would love some buddies to help with this challenge

Hi everyone
I've been on here a while but not used it properly for at least 6 months. Its time again to tackle my weight as its crept back up and I need to get it shifted again.
I'd love to hear from anyone that has a lot of weight to lose. I need to lose about 45lbs as my first weight loss goal. However there will be more after that too.
I've struggled with my weight all my life and some recent health problems have made me less mobile and the weight has crept back on.
Feel free to message me and hopefully we can work on our problem weight together.


  • SassyLynndog
    SassyLynndog Posts: 10 Member
    Angela, I am new to this myself. I need buddies, too. I have been at this only about a month.
  • Welcome! I am new myself - only joined last Thursday and would love some supportive and motivational friends as well. Please feel free to add me if you like :D
  • Midgetgem74
    Midgetgem74 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi lovely to meet you both I've added you as friends
  • lvnnurse
    lvnnurse Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Angela, I've recently joined (a few days ago) this site and like you, I have struggled with weight even more in the last 2 years an dealing with a back injury that has seriously impaired my ability to ambulate. So welcome back, and we can work it out together...

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Feel free to friend me! I've been at this a while but had a 10 month break during my prenancy and first month of wee ones life. I am now back it and have a long way to go! The more the merrier.
  • Hi All, I've just joined this morning.. and started on a 5:2 diet. ( Today being my first day on it :-) Fingers crossed , I'll be able to shed a few pounds with this diet. ANy of you heard or tried this diet before..?
  • Oishay
    Oishay Posts: 21 Member
    Oh would love some new friends and motivators too! I've had a hectic summer so dropped off MFP for the past couple of months so I need to get focused and finally start shedding pounds. Please feel free to add me -as is anyone else :)
  • I'm kind of near my goal now but still wanted to drop by and wish all of you the best of luck =) Keep it up!
  • I just joined 5 days ago and would love to make great motivational friends through this journey
  • afoswba
    afoswba Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Ive been doing this for about 3 weeks but started my epic weight loss campaign at the begining of June still got a long way to go and yeah looking for some friends to help along the way!!
  • Gemmax0902
    Gemmax0902 Posts: 75 Member

    I'm Gemma only joined this morning and like yourself would love some encouragement!!!!.
    I'm a single mum with a full time job and find it difficult to keep to exercise plans :( I've got 38lbs to loose so could do with a few buddies to keep down on me lol.

    Gemma xx
  • healthchick
    healthchick Posts: 75 Member
    I have been on here for a while but have returned to seriously track and monitor my progress as I would like to lose the "final five kgs". My daughter is getting married in January and looking good is important to me.
  • Midgetgem74
    Midgetgem74 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow thank you for all the replies and friend requests :-). I look forward to getting to know you all and helping each other reach our goals
  • We have a group that started from one person on the Couch to 5k program, now 31 people strong. We are starting with a new challenge today involving calories burned in any intentional exercise and journaling on MFP. You are welcome to join us if you would like. We are primarily based in the Kansas City area but we would certainly welcome someone from across the pond! Our group is Coma to 5k. I'll send you an invite.
  • Sorry, Midgetgem74, I forgot we have progressed from Coma to 5k and are now Coma to Fabulous. Our original member and mentor is working toward her first 10k at this point. She is our true mentor and leader. 295 at her heaviest, she started the couch to 5k at 54 years old and more than 250 pounds. She is now within ounces of the 199 mark and looking forward to living in Onderland. She is nutz, BTW.
  • Midgetgem74
    Midgetgem74 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi I'm afraid I can't run due to hip problems so no 5k for me. I'm just going to start swimming and hopefully a little walking but best of luck with your group :-)
  • healthchick
    healthchick Posts: 75 Member
    Hi I'm afraid I can't run due to hip problems so no 5k for me. I'm just going to start swimming and hopefully a little walking but best of luck with your group :-)

    Awesome plan, swimming is fantastic exercise. You might like to consider Aqua Jogging and Aqua Zumba as well.
  • slimmerme34
    slimmerme34 Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me i could use the same thing and have a lil to lose...(a lot) lol
  • kershaann
    kershaann Posts: 1,824 Member
    I have been at this for about 5 months now and have gotten results. Feel free to add me as well for I still have 20 more punds to go!! It is getting difficult but is worth the results!!! Good Luck!!
  • PammyGift
    PammyGift Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I also started this last week. I would love a "fitness pal" I have about 75lbs to lose. I just recently had surgery (June) and can only do limited exercise at the moment. I also quit smoking to have the surgery. I got a double bam on the inactivity and overeating and gained about 25 lbs since then. I couldnt do anything physically and then wanting to eat to fight off the smoking cravings I am watching calories but I am trying to walk 60 minutes a day. After some more time healing and some weight loss I hope to be able to start running. I will cheer you on and give you some challenges and maybe some competition. I started a group called MIles Challenge. You say how many miles oyu want to complete for the month either,swimming,running,walking,biking, or anything else you could think of. Great way to keep track of where you come from to where you are going. Also a way to trick yourself into making that goal you set for yourself. Remember this groups has all levels so don't get discouraged if you see someone posted 100 miles for the month...they mean biking...lol
    Anyone else please feel free to add....the more encouragement I get the better. We all have down days. It's who gets back "on" that makes a difference.