
I've figured out that this isn't something I can do on my own. I need a "plan" to follow... I have had success on South Beach and L.A. Weight Loss - mostly because I had a guideline to follow. Weight Watchers was too "free" - eat what you want, when you want, just watch portion sizes. That doesn't work for me!

So... now I am trying to figure out which program to follow again... does anyone have a suggestion for me? Have you had more success on one more than another?

Thanks for any help/ insight you can give me..


  • pinkhockymom
    pinkhockymom Posts: 86 Member
    I am sorry that you are frustrated luv bug! I think that if either of the two listed "plans" have worked for you, go back to either one.
    I have only used WW in the past and I had great success. I am sorry if I got you sick last Friday! Hope you feel better soon!

    Love Ya!!
  • WickedFit
    I always recommend the book Eating for Life to my clients. It is a cookbook but also gives a guideline on eating 6 meals a day...and spreading them out. As well as recipes for snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner and even desserts and shakes.
  • cchildr
    I love the flat abs diet. It gives you a lot of room within specific guidelines.
  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    I'm sorry you are so frustrated. I have done WW and LA Weight Loss and had success with both of them but I'm just the opposite of you in that I have done WAY better by counting calories. I find that I don't feel deprived by doing it this way. THAT being said, I think you should probably pick which ever one makes you feel better. I know when I did LA Weight Loss I had TONS of energy. I think part of that was due to the protein bars. I loved those things. I hope you find something that works for you and makes you lose the weight you want to. Just be sure it's something you can live with for the rest of your life because if you don't it'll probably come creeping back on you once you stop following the strict guidelines. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  • president1
    What I like about this site and what I've decided to do this time round with the help of this site is eat what I like, mostly healthy, but if I do decide to eat more pasta than not, I know I won't blow my diet because I can always adjust my meal plan for the day and still stay on target. Diet is a lifestyle, and I am finding that I can give up the cream in my coffee for life, if I want those calories for two apples a day instead. I am making healthier choices that I can live with the rest of my life. Planning my own meals daily is key for me, and this site gives me the information and tools I need to do it right this time.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I have found that nutrisystem works for me and I'm back on it right now. It's another one of those controlled portion diets. But the longer I'm on it the more I KNOW how much I am allowed to eat and when I go away for a day or so I can control how much I'm supposed to have. I've combined my Nutrisystem with this site for calorie control and put together it's working. Hope you find what works for you:smile:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Preplan and log your meals in advance on MFP. Structure it so that you are aware of the calories involved in each meal and snack. If you wish to have something extra, you know you can cut out a snack or reduce a portion size to compensate. But, if you know in advance what you will be eating, its much easier to stick to it.

    After months of doing this, I now know that breakfast (for me) is always between 200-250 calories. Lunch is around 300. Each snack is 100 +/-. If I want a filling dinner, I have 500 or so calories to play with, less if I want dessert. It all becomes a numbers game.

    I measure and weigh everything. I <3 my kitchen scale. It becomes habit. Take a handful of pasta and plop it on the scale, oops too much...ok! there we go, that's 2 oz, drop it in the water. I use a certain bowl and it's 1 cup if it's half full (I've measured it's contents a hundred times, lol). I know that I can eat all I want of all of my favorites at Golden Corral (all u can eat buffet) and stay under 700 calories.

    Make it a game. How much quantity and variety can I fit in. How can I have some of my favorite foods? What is the healthiest option for x product or y product.

    You could buy a divided plate and use that as your measuring guide (after you figure out how much each section holds). You could prepackage stuff so you already know how much is there - I put each premeasured serving of lunch meat, bacon, fruit, nuts, etc. into ziplocs so I can grab it and know that it is exactly how much I want to be eating. Never ever take a box or bag of opened container of snackage with you to the computer or tv or table. Always measure it into a bowl/plate and eat from there.

    It's fun! :)