Loose skin or fat - is it fixable? [pics]



  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    Do you have any jojoba? I like the Aura Cacia brand, I rub it on after each shower. I have a lot of loose skin too, in my stomach. After I had my youngest (she's almost 7) I lost over 100 pounds within 9 months so I know that's what it's from, I used to have that line in the middle too, the line has gone away and the stretchmarks went from pink to silvery white after rubbing jojoba on them daily (and sun helps too, granted I hate my stomach to show so I only lay in my fenced backyard, LOL.) It tightens up with time but it won't go all the way away...well for me it didn't....
  • Progman
    Progman Posts: 47 Member
    So after you had your baby you made sure to let your stomach go down in size at a steady non-linear pace, unlike this young mom who did it all wrong?

    Gotta say, that's funny!
  • Bmoremama
    Bmoremama Posts: 84 Member
    :) The cluelessness is pretty funny...

    OP - you are doing great. Be patient - I am below my pp weight but I was much heavier than you to start, and gained a bunch while pregnant. My youngest is 4 and the hanging stomach fat/skin is still there but it has gone down some and I think as I lose more it will continue to reduce. (someone mentioned stretch marks - those are also white now with no special oils; I think it's just time and genetics - I have a million marks but all white now). Good luck and be patient; your body will recover in time if you keep working. I agree on the tip for the 30DS; I have done that and it did really tighten me up.
  • carlarolfe
    So, after having 7 kids and looking at myself in the full length mirror after coming home from the hospital from birthing each one, and weeping, let me just say this:

    It takes time, work, dedication and determination to tighten that tummy back to where you want it. Stretch marks will never go away completely but many of them will fade with time. The loose skin on the other hand, does OFTEN shrink back. In some cases, if you've gained then lost a LOT of weight in that area it doesn't shrink back 100% though. This is the reality of the situation.

    Work your abs at a healthy, rigorous pace and see where you are at 1 year. Only then, can you really know for sure if you're going to need more work.
  • Missyelliotfan33
    Missyelliotfan33 Posts: 65 Member
    I just had my son five months ago and i lost all my weight gained from the baby but my stomach looks similar to yours and after a lost a little bit more weight it went down some so it does get better keep working at it. Definitely start lifting some weights. You look great! Its not easy giving birth and your child is the beautiful thing that came from your stomach!
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    This is due to losing too much weight too fast. You're not giving the body time to adapt. I took me over 2 years to lose 100lbs. In today's instant society (thanks biggest loser) that's too long. I was in a small deficit and I lifted heavy. That allowed me to lose weight at a steady NON-LINEAR pace.

    I have next to no lose skin.

    So after you had your baby you made sure to let your stomach go down in size at a steady non-linear pace, unlike this young mom who did it all wrong?


    The stretch marks fade with time. Even my c-section scar is barely noticeable now.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Yep the stretch marks will fade heaps and alot of your skin will tighten up, it may not go back to how it was before but it will definitely improve :)
  • AlegriaFitness
    AlegriaFitness Posts: 10 Member
    No, no no! Please, don't think that's as good as it's gunna get. You've done an amazing job losing fat so quickly...that's especially hard after just having a baby less than a year ago. Congrats! That said - I have actually had children & had my stomach much like yours. I started my fitness journey 2 years ago & now I've got very little left there as far as loose anything. It's a slow process in that area, unfortunately, so you've just gotta let it catch up to the rest of your body. I know that's not what you want to hear but you're doing a great job. Just keep it up - don't give up. :)
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    My youngest of my 3 kids is 4y/o. I started my weight-loss journey before she was 1yr old. It took me a year to lose the "last" 50# to get to my lowest weight since I was in *goodness* elementary school.

    My tummy is still saggy, but it has shrunk a LOT since that first year.

    Some days I'm really upset about it and feel very self conscious so think about tummy tucks and such. Then I think, "Well, maybe one day I might like to coach people in weight-loss, so keeping the baby skin might be a good idea."
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    This is due to losing too much weight too fast. You're not giving the body time to adapt. I took me over 2 years to lose 100lbs. In today's instant society (thanks biggest loser) that's too long. I was in a small deficit and I lifted heavy. That allowed me to lose weight at a steady NON-LINEAR pace.

    I have next to no lose skin.

    So after you had your baby you made sure to let your stomach go down in size at a steady non-linear pace, unlike this young mom who did it all wrong?
    Sure did!
  • jenneal89
    My daughter is 20 months old and I've got to say, for me, the tummy was the hardest spot to lose weight and tone but I does get better! I did the 30 day shred for 2.5m and that helped me get my fitness started but should by no means be your end game. It's tough at first but it isn't that difficult in terms of a workout. I also ran and did her 6 week 6 pack DVD for a year but didn't lose as much as I wanted, I'm just over halfway through p90x and have lost 3 inches already (I lost a total of about 4 inches last year) and I'm nearly there. I have loads of stretch marks but they have faded a LOT. I thought I'd never wear a bikini again but I will in 7 weeks time! I was 205kbs when I gave birth (145lbs before pregnancy) and 123lbs now, 23 years old, and 5' 6". So just be patient and don't give up!

    Edit: I also found that my lose skin actually had fat under it like another poster said :)
  • xburiedmylove
    Thanks everyone, you've really given me hope and a little more confidence!

    I've accepted all my stretch marks, I had a 9.5lb baby so I knew it would happen lol.
    I'm glad you all understand my concerns, I'm not one of those moms that just bounced right back after birth,
    I've already put in a lot of work, and I guess i'll have to continue it!
    :) x