exercise times

When is it best time to exercise, in the morning when you've not eating anything yet or in the evening when you are done with your day?


  • ervine
    ervine Posts: 9 Member
    I have heard different places say different things. I tend to have more energy and feel better throughout the day when I get my workouts done in the morning. But my personal philosophy is as long as you are working out that is all that matters!
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    The best time to exercise is when you'll actually do it.
  • moogyface
    I have been exercising every evening. I was just wondering because I have heard it's best to workout in the morning.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    The best time to exercise is when you'll actually do it.

    Correct. Other than that, it doesn't matter when you exercise. Do it when it's convenient.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    It is generally said whatever works for you, but at least a couple of hours before you go to bed. Otherwise your body will not be fully relaxed yet.
  • moogyface
    OK, thank you everybody. I exercise about 3-2 hours before bed.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    for me personally - I dont do mornings - period - and since I already get up at 4am to get to work ontime getting up earlier to fit in a workout just isnt happening - I work out in the afternoons / evenings whenever my trainer and classes fit in - sometimes they end really close to be - if that happens I just go home and have a warm bath with some epsom salts to relax me enough for bed. But as others have said - whenever works for you personally, fits your schedule and you will do is the best time.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I find a work out in the morning sets you up for the day. I get up at 5.30 in the morning and either go for a 2 mile run/brisk walk or do interval training, it depends on weather and time as I have to get the rest of the household up and fed at 6.30.

    Being a stay at home mother with one child at home, this is the best time for me.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    For all practical purposes the best time to exercise is whatever fits your schedule & preferences. Personally I prefer to get up and run early in the morning but that's just me, I find it's a great way to start the day.
  • OnTheWayToPerfection
    Anytime you exercise is a good time. Every one has a different preference. I like mornings. If I don't workout first thing, then I'm making excuses all day to not do it.
  • pithole
    pithole Posts: 75 Member
    For all practical purposes the best time to exercise is whatever fits your schedule & preferences. Personally I prefer to get up and run early in the morning but that's just me, I find it's a great way to start the day.

    I agree, whatever is good for you is the right time to do it.

    Personally it's all about the mornings for me. I am a runner and it's so nice going out right around sunrise. The humidity is low and it's gernerally just a nicer/prettier time of the day.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    As someone who has been pretty much the same weight since h.s. (read, 25+ years!) I can honestly tell you whenever you can! I'm not a morning person so pretty much I've always worked out after work. However, when training for a half-marathon I run with the guys Sat/ Sun mornings. You need 2+ hours of daylight (and cooler temps here in the south) so that's when we usually did it.

    So, bottom line is it doesn't matter when as long as you do it.

    Keep in mind, 80% of weight loss is a calorie deficit, so exercise won't erase a bad diet. If it did everyone who went to a gym would be fit. I've never had a gym membership and only run outside and have free weights at home...and I'm +/- a few pounds from my h.s. weight. Why? Eating clean and counting calories.