I can't EVER have a cheat day? HELP



  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    After a year I found that cheat days didn't work for me. In life there are going to be days where you don't get to choose and you'll go over. Other than that, you stick with the program which does not include cheat days.

    I try, but I have a sweet tooth :tongue: but I still don't eat loads of bad stuff on a daily basis, and so I'm usually around my goal for the day. It seems an utterly boring life to never be able to eat an ice cream incase I go over for the day!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    but in all seriousness. weigh yourself again next friday and it should be less (or at least will be within the month). like everyone has said, no point paying attention to the day to day changes.

    Month to month is a similar issue. This time 2 months ago I was the same weight. :ohwell: I am trying to 'cheat' less now though, so hopefully that will help.
  • tooheavy123
    i can't ever cheat either, if i want to continue to lose weight, some people are lucky, some are not!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    i can't ever cheat either, if i want to continue to lose weight, some people are lucky, some are not!

    Then that's like a constant diet. Unless ofc you skip a meal and have a treat instead, but I like to eat ha :/
  • Druidor
    Druidor Posts: 29 Member
    The good thing about using this app is that you see what things you can have that do not bite into your allowance as much and if you have a sweet tooth you can pick things that are not as bad.

    I only note my food with the app as I find adding the exercise it upps your allowance so I keep that off thus eliminating the urge to have that little extra item because I have the spare count back.

    according to the app I should be on 1900 off points but I only use 1450 & generally do not feel like I am starving myself as I mix up foods to add variety.

    Soups are a good one as they make you feel fuller for longer & Do not weigh yourself every day it just makes you paranoid that you are putting on weight as you do fluctuate throughout the day.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I would say that you can't just gain the weight that fast, but then a consistent 1lb a month isn't exactly loads.

    However, You don't weigh a great deal as it is so you can't expect it to drop off at 1lb a week either! It could be that 1lb a month is appropriate.
  • ejha77
    I might have misunderstood, but if you have set your activity level on the basis of doing 7 hours' a day walking at work, why did you log 5 hours' walking on Saturday as exercise? If anything you would have done *less* exercise* that day, surely?

    Sorry if I've misunderstood. Also, I would never have a whole cheat day- just one cheat meal. I think a cheat day sends some people right off the rails with food.

    Finally, I'm near my goal and my weight loss is incredibly slow. It might just be the same for you.
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    Try changing your exercise routine, if you are doing the same exercise everyday your body gets used to this and becomes efficient so it burns less calories. I recommend mixing up your routine to shock your body into working harder.

    What about reducing your calories but not so much that you are forcing your body into starving mode?

    Another option is get an allergy test.

    Have less cheat days- don't eat a BK ice cream but choose something like a small bit of decadent chocolate so it feels like cheating but is still healthier for you? Maybe your choice of cheats aren't great.

    Also weighing yourself everyday does not show change except for water etc. It can also be obsessive and become unhealthy. Not that am saying you are just it could be a better option. Try not cheating for a few weeks and see if you do actually lose weight. If it stays off then don't cheat...
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Too many carbs, not enough protein. Perhaps.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I get the contraceptive injection so I don't have TOM exactly.

    Also, as I said and you read, I weigh most days for a valid reason.

    And it's not going to be an over-estimation, cos when I wear my HRM, it's always way over MFP. MFP will give me 200, and HRM will say 350 etc. But anyway, I'm going based on my actual daily goal, not eating back exercise calories, so it doesn't actually matter.

    I take depo and don't get periods either, however I do get period symptoms occasionally, specifically being bloated. So just because your not having your period doesn't mean you can't have symptom, also i hope your taking your calcium!
  • chardi7
    chardi7 Posts: 42 Member
    If you do mostly cardio...try switching things up a bit. Do some weightlifting at the gym or just some body weight exercises like pushups and body squats. These bodies of ours are amazing and confusing all at the same time. I have experienced times when I eat clean all week and dont seem to make much progress...and then other times I will fall off the band wagon for a week or more and when I come back I have actually lost or maintained...WTF???

    But just stick with the basic's of loggin your calories, watching what you eat, exercise, etc....but dont go crazy. Dont feel bad for cheating...just log it and move on. Also...I fall into the category of eat more protein vs more carbs...however, what I say and what I do can be two different things. :) Thats my 2 cents...and oh yeah...give it some time, Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    I get the contraceptive injection so I don't have TOM exactly.

    Also, as I said and you read, I weigh most days for a valid reason.

    And it's not going to be an over-estimation, cos when I wear my HRM, it's always way over MFP. MFP will give me 200, and HRM will say 350 etc. But anyway, I'm going based on my actual daily goal, not eating back exercise calories, so it doesn't actually matter.

    Tossing in my 2 cents.

    I am on the 5 year IUD (about to get my 2nd IUD, did the Shot for a year) and haven't had a period in years (glorious!) however I will still have what I call "estrogen moments/days" where I get the moody/easily upset emotional cr@p. I also will gain about 3 lbs of water weight. I know the BC is working but I still get these during my 'normal' TOM time. Usually just 3 days of emotional (but water weight says for nearly a week).

    So its possible if the timing is right you *could* experience some TOM affects even on the Shot/IUD. Just make note next time and see if there is any corrolation :) Took me a while to connect the dots.

    I hope others can offer you some great advice food/exercise wise!
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I would agree that eating out usually means more sodium. Dairy can also bloat you. I weigh daily to watch fluctuations. I weigh 3 lbs heavier today than yesterday. I ate 1800 calories yesterday and exercised. I can tell you that it takes 10,000 calories to gain 3 lbs so I know I didn't gain 3 lbs of fat.

    Our bodies are composed mostly of water and water fluctuates based on numerous factors.
  • beckydunks
    beckydunks Posts: 65 Member
    I've got to this point where i'm not as obsessive with counting calories, i've lost 9lb so another 5 and i'm happy :)

    However i have days where i don't record my calories in my diary, for the past 3 weeks, my weights gone up and down, but i'm not worried about :)

    You shouldnt worry as you are a normal weight and the less amount of weight you want to lose the harder it is!

    i'd focus on maintaining you weight and not get too hung up over the number on the scales! after i lost 7lbs, i'd lost 2 inchs on my waist and hips, which made me feel great!

    Good luck and eat what you like! moderation is the key :) don't become obsessed like i was e.g counting calories in ketchup and diet coke!! haha
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I have had previous issues with eating disorders for 8 years, but I've been 100% recovered for over a year now, and in recovery for around a year before that, so I'm unsure if it would be anything to do with that still. :/

    I'm on 1622 a day, so it's not like my body's starving or anything.

    You look TINY, you're 5'4.. How do you have 1622 calories a day? is it possible you are actually eating so close to maintenance for your size/weight that those extra calories are putting you over? Just saying because I'm 2 inches taller and probably 80 - 90 pounds heavier and I'm at 1700 daily also with activity included. From what I have seen the smaller you are the less you need unless you're a beast in the gym - but you haven't said you are. Have you adjusted your calories back from when you were heavier?
  • LCgymnast
    Maybe it's what you eat on your cheat day. Usually when I have a "naughty" day, I'll eat something small that's not particularly healthy for me such as ice-cream, soda, 2 cookies, etc. This past weekend though, I totally blew that away (It was carbs city with lots of bread and like 4 cookies), but I know for the week that water, fiber, and fruits are my best friend to clean it all out of me. Try to incorporate more fiber and fruits into your diet so when you have a cheat day the water and fruits will help get of your system quicker. Hope this helps you out. Good Luck!
  • maryjay51
    hey i lost 80lbs and i would be lying if i told you i never had junk food during that time frame.. first 50 lbs i lost i had chips and dip and ice cream with caramel sauce on it a few times a week.i had it in monderation though which is a problem for me. i mean one helping of chips as opposed to the whole bag is a big step for someone like me . even with ice cream. when i measured out one serving i almost fell over but i figured it was a start to changing my bad eating habits. so when i really want something i shouldnt be eating , i will have it and i will eat it in moderation.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    to gain a pound you need 3500 calories. You did not go over 3500 calories so you did not truely can that weight...the body fluxuates regularly. If your cheat days are an additional 3500 calories then you can worry!
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    I have noticed alot of people put down exercise which they do every day ie walking in your job as an example. I would not include any exercise I do ever day as I understand it the body gets used to this level of activity.

    I think if you do exercise then it should be that ie you should be flushed I think the word is when you have finished.
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    Oh and you have to have something you enjoy or else whats the point. Please feel free to have a look at my diary it seems to be working for me. I only log exercise that i do outside my normal day ie I take the dog for a walk every morning.