Unsolicited Butt Comment :(

Hey y'all, a quick intro.....My name is Dixie and I've been a mfp member for nearly two years. I joined shortly after having my son, to help me lose the pregnancy weight. I had never needed to lose weight before then, and I didn't have much to lose after having him either, however the little that I had to lose took a lot longer than I expected and it was REALLY difficult. I am happy to say that I worked my behind off and was successful in getting in even better shape than I was before pregnancy. MFP served as a great tool for my weightloss and I've learned a lot from it....so much that I don't even feel the need to log in that much anymore. I continued my exercise routine and my healthy eating habits and have done great. But now I'm pregnant again, 6 months pregnant actually and so far so good, or so I thought. I changed up my exercise routines a bit over the last few weeks to accommodate the belly. I still eat healthy. I went to maintenance calories for the 1st trimester and upped my cals 200-300 when I got to the 2nd trimester.

Well, this morning I came into work and a coworker said "awww, you're starting to get a cute little belly!" Then another coworker, who is known for her outspoken nature and for being a bit of a jokester, said "yeah and you're getting a fat *kitten* on you too!" Folks, I nearly knocked her dang head off her shoulders! I am (usually) about as tough skinned as they come, quite outspoken myself, and quite capable of taking a joke but damn that was rude! I found out first hand last time around, how difficult weightloss really is and I am very proud of the work that I did to get my body back. Here I am, trying to not to lose my hard earned physique by watching what I eat and continuing to exercise and someone has the nerve to make a comment like that! (And please do not take that last sentence wrong y'all. I am very aware that weight gain is necessary, I simply mean I don't want to lose muscle mass or gain excessive weight.) Even if she was kidding (and I think she was), that really hurt my feelings. :sad: Any ideas for a little extra butt and thigh work that is pregnancy friendly?


  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I wish I knew more pregnancy friendly workouts, but sadly I am clueless! I'm just bumping your post in hopes you'll get some answers! Good luck buddy! :drinker:
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Well, this morning I came into work and a coworker said "awww, you're starting to get a cute little belly!" Then another coworker, who is known for her outspoken nature and for being a bit of a jokester, said "yeah and you're getting a fat *kitten* on you too!" Folks, I nearly knocked her dang head off her shoulders!

    Ok. I don't want to alarm you. But I think your co-worker was checking out your butt.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm doing squats and lunges, but I was doing them before I got pregnant and have continued them (I'm about six months along, too!) I would be a little hesitant to start something new at this point that I wasn't used to doing--pregnancy hormones make your joints loose and easier to hurt yourself.
    I know something like that would probably have hurt my feelings, too, but try not to let some rude, snarky comment take away from all the good you are doing for yourself. It sounds like you are doing fine.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I would have just said, "On what planet is is EVER appropriate to say that to someone?! I'm hormonal. I could murder someone for less and get away with it."
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    1 - You're freaking pregnant, you're supposed to carry a little extra weight, don't freak out.

    2 - did you ask her "yes, but then again I AM pregnant, what's your excuse?"
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    1 - You're freaking pregnant, you're supposed to carry a little extra weight, don't freak out.

    2 - did you ask her "yes, but then again I AM pregnant, what's your excuse?"

    what she said :):):)
  • Ignore them!!.
    Weight is going to do good for the baby..Eat healthy and maintain peacefulness in your pregrancy.
    You can lose your pregnancy weight easily after the baby is born with disipline.Now your focus should be your health and the baby's health.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Also, for informational purposes, I have done almost all of Jillian Michael's workout videos, sometimes 2 of her workouts a day and she does a lot of squats, lunges and plyo type moves. I've also done a couple of rounds of P90x. So, I am very fit and able to do pretty intense moves. In the 2nd trimester, I'm still doing some of Jillian's dvds, I just do extra cardio in place of the ab moves and I don't go at it quite as intensely as I did. Trying to concentrate more on keeping my form perfect so I don't hurt myself lol. Just need to sneak some more butt work in there somewhere. Growing a giant butt is definitely something I'd like to avoid.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Well, this morning I came into work and a coworker said "awww, you're starting to get a cute little belly!" Then another coworker, who is known for her outspoken nature and for being a bit of a jokester, said "yeah and you're getting a fat *kitten* on you too!" Folks, I nearly knocked her dang head off her shoulders!

    Ok. I don't want to alarm you. But I think your co-worker was checking out your butt.

    Hilarious!!!! :laugh:
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    Also, for informational purposes, I have done almost all of Jillian Michael's workout videos, sometimes 2 of her workouts a day and she does a lot of squats, lunges and plyo type moves. I've also done a couple of rounds of P90x. So, I am very fit and able to do pretty intense moves. In the 2nd trimester, I'm still doing some of Jillian's dvds, I just do extra cardio in place of the ab moves and I don't go at it quite as intensely as I did. Trying to concentrate more on keeping my form perfect so I don't hurt myself lol. Just need to sneak some more butt work in there somewhere. Growing a giant butt is definitely something I'd like to avoid.

    I would absolutely not take this person's comment as evidence that you need to do something more about your rear.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I sincerely doubt it was a sincere comment. My guess is actually jealousy - that emotion often leads to negative reactions to the person you're jealous of. I would bet she's either jealous of you being pregnant or jealous of the attention it's getting you. You know your butt - if it was actually an issue, would she have really said something? Doubtful. As a culture we don't actually tell someone when they're fat.

    Edit: Oh, and congratulations on your pregnancy :) Yay baby!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Also, for informational purposes, I have done almost all of Jillian Michael's workout videos, sometimes 2 of her workouts a day and she does a lot of squats, lunges and plyo type moves. I've also done a couple of rounds of P90x. So, I am very fit and able to do pretty intense moves. In the 2nd trimester, I'm still doing some of Jillian's dvds, I just do extra cardio in place of the ab moves and I don't go at it quite as intensely as I did. Trying to concentrate more on keeping my form perfect so I don't hurt myself lol. Just need to sneak some more butt work in there somewhere. Growing a giant butt is definitely something I'd like to avoid.
    In that case...you probably look fantastic and she was being sarcastic...jealous, maybe? RELAX! You've got this. :smile:
  • Where do you work that it is okay for a coworker to comment on your butt?
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    That profile pic of your with the great big bun...hang that up at work, prominently, so your dumb$hit coworker can see it. Might deter her stupid mouth.

    I'm sure your but still looks just fine.
  • 1 - You're freaking pregnant, you're supposed to carry a little extra weight, don't freak out.

    2 - did you ask her "yes, but then again I AM pregnant, what's your excuse?"

    #2 - THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    JEALOUS MUCH!?!?! I am sure your coworker is just jealous. She probably is unhappy that she doesnt look as good as you at 6 months pregnant! I agree that you shouldnt take this idiots view that you need more work on your toosh.

    When I was pregnant (my son is 8 weeks old) I had the common comment "Are you sure you arent having twins" or "Are you sure you are only 5 months..." People are *kitten*.

    However, I would found a fabulous workout while I was pregnant that helped me stay toned and tight. It was the prenatal Bar Method DVD. I highly recommend it!
  • Gaining gluteal-femoral fat during pregnancy is totally normal, and is actually a sign of metabolic health. You can add more leg/glute work if you want, but I doubt it's going to do much, and in fact may make your butt look bigger as you'll have the fat stores plus more muscle mass.

    You'll burn it off if you breastfeed, especially if you nurse into your baby's second year.

    Just enjoy being active, enjoy real food, enjoy growing your baby and ignore people's rude comments. People suck. I'm sure you look lovely. <3
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Where do you work that it is okay for a coworker to comment on your butt?

    LOL! I guess it does sound a bit odd that someone would come out with something like that. I am a police/fire dispatcher. Being around a bunch of dudes all day hasn't done much for the filter between my brain and mouth either lol. I do try to think about peoples feelings though. Everyone in this office can be a bit vulgar at times.