What am I doing wrong?

So bummed :( Okay so I usually weigh myself every morning. However, this week I noticed how depressed I was getting because my weight was staying the same at an annoying 180.5 lbs and I desperately wanted to get into the 170s (179.5 would have made me happy). Anyway, after posting on a couple of boards I noticed that many people say you have to eat more to weigh less. I did some research found out my TDEE and BMR and crunched the numbers and upped my calories. Now I decided to weigh myself this morning (you know with it being Monday and all) and I am 182 lbs! Granted I've only been eating at the higher level for about 5 or so days but this really ticks me off! I need some help! HELP!


  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I see that all the time here. For me eat more (even the good stuff) = weigh more. I can not eat more even when working out faithfully. But the other message I get around here is that we are all different. I guess I am just unfortunate.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Good for you for finding out your BMR and TDEE. It's the first step to losing in a healthy way. Are you eating below your TDEE? If so you may have to tweak the numbers. Having said that, it usually takes 2 - 4 weeks for your body to adjust to the increase in food. Mostly it's water weight. Don't just rely on scales - measure too! Hang in there and check out the site and facebook page below for support and answers to all your questions! Stay strong. I have been following the road map for 55 days and am losing about 1 - 1.5 pounds a week now. :smile:



  • legalporter
    legalporter Posts: 20 Member
    I started following Bob Harper's skinny rules and FINALLY get the whole eat more argument. So, one of his rules is no carbs (flour products, starchy veg, fruit) after lunch. So, I'm having carbs at breakfast and lunch and then my dinners are protein and veggies. I was on a MAJOR plateau and this change has really helped me! I am realizing that it's the quality of the food, not the amount of calories alone. So, my 'goal' calorie intake is 1200 and I used to hit that easy - now, after dinner, I have to look around for things to eat, because I'm eating such good, quality foods (and leaving out the breads, etc after lunch) that it's hard to reach 1200. And, I am SO full. I just turned 40 this summer and have found it much harder to lose weight recently - I think this is the key....it's the quality of food and not just the amount of calories!

    Sorry you're frustrated - hope you find some good answers here.
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    I looked at your diary and though your calories seem well within a loss range ( I don't know what that is for you personally) I would suggest to jump start that you replace the cookies and any other simple carb type foods with maybe some raw veggies or another apple. The only other thing that for me I know is a problem is it doesn't seem like you have enough lean protein. I can't lose weight without a DECENT amount of protein in the form of egg whites, chicken, fish, turkey etc. However we are all different, I just know from experience I need a high protein diet to lose. I'm sure that you are up due to water, which is an EVIL thing when it comes to the scale. Not sure if you are weighing daily or not but I would avoid that habit, as it is DEPRESSING. Especially when you feel as if you are working hard.

    I know how frustrating it can be when you are really trying and not seeing results. It is hard enough to change your life habits when you are. Please be patient and do not give up! There is a lot of good info out there, there's also a ton of garbage. HANG IN THERE!!!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    So bummed :( Okay so I usually weigh myself every morning. However, this week I noticed how depressed I was getting because my weight was staying the same at an annoying 180.5 lbs and I desperately wanted to get into the 170s (179.5 would have made me happy). Anyway, after posting on a couple of boards I noticed that many people say you have to eat more to weigh less. I did some research found out my TDEE and BMR and crunched the numbers and upped my calories. Now I decided to weigh myself this morning (you know with it being Monday and all) and I am 182 lbs! Granted I've only been eating at the higher level for about 5 or so days but this really ticks me off! I need some help! HELP!

    this is totally expected! don't get discouraged yet. From everything I have read, when you up your calories it takes the body a few weeks to get used to it.
    How much did you increase? The suggestion I have seen is to increase by 100-200 calories a week, instead of more all at once.
  • livinbb
    livinbb Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks all. I will stick with it and not weigh myself again until next week. I have finally found my tape measure and will take measurements today to see how they change. I will give myself more time on the eat more, weigh less program and hopefully will see the results I desire in the not too distant future :)
  • LovelyVegetarian
    LovelyVegetarian Posts: 117 Member
    I am not doing this right but this is a question for the person who talked about the Skinny Rules.

    Hey, so what do you eat for dinner? And no fruit either (that's carbs right)?

    I'm a vegetarian so do you have any suggestions that I could try? I kind of like the sounds of no carbs after lunch!
  • legalporter
    legalporter Posts: 20 Member
    I like the Skinny Rules, but it is hard to get used to! So, for dinner, I usually will have eggs or chicken or beef (all of our products are organic/free range) and veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, etc). I have made some bean dishes and tofu dishes for my protein, so that would help fit a vegetarian/vegan diet. I will not lie - it is difficult. But, I was having serious trouble losing weight while staying in my calorie level. I am serious that when I eat high protein/no carb at dinner, I am SO full.

    One of Bob Harper's rules is absolutley NO white potatoes. That is one I don't want to follow, so I just make sure to eat them before 2pm.

    He is not extremely clear on the no carbs after lunch, because he says that high-fiber carbs might be ok.....So, you just have to fit it into your life!

    Hope that helps!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    this is totally expected! don't get discouraged yet. From everything I have read, when you up your calories it takes the body a few weeks to get used to it.

    This. Your body feels like you are "binging" when you up your calories to BMR level so It holds on to those thinking that you will being going back to your "low" calories when your binge is over.

    It will settle out on it's own once your body get's used to it! Remember, it takes over 3000 calories to gain a pound of fat and our bodies can fluctuate 5lbs of water or more a day!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    first of all, losing isnt linear, its going to bounce around a bit. Give this a little time. And don't weigh yourself every day if its going to make you crazy..once a week is better and probably a better picture of where you really are.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Thanks all. I will stick with it and not weigh myself again until next week. I have finally found my tape measure and will take measurements today to see how they change. I will give myself more time on the eat more, weigh less program and hopefully will see the results I desire in the not too distant future :)

    Make sure you give yourself a month of eating more. This stuff takes time.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    In any system, making a change to one variable rarely instantaneously has an effect on the outcome. This is *especially* true of making changes that effect the body. Give yourself three or so weeks of doing this before you make a judgment on whether "it's working" or not. The body does things on its own time. Be patient, be mindful, but don't fret.

    -The girl who has been sticking to it for 6 months but has only lost 16 lbs.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I started following Bob Harper's skinny rules and FINALLY get the whole eat more argument. So, one of his rules is no carbs (flour products, starchy veg, fruit) after lunch. So, I'm having carbs at breakfast and lunch and then my dinners are protein and veggies. I was on a MAJOR plateau and this change has really helped me! I am realizing that it's the quality of the food, not the amount of calories alone. So, my 'goal' calorie intake is 1200 and I used to hit that easy - now, after dinner, I have to look around for things to eat, because I'm eating such good, quality foods (and leaving out the breads, etc after lunch) that it's hard to reach 1200. And, I am SO full. I just turned 40 this summer and have found it much harder to lose weight recently - I think this is the key....it's the quality of food and not just the amount of calories!

    Sorry you're frustrated - hope you find some good answers here.

    So you are saying your calorie intake stayed exactly the same but by not eating carbs after xxx o clock you are now losing fat at a faster rate? I just want to make sure I fully understand the statement.
  • Hang in there. You are not alone. I am 42 and eat pretty healthy and stick to an average of 1400 calories per day. I excercise about 400 calories a day off and do not eat them back. I have only lost 2 lbs in a month. If I try to eat the calories back I gain weight also. I feel like giving up, and I am tired of feeling hungry! We can do it though...hang in there!
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    personally I've reduced my "processed" carbs.

    so fruit n veg is ok for me, but I dumped bread, pasta, rice, couscous etc....

    I still have the odd naughty snack but find I have more energy, clarity and less aches when working out hard!

    I do train 3 times on a Monday, twice every other day and have a rest day every 7-10 days.

    I eat up all my kcals + exercise kcals too (estimates)!

    I always have a blowout day, currently I'm deliberately tuning my BMR too, so nearly every day is a blowup as I've been in maintenance mode for a while, but now I'm trying to increase my mass whilst reducing my fat% futher!

    We're an experiment of 1!

    My 2 fat friends dropped processed carbs and don't exercise, they dropped 2 stone of fat within 4 weeks!
    Better attitudes and more energy!

    Have a read of marksdailyapple.com
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    I am doing the same thing as you! I am on week 2 of upping my cals to 20% less than TDEE. I am a daily weigher too and have seen it fluctuate between down 2Lbs to up 3Lbs. I hate it and need to stop weighing so often!

    At this time, I am on a 2 1/2 month plateau and figure this is a lifestyle change so what is the rush?

    Friend me so we can share ideas and success! :smile:
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I SO cannot weigh myself every day. My husband does, and his chart looks like the rocky mountains, but he's okay with it.

    I weigh in once a week at Weight Watchers, and convert Myfitnesspal numbers to points during the week. I shoot for Monday/Tuesday depending on my schedule. I might weigh at home on Sunday or Monday morning just to see about what to expect, but other than that I have to try to stay away from the scale. It plays with my head to much if I weigh every day.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    One other thing...my nutritionist once told me to focus on lean healthy protein's, and the carbs and fats will take care of themselves. Also, to increase fiber intake.

    I've found that to generally be true. My general rule of thumb before I go to get a snack is to look and see if I need protein or fiber, and let that help guide my snack choice. If I need protein, I might go for some greek yogurt or light string cheese. If I need fiber, I'll go for a chocolite protein/fiber bar. I like the triple chocolate ones, but my husband likes the cashew caramel, peanut butter, or cookies and cream ones (the cookies and cream ones I like too). They generally run about 100 calories, 10 g. fiber, 10 g. protein (ballpark). Then if I'm still hungry, I might have fruit.

    For what it's worth...
  • legalporter
    legalporter Posts: 20 Member
    So you are saying your calorie intake stayed exactly the same but by not eating carbs after xxx o clock you are now losing fat at a faster rate? I just want to make sure I fully understand the statement.

    Yes - I use MFP and stay around net 1200 calories. I had been doing it for weeks and stayed level (I am trying to lose around 10 lbs). Once I started doing this and eliminating sweets (which probably accounted for around 150 calories at night), I lost 3 lbs in 1 week. I am working out the same amount (yoga and running).
    hope that helps.