I'm back

I took about 5 weeks off of dieting while I was going through some really stressful stuff at work. Looking back at it, I was so stupid to do that. It seemed easier to just stress eat and drown my sorrows in ice cream but really, all I did was make things worse. I now weigh about 7 pounds less than my highest weight, it's been almost 5 years since I've been where I'm at now (obviously I wasn't THAT far off before I "gave up" a few weeks ago but I was steady/losing from where I was). I'm recovering from a lengthy back injury and go in tomorrow to talk to my doctor about where my back is at now. I know losing weight will help tremendously. I'm incorporating some basic cardio into my day. My neighborhood is a great 1/2 mile loop so every day I plan on doing at least one loop around the neighborhood and on days that I work I plan on walking on at least 2 of my 15 minute breaks since I'm pretty sedentary at work. I'm walking/trying to jog in the Color Run this Saturday.

Basically, I'm done being fat. I tired of looking at pictures of myself and seeing how bad I've let myself become. I have huge boobs and at this point my stomach sticks out farther that my boobs. That's not ok. I will change this. I am changing this.


  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Mandy all I can tell you is this...

    I wasted like two freakin years of my life with an off and on diet/workout routine. I would constantly say, "Ok I'm back on track this week." I HATE hearing that sentence! I hear it a lot on MFP. I only hate it because I used to say it all the time and I truly did waste like two years. One week I'd work out maybe four days a week, then next week maybe two days. The following week maybe not at all! Then maybe three times the next week. You get the point. Two years of that off and on *kitten* and NO progress.

    For me the key has really been consistency. Just make a solid plan and STICK TO IT!! I don't care if you're only working out three days a week. If that's where you need to start, fine. Start there, keep doing it, then increase when you're ready. Increase the length of your work out and add more days per week as well. If you stick to it, and don't go back and forth, you WILL have success! At least that's what worked for me.

    You can do this :) You know we're all here for you! So happy you're doing The Color Run with us on Saturday!
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    Mandy all I can tell you is this...

    I wasted like two freakin years of my life with an off and on diet/workout routine. I would constantly say, "Ok I'm back on track this week." I HATE hearing that sentence! I hear it a lot on MFP. I only hate it because I used to say it all the time and I truly did waste like two years. One week I'd work out maybe four days a week, then next week maybe two days. The following week maybe not at all! Then maybe three times the next week. You get the point. Two years of that off and on *kitten* and NO progress.

    For me the key has really been consistency. Just make a solid plan and STICK TO IT!! I don't care if you're only working out three days a week. If that's where you need to start, fine. Start there, keep doing it, then increase when you're ready. Increase the length of your work out and add more days per week as well. If you stick to it, and don't go back and forth, you WILL have success! At least that's what worked for me.

    You can do this :) You know we're all here for you! So happy you're doing The Color Run with us on Saturday!

    What was the changing point for you? Like, what clicked in your head that made you say "Ok, enough of this *kitten*"?
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    What was the changing point for you? Like, what clicked in your head that made you say "Ok, enough of this *kitten*"?

    Lol well, I had started working out, and being pretty consistent with it like a month before Grant and I broke up. Then we broke up. I think the fact that we broke up helped a lot lol. I know this sounds stupid and petty...but I wanted to make sure I looked hot the next time I saw him haha. That is no longer my motivation lmao now I'm just obsessed with getting my dream stomach! Doing P90X was huge too. I know it's cliche to say "It's a lifestyle change." But it truly was! Doing P90X and reading the nutrition guide that came with it really opened my eyes.
  • JennytheWicked
    JennytheWicked Posts: 67 Member
    Good job, sister.
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    What was the changing point for you? Like, what clicked in your head that made you say "Ok, enough of this *kitten*"?

    Lol well, I had started working out, and being pretty consistent with it like a month before Grant and I broke up. Then we broke up. I think the fact that we broke up helped a lot lol. I know this sounds stupid and petty...but I wanted to make sure I looked hot the next time I saw him haha. That is no longer my motivation lmao now I'm just obsessed with getting my dream stomach! Doing P90X was huge too. I know it's cliche to say "It's a lifestyle change." But it truly was! Doing P90X and reading the nutrition guide that came with it really opened my eyes.

    Lol!! I can definitely understand your thinking about Grant! I know at this point I couldn't physically make it through P90X with my back issues but I really hope to get there eventually, like I had said, the end of the year is my goal for that. I think the Jillian Michaels DVD's are definitely a better start for me for now :(
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    Good job, sister.

    Thanks :)
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Lol!! I can definitely understand your thinking about Grant! I know at this point I couldn't physically make it through P90X with my back issues but I really hope to get there eventually, like I had said, the end of the year is my goal for that. I think the Jillian Michaels DVD's are definitely a better start for me for now :(

    Awwe don't make a sad face about that! I've seen some great success pics from people on here who have done some of the Jillian Michaels stuff! Do one of those programs and just MAKE yourself stick to the schedule :)
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    Lol!! I can definitely understand your thinking about Grant! I know at this point I couldn't physically make it through P90X with my back issues but I really hope to get there eventually, like I had said, the end of the year is my goal for that. I think the Jillian Michaels DVD's are definitely a better start for me for now :(

    Awwe don't make a sad face about that! I've seen some great success pics from people on here who have done some of the Jillian Michaels stuff! Do one of those programs and just MAKE yourself stick to the schedule :)

    I was doing so well the last time I did the 30DS. I was seriously crying when I had to stop because of my back :(
  • JennytheWicked
    JennytheWicked Posts: 67 Member
    I'm about to do 30DS again.

    Oh and I forgot to tell you guys: I got ankle weights! Yay.
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm about to do 30DS again.

    Oh and I forgot to tell you guys: I got ankle weights! Yay.
