Yellow for National Suicide Prevention Day



  • Jenny56dreams
    Jenny56dreams Posts: 147 Member
    Got a little bit of yellow on. I lost my brother 1yr and 4months ago today. We were close. I didn't know he would ever be capable of doing it. People say "it gets a little easier to deal with every day" but not true. It still feels like the day after. Thanks for the post. :heart:
  • Jenny56dreams
    Jenny56dreams Posts: 147 Member

    I know you offered this phrase from a place of love.

    But, sadly, even if you see the signs, even if you know it's coming like a fu(king freight train, even if you reason with them and point out all the reasons why this is a terrible path, even if you get them hospitalized and beg the staff to keep them longer than the 72 hours...............

    you still can't stop it.

    believing I could have is the most painful untruth I tell myself.

    :cry: :cry:

    I'm right there with you.....
  • Thanks Bry. ♥

    I don't own yellow clothing.. looks horrible on me.. but others have taken markers and wrote "LOVE" across their wrists. May seem silly.. but little things like that may have more of an effect on someone than you know.

    I agree, its the little things, like changing your avatar for the day to show support and honestly, I don't think the color matters, because the point is to get people to ask why a certain color, band the word LOVE, etc and to share that it is in support of the day and those who may have lost their fight and/or attempted.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    .learn to recognize the signs and intervene before its too late. Sometimes, there is nothing we can do...but sometimes there may be. If you wonder, take action....what have you got to lose.

    I know you offered this phrase from a place of love.

    But, sadly, even if you see the signs, even if you know it's coming like a fu(king freight train, even if you reason with them and point out all the reasons why this is a terrible path, even if you get them hospitalized and beg the staff to keep them longer than the 72 hours...............

    you still can't stop it.

    believing I could have is the most painful untruth I tell myself.

    :cry: :cry:

    I agree that SOMETIMES you can't stop it...and I am sorry for your loss. But I know from personal experience, that sometimes you CAN stop it. Someone who cared., and paid attention, did it for me once upon a time.
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    I saw something last night about the color being orange ... since I was a little confused, I checked online and saw conflicting information: orange, purple, red, black, and of course yellow. Seems the legit color is debated.

    Because I am wearing work clothes today and heading straight home after work, I'm participating in spirit (and the candle lighting at 8 pm) instead of my clothing today...

    I lost a high school friend and my father and brother to suicide. I miss them so much.

    I just did an "Out of the Darkness" walk this weekend and they handed out ribbons. Red if it was a mother or father lost, Purple if it was a son or daughter lost, Green if it was a sister or brother lost, Yellow if it was another relative and White if it was a friend.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    RIP Brenda, Jason and Chad....

    As a person who has tried suicide and not succeeded, I surely hope that your pain is gone and you are in a better place.

    I'm meant to be here but I'll miss all of you daily and I pray that every step that took you from us set you free.

  • I am wearing yellow in memory of my son Christopher...
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I'm wearing yellow, so are my kiddos! Sadly mfp is being a butt and won't let me change my profile pic! Grrrr.
  • AuntSaris
    AuntSaris Posts: 7 Member
    I am wearing yellow. I am sorry, I don't know how to get a picture supporting this cause up. So sorry for all of you who have lost loved ones to suicide. I have dealt with mental illness for 15 years, and have tried to take my own life 3 times. Hearing you all say how much you miss your lost friends and family members breaks my heart. I am so thankful that I am still here. I had no idea that there was a day to spread awareness about suicide.
  • I am wearing yellow. I am sorry, I don't know how to get a picture supporting this cause up. So sorry for all of you who have lost loved ones to suicide. I have dealt with mental illness for 15 years, and have tried to take my own life 3 times. Hearing you all say how much you miss your lost friends and family members breaks my heart. I am so thankful that I am still here. I had no idea that there was a day to spread awareness about suicide.

    This is how I did it. Right click on the picture, save as, then upload to your profile. I hope this helps. Good luck with everything you do in life.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I did not realize that was today....damn I wish I wore yellow.

    Just lost my cousin 3 weeks ago to suicide. :brokenheart:

    Lost a few friends in the last several years as well...heart breaking.
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    Thank you so much for the info about the Out of the Darkness different ribbon colors! I'll have to check if there is a sibling color too.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    Wearing yellow and raising awareness!
  • I've got my yellow shirt!
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    RIP: Teddy, Keith, Will, Charlie my cousin, and Nick, I will ALWAYS love you I wish you knew that miss you forever.
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    the guy i was seeing/dating committed suicide out of no where almost three years ago now.
    it was heart breaking. there are no words to describe the pain. and there is still an empty space in my heart

    rest in peace gregory bono.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Thank you for making others aware of the importance of this day!! I lost my fiance (my 3yr old sons father) to suicide a little over a year ago...You just think it will never happen in your family until it does. I will be wearing yellow this year and every year on this day.
  • Christy. Roger. Scott. Dalton. Terri.

    Thank you for the reminder and the lesson. Tonight I light candles and pour a shot of very good whiskey for the fallen. I've lost people many ways but suicide is by far the hardest of all.

    So many brave survivors here...carrying on legacies of loved ones and spreading awareness for the chance that others can be spared both in life and the life devastation. Keep fighting the good fight, and spreading the good love. Blessings to all of you.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I lost my husband to this on May 11th of last year.
    I don't have any yellow...... BUT I do have a rather striking HUMUNGOUS pile of bright yellow courgettes!
  • ElicitDreams
    ElicitDreams Posts: 73 Member
    .learn to recognize the signs and intervene before its too late. Sometimes, there is nothing we can do...but sometimes there may be. If you wonder, take action....what have you got to lose.

    I know you offered this phrase from a place of love.

    But, sadly, even if you see the signs, even if you know it's coming like a fu(king freight train, even if you reason with them and point out all the reasons why this is a terrible path, even if you get them hospitalized and beg the staff to keep them longer than the 72 hours...............

    you still can't stop it.

    believing I could have is the most painful untruth I tell myself.

    :cry: :cry:

    While this may be true in some situations, most signs are hiding in plain sight.

    And for the love of whatever diety you believe in, when someone is finally able to state the truth of what has been going on with them and their thoughts and attempts of suicide, DO NOT brush it aside claiming how "you can't deal with something like that" or "you're not strong enough to lose them as a person"

    ...everytime I heard that it brought me closer and closer to the edge. If YOU can't deal with hear about it, what do you think it's like living with the thoughts you do not want???