Hello - newbie in need of help and support :)



  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me if you would like. Anyone that would like to add me as a friend is welcome.
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    Welcome to MFP, feel free to add me.
  • mel72281
    mel72281 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome! I think you will find MFP will help a lot! Add me as a friend if you'd like. Best wishes!!!!
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    4 x 25 reps of Sit ups/lat raises/bicep curls/tricep dips/lunges/squats/plank
    Using 1-2lb weights so just going to tone rather than bulk!

    You are wasting your time with the pink weights. I'm assuming you're a woman. Please please please don't be afraid of larger weights. I can assure you you'll never 'bulk' up.

    Check out some of the threads here about the NROLFW or Strong Lifts.

    Good luck.
  • I will send you support. Friend me if you want to:)
  • Flyingjester2k1
    Flyingjester2k1 Posts: 19 Member
    welcome!! this site is amazing for weight loss, any real progress i've ever made has been because of the ease of tracking provided here and the supportive community.
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me! :) I've been on and off with the same lb for about 2 weeks now! It's stubborn! We can help eachother! :)
  • iuliamaria1
    iuliamaria1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm a newbie too. I successfully lost 22 lbs and I have to lost 4 lbs more to look how I want. This site is the best! I mean I know how many calories i need to eat.
  • Thanks for all your replies - I am overwhelmed with your loveliness and offers of support and help.

    We are all so going to smash this!! :) x