Afraid I wont make it, but not throwing in the towel!

Hey community peeps :D

I have been a size 14 forever and just recently broke the curse of being under 198lbs! ( the lowest I have weighed in five years!)

Now the tricky part...... Im worried......

worried that I wont push past this, that this is the size Im going to be stuck with the rest of my life... because its how it has been since having babies 9 years ago...

Granted I am the lowest weight I have been in years, and many of my size 13/12s are fitting a lil bit snug but fitting, a few fit nice.... But I havent budged on the scale in ten days so far, I know this is probably due to starting up weight training again, I think its all in my mind... this fat girl mentality that is hindering me, making me feel like this...

does anyone have any help? has anyone been through this and has some advice? I want to get past this and succeed....I am not throwing in the towel!


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I absolutely know what you mean.

    I'm in the smallest size of clothes I own, and some of those are getting too big.
    I weigh less than when I got pregnant the first time, less than when I got married.
    I'm terribly worried I'm going to hit a wall now that I won't be able to get past, since I haven't been this size in over a decade!

    But we have to keep going :smile: Being here and seeing so many success stories of people who have achieved more than they thought they were capable of reminds me that I can do it too. You've got this!
  • lilylover2012
    lilylover2012 Posts: 39 Member
    I know what you mean too. I lost 20 pounds in the first month (or 19 anyway) and now the scale isn't moving. It does worry me sometimes that it won't ever move again and that I'll lose my motivation but just thinking that I lost almost 20 pounds so far and that I don't want to go back to the weight I started at is enough to keep me going.

    I figure that as long as I keep eating the way I am and keep up with my workouts, it's going to eventually drop. Speaking of the scale, are you looking past that? If you haven't taken your measurements, you should start. You may not see POUNDS coming off, but you may see inches instead.

    Good luck!
  • MrsFlotron
    MrsFlotron Posts: 39 Member
    Time to change it up a bit. :happy:
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    Thank you for your support everyone! I am so greatful for everyone on this site! I like what was said " I dont want to be the weight where I started is enough to keep me going!" SO TRUE!!!
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I've been working out daily for 40 days, eating well and and trying to eat 'clean' my scales haven't budged at ALL, what I have noticed is I'm down half a size (I really need to buy measuring tape) and I don't grunt when I get off the couch. It sucks that the scales aren't moving but if you're working hard there are changes happeneing
  • ullgetthere
    I totally understand everyone!! I started about 2 weeks ago and I believe it's going well. I am so happy to know that other peopl have the same experience with the scale as I do. It can really be your friend and your foe. The important things is how you feel. In just two weeks, I have more energy, and feel better! Thank god I have the community here for encouragement. It`s nice to see that I'm not alone!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i know what you're going through. sometimes i feel like i'm sputtering at the end of my gas even though i'm not half way to my goal.

    i went into this thinking that i would do it slowly and it would take me 18-24 months to reach my goal, but there's so much that can go wrong in that time. i know i'm not going back to a size 20 (i'm also at size 14) but sometimes i have to wonder if i really will make my size 6 goal
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member

    figures as soon as I post a "sob woe is me" post this would happen hahaa!!!

    Dropped .5lb and woke up to find I lost .5 inch in my waist and hips and bicep!!!! OVER NIGHT!!!!!!!!!

    I spose my body will just drop the weight when it is ready and I need to just keep on keepin on and be a little more patient :D thanks again and best of luck to erryone!!!!