CONTROLL over food! help wanted...friends wanted:-)



  • aharrington84
    aharrington84 Posts: 11 Member
    feel free to add me... I just joined my fitness pal 6 days ago and have 79 lbs to go to meet my personal goal. So far I'm doing this all on my own at home, though I've talked my husband into excercising with me some... it's hard to stay motivated. I have found that hosting at home dance parties with my 2 kids seems to be a sure fire way to hold me accountable for at least some excerise each night. anyways, it would be nice to not go it alone
  • jozzler
    I'm fine at giving advice, as for taking it, pah! :laugh:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    add me,, i am on every day!
  • victoriadw84
    victoriadw84 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey! I would love to be support for you! Always better to have more :) I am working on crazy sugar cravings I had this past weekend and doing better today lol! Best wishes for you!
  • PhillyDerbyDoll
    My first step was to not have anything in the house that I can just "grab" and mindlessly eat - chips, other junk food, etc. My treat canisters now have nuts, seeds, multi grain pretzel sticks, etc. I find when it's not in the house, I won't eat it and I won't go out to buy it. I've found a healthy replacement for most everything I used to love. I have started to have a glass of water when I first get that urge to grab something to eat, before just running for food...,and I will also do something silly like play darts or tennis on the XBox when my mind starts focusing on food like "I want a piece of cake...just a bite....cake would really taste good right now...." Good luck to you. We have more control over things than we think - and it's such a great feeling to be able to say I overcame a craving, etc. - or I ate healthy all day. I just try and remember also how crappy I feel when I fall off the wagon....(forgive yourself and pick right back up!!)