I've been using fitnesspal and love it but i'm confused as how to set my calories needed. I sit in an office all day. Don't really move around except to go to a meeting. But, I do 5 days a week of cardio, circuit and toning. Should I set my activity level to sedentary? it's telling me to lose 2 pounds a week I need to stay below 1200 calories per day but that seems ridiculously low and I haven't lost any weight. I am a 5 foot 3 female 174 pounds. Im really frustrated with all the conflicting information on how much I should be eating to lose weight.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I've been using fitnesspal and love it but i'm confused as how to set my calories needed. I sit in an office all day. Don't really move around except to go to a meeting. But, I do 5 days a week of cardio, circuit and toning. Should I set my activity level to sedentary? it's telling me to lose 2 pounds a week I need to stay below 1200 calories per day but that seems ridiculously low and I haven't lost any weight. I am a 5 foot 3 female 174 pounds. Im really frustrated with all the conflicting information on how much I should be eating to lose weight.

    2 lbs per week is too aggressive based on your weight. You would be better off aiming for 1 lb per week and eat back 50 - 75% ofbyou exercise calories. I do generally suggest changing your macros to 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fats. Also, if you want to improve fat loss, cut cardio to 2 days a week and concentrate on heavy weight lifting (failing at 8 reps). Between the high protein diet and weight training, you will preserve your lbm and cut fat to help give you a lean and tight body.
  • sritt004
    sritt004 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'4 also, and was 167 when I started. I thought 1200 seemed pretty low too, but when you start eating better, healthier foods it will become easier- I promise! -18lbs later I'm usually *under* my calorie intake. The more you exercise, the more you can eat. If you burn off 400 cals while working out, it adds 400cals to the amount you have left t eat for the day. Hope this helps :)
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member

    Try this. I started out at 172. I've lost 15 pounds in 2 months. It's not two pounds a week, but I also haven't been working out as much as I should the last few weeks. And it's sustainable, for me at least. I'm at 1850 calories a day.
  • Sojaided34
    that site is still confusing. Says I need to eat 1900 calories. That's crazy.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    You need to add in your weekly exercise to calcuate how much you should eat. If you are doing 5 days of cardio a week plus other exercise it will not tell you to eat 1200 calories a day.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    1. Enter your current stats including a sedentary lifestyle
    2. Make your goal less than 2lbs/week, that's way too much
    3. Eat as close to your goal as possible
    4. Log your exercise and eat the calories burned back (that's how this program is set up!)
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    that site is still confusing. Says I need to eat 1900 calories. That's crazy.

    That's not crazy.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    "The Reverse Taper Diet " :

    The Theory of Fat Availability:
    •There is a set amount of fat that can be released from a fat cell.
    •The more fat you have, the more fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
    •The less fat you have, the less fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
    •Towards the end of a transformation, when body fat is extremely low you
    may not have enough fat to handle a large caloric deficit anymore.

    At the extreme low end, when your body fat cannot ‘keep up’ with the energy deficit
    you've imposed on your body, the energy MUST come from SOMEWHERE. This is
    when you are at risk of losing lean body mass during dieting (commonly referred to
    as ‘starvation mode’). This happens at extremely low levels of body fat, under 6% in
    men and 12% in women [Friedl K.E. J Appl Phsiol, 1994].

    Oddly enough, it seems as though some obese people have an unbelievable amount of fat available as a fuel, but a lower ability to burn that fat, whereas as they get leaner, they have less and less fat available as a fuel, but a greater and greater ability to burn the fat they do have. So at extreme levels of leanness, it is the fat availability that limits a persons ability to lose fat.

    If you have a lot of body fat reserves you would be surprised at how little you can eat (unless you have emotional eating issues or disorders). The leaner you get the less your body has to draw from and then you have to taper up your calories. There is no such thing as starvation mode for women over 12% body fat or men over 6% body fat. I am a living breathing example of that. I went from obese to now under 12% BF and I've maintained for one year and built muscle the whole time. You don't BUILD muscle in starvation mode, so I proved everyone wrong.

    Your body loses weight in chunks, not linear. I have found that you can do everything right and your weight loss seems to plateau but you are patient and keep exercising and eating at a deficit (however slight) you will lose it, it will suddenly "whoosh". There are so many variables for the scale though: water retention, digestion, allergies, sodium, carbs, water intake, DOMS, inflammation, the list goes on. People mistakenly think they lose or gain weight when they eat more or less because of these fluctuations

    Only you can decide calories, base it on how you feel and what the scale trend is doing, not what anyone here tells you to do. You can always gradually notch your calories up or down by 100 and see how you do. It takes some experimentation to find what works for YOU. What worked for the next person may not work for you just because it did for them. For the most part, if you have fat reserves eating more to lose weight is just plain silly, think about it.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I also have an office job, so I marked "seditary life" when I set up my account. When I excersise, I enter in what type of excersise I did, how many minutes it was, and how many calories I burned. I have a HRM so I don't have to estimate anymore. Once I enter in what I ate throughout the day and log in my workout, MFP usually tells me I have earned more calories. My goal is 1200 a day, but on the days I workout, I'll eat 1700-2000 because I tend to burn around 1000 from doing Insanity. If I don't eat any of those calories back and still try to stay around1200, then I net only 300-600 a day depending on how much I burned. It took me a while to realize that.
  • Misslisat
    Misslisat Posts: 203 Member
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    that site is still confusing. Says I need to eat 1900 calories. That's crazy.

    That's not crazy.

    Nope. Like I said, I eat 1850 a day and have lost.
  • landminesgirl12
    Gosh I don't know about the heavy lifting. I have a body shape that is already big. I have naturally thick legs and big boobs and butt. When I lift weights I just get bigger. I've been doing cardio either circuit and jogging/fast walking and toning excercise circuits like lightly weighted squats and alot of push ups and stuff. I was told the best thing for my body type was to keep the weights very light and use body resistance only. I appreicate the advice, I just find one person says "eat more" one person says "eat less". it's exasperating..humph...
  • landminesgirl12
    yes! this is how I have my fitness pal setup. Its just been frustrating because my last two weeks have stayed the weight loss. I was hoping i was doing it right that by adding in my cardio/excercise that meant I could eat more right? that is where I was confused if I was doing the wrong thing by "eating up" the extra calories leftover after i've worked out. Thank you very much! i've changed my setting to one pound per week. :flowerforyou:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm not sure what you mean by "toning". Are you lifting weights? If so, are you gaining strength and endurance from it, or just going through the motions?

    I would set your activity level to "sedentary" and go from there. Even if you do an hour of exercise a day, five days a week, that's less than 1/24th of your life, not enough to change your general activity level. Not trying to offend you - I run triathlons and races almost weekly, do lots of outdoor activities, but I'm "sedentary" because I work a desk job a lot like yours. That at least gives me a minimum number of calories to consume per day.
  • landminesgirl12
    I'm 5'4 also, and was 167 when I started. I thought 1200 seemed pretty low too, but when you start eating better, healthier foods it will become easier- I promise! -18lbs later I'm usually *under* my calorie intake. The more you exercise, the more you can eat. If you burn off 400 cals while working out, it adds 400cals to the amount you have left t eat for the day. Hope this helps :)

    YES! thank you this does help..! mine says 2060 per day but that is before I have been doing it correctly..I guess it just worried me because I haven't lost any in two weeks. stayed the same..i'll just keep plugging along!:flowerforyou:
  • landminesgirl12
    I'm not sure what you mean by "toning". Are you lifting weights? If so, are you gaining strength and endurance from it, or just going through the motions?

    I would set your activity level to "sedentary" and go from there. Even if you do an hour of exercise a day, five days a week, that's less than 1/24th of your life, not enough to change your general activity level. Not trying to offend you - I run triathlons and races almost weekly, do lots of outdoor activities, but I'm "sedentary" because I work a desk job a lot like yours. That at least gives me a minimum number of calories to consume per day.

    No offense taken at all! this is what I wanted to know. I am doing circuit toning workout videos with weights like "jillian Michaels" and "the firm" and I jog/fast walk and do the elliptical. I am getting much stronger and my cardio and legs are much stronger. i can actually jog about 2 miles now. I just got worried because I hadn't seen a pound in two weeks so I wondered if I was putting in my calories incorrectly. thank you very much!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    No offense taken at all! this is what I wanted to know. I am doing circuit toning workout videos with weights like "jillian Michaels" and "the firm" and I jog/fast walk and do the elliptical. I am getting much stronger and my cardio and legs are much stronger. i can actually jog about 2 miles now. I just got worried because I hadn't seen a pound in two weeks so I wondered if I was putting in my calories incorrectly. thank you very much!

    That's great! Congratulations on the accomplishment!

    If you are working toward a high-performance body and not just weight loss, then I would strongly suggest an eating plan that starts at "sedentary" to give you a bare minimum, and then allow yourself to eat more on days when you are actively building muscle.
  • landminesgirl12

    No offense taken at all! this is what I wanted to know. I am doing circuit toning workout videos with weights like "jillian Michaels" and "the firm" and I jog/fast walk and do the elliptical. I am getting much stronger and my cardio and legs are much stronger. i can actually jog about 2 miles now. I just got worried because I hadn't seen a pound in two weeks so I wondered if I was putting in my calories incorrectly. thank you very much!

    That's great! Congratulations on the accomplishment!

    If you are working toward a high-performance body and not just weight loss, then I would strongly suggest an eating plan that starts at "sedentary" to give you a bare minimum, and then allow yourself to eat more on days when you are actively building muscle.
    thanks so much! but i'm wondering now, i put in circuit type training like squats and stuff but it doesn't give me a calorie deficit for doing this..these workouts definitely burn fat, my heart rate is elevated and im sweating like crazy. should I list these calories burned under cardio instead? I don't want to short change myself in the calorie output area. Jillian Michaels trouble zone workout is totally aerobic..any advice?
  • yvtt
    yvtt Posts: 9