Motivation through the dark moments

Looking for some words of wisdom here. This is my second go around of being somewhat successful in achieving a healthier lifestyle. I feel like this time it's gonna stick! I've lost a total of 50 lbs so far but still have such a long way to go. Most days I enjoy benefits of having lost the weight like having more energy - seeing my body tone up, etc.

But some days I look in the mirror and am reminded of how far I still have to go - how "wrecked" my body is from carrying more than 100 excess lbs for so long. (the better part of 20 years) I still get mortified when my trainer has me do exercises where I can hear my fat slap against itself.

I have continued to workout and keep good eating habits through these times, but it feels so crappy. I know someone out the in MFP land must understand - I know it will take time and persistence to get where I want to go.

I truly want to have the before and after. Hoping someone out there has been exactly where I'm at and pushed through it - How did you get through it?


  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    Oh, I *so* hear you. Been there, done that. But we all have to start somewhere, and I know that my kids motivate me to keep going, even on the worst of days (and if only so I have the energy to chase the miscreants down to send them off to time out!). I'm stuck with an image in my head that's not too flattering, this despite a large number of comments from co-workers (who haven't seen me since the end of last school year) that I've made tremendous progress. A lot of days it certainly doesn't feel like it. But I know that I need to keep going, and breaking it down into baby steps (and small goals) seems to be working at the moment.

    Right now, it's making sure, no matter what, that I'm exercising at least five days a week, and logging everything I eat, not just stopping after lunch or breakfast because I can't believe the crap I just ate. I spend a lot of time helping others and looking after others, and need to remind myself that I need to take care of myself first so I can do those other things.

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. Keep your chin up, keep setting small goals, and keep working toward those goals!
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    50 lbs. lost is a shining success, so don't dismiss it so casually! :smile:

    For those just beginning their journey, or those who have been here some time...there's always a point when we can sometimes lose our way. The focus we had at the start of our journey become blurred and sometimes the "easy" way starts to look ideal. When I hit that point I wrote a very short blog about what I was feeling and I want to share it with you. I hope you can take something positive from my words...

    We are all prisoners in our own way, but we have all come here for the same reason - to set that person free.

    Never give up on yourself, keep to your goals and your MFPals will be will you every step of the way.

    Everyone's journey will be different, but as long as you remain committed and honest to yourself about watching your exercise and food - there is nothing but success for you on the road ahead!
  • smilesalot1969
    I've been there. 10 years ago i weighed 284lb, was a uk size 26 and was so fat my thighs would bleed from rubbing together. I lost 8stone in 18months with slimming world but i didn't exercise (big mistake) It was hard, oh god was it hard especially going from constant eating vast amounts all day long to eating less than a third of my intake but i'm pretty stubborn and that kept me going. I really wish i'd had MFP to help me back then trust me. I stayed at size 14/16 for over 8 years which back then had seemed a dream but then i decided it was still too fat and i hit the diet and the gym pretty hard and ive lost another 24lb and am size 12/14. I still have a way to go but i'll get there you just have to WANT it enough. I'd half heartedly tried many times before but it took a huge reality check in a full length mirror to shock me into the real world. YOU can do it too you just need to really WANT it for yourself :flowerforyou:
  • lhather
    thank you all! It is reassuring to know I'm not the only one - (Not that I truly thought I was alone). It's just it can sometimes be a lonely place. I'm not taking my accomplishments for granted. - I'm definately proud of what I've done so far! Thanks again.
  • boys4girls1
    YOU are AWESOME...You have lost 50 pounds, and that is wonderful. I applaud you for that. There are some of us who struggle and struggle and only lose 1 pound only to have it come back again the next week. You are so on the right track, and I am very proud you for all of your accomplishments. You stick with it every day.

    Some of the ladies are right. There will be times when you want to give up, but look how far you've come. 50 pounds is awesome. I wonder if I will ever hit that mark since I can't seem to get past 1.

    Keep up the good work with your trainer. They know how to help you best, and if something doesn't work try something else.

    Stay strong and keep up the great work. you are such an inspiration.
  • ullgetthere
    I so understand! I've had the moments that you say to yourself ''whats the point?'' . This is my 2nd time around as well but this time it's different. I started writing down on paper why I want to lose weight and how I feel when I eat well. I remember feeling like crap when I ate badly and how bloated I was. So when I feel blah because I'm wondering if something will result from my hard work, I re-read my notes. I carry them every where. Have these good thoughts when you do your training and forget about the rest. You arer doing so great and I can only hope to get to 50 lbs like you!