pretty scared that I am going to be gaining that weight back. I went from 195lb - 155lb. But I still have a big prblem with th belly fat.
If anyone could help me with how to lose all this and everything else , and not start gaining any of it back, that would be great ! :)

- I dont eat out much
-I drink a lot of water/vitamin water , Milk , and a rare glass of apple juice
-My meals are small (dont have a whole lot of money for food, first year in college..) But I do snack on granola bars, and fruit and veggies when I can.
- I dont do a whole lot of working out, So any help with some home workouts, that do require any equipment

Thanks again, for any help ! :)

Also if anyone wants to add me, feel free. Would love to help others out along the way as well , and help each other ! :)


  • hopefulmomof2
    If you have a computer of sorts, you can go to and for like 8$ jane fonda puts out some videos that are low impact, and like 20 min work outs, that require no equiptment. I have a walking to shape one that I started with.

    Or even walking in place, doing arm excerises, or crunches/sit ups, even my PT told me any where you are tightening and releasing your butt muscles for starters. Just any time do thats, then work one cheek then other. Can help you strengthen and then keeping your tummy muscles tight can help stregnth your core and help with that belly. Not exactly a cure to the tummy but a good start. good luck. :)