URGENT- please help!!!



  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Can someone slap me please!!!
    i dont need them, i dont want them..i just dont know how to get through this!!
    i keep imagining getting on the scales tomorrow and crying, as i'm sure not to lose if i carry on like this tonight!
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    I just had a skinny cow hot choc, and feel better!! I am off to bed at 9pm, with my uni work, to try and take my mind off chocolate..i think its for the best!!
  • rainbowgirl
    Dear Claire
    I find that what helps for these craving is not to say to yourself that you cannot have it but: "Yes, I can have this but not today" and then you will find that tomorrow you will not have the craving anymore.
    The brain does not understand negative statements. So, you give a positive statement and your mind will leave you alone for today.
    Just a trick that I use and that works. Try it !
  • hateras
    hateras Posts: 33 Member
    When I start to get hungry like that and feel a binge coming on... I just go to bed!!! You will sleep right through it and wake up with a whole new bank of calories...

    It's all a mind game.
  • freedMan
  • tobebetter
    Call your cable company. You will be put on hold. The music that you listen to, will make you lose your appetite. :sick:

    love that idea!
  • maddogbev
    Call your cable company. You will be put on hold. The music that you listen to, will make you lose your appetite. :sick:

    like this lol
  • bkeeldo
    bkeeldo Posts: 28 Member
    Clear out your temptation foods outta your fridge and cabinets. If it's not there, you won't see it and want it. Out of sight, out of mind. It's helped me a ton to keep certain foods out of my cabinet because then I don't think about them when I'm bored and searching the fridge for food.