Help me - I have tinnitus!

For about 4 years now, I have had tinnitus. Although, it isn't real bad - it's bad enough to keep me from sleeping soundly at night. I am afraid it is slowly getting worse. I am paying almost $200 per week just for my health insurance with a $5000 deductible. I can't afford not to have the insurance, but while paying for it, I can't afford to go to a Specialist, too.

Does anyone here suffer from tinnitus, and if you do, have you or do you currently use something that helps with the ringing and swishing noises? Every thing I've read, states that tinnitus is usually temporary and clears up on it's own - but I am really starting to get scared. Please tell me, if you know of anything that will help!

Thank you for your imput! I appreciate it, tremendously!!


  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 648 Member
    ANYONE!!! Of all the people on this website, not a one with this problem!
  • KStambulic
    KStambulic Posts: 131
    I've had it for about 4 or 5 years too. The ringing is constant in my left ear which makes it difficult to hear someone on the phone especially if there is a lot of background noise. I don't take anything for it but I find that when my allergies are bad and I take an allergy pill, the ringing is not as bad. There are certain days when it is worse though, like when I have a migraine. I also have suffered from vertigo for about 3 years. If I roll over in bed too quickly, I get dizzy.
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    I've had tinnitus for 3 years. It has got steadily better, and obviously I hope it will continue to improve. At night, I am generally able to sleep these days, but occasionally i do still need the radio on.

    All I have found is that stress, a lack of sleep and stimulants make it worse. I've never tried to take anything for it, but supposedly the blood thinning 'ginko' stuff can make a difference.
  • wholenewme03
    wholenewme03 Posts: 95 Member
    White noise helps me to not focus on the ringing so much. I sleep with a fan on, and as long as I am not sleeping on the ringing side, I'm usually OK.