Starting diet today

I'm starting MFP today, looking to lose 30 lbs. in six months, here's to a great start


  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! I started this journey on the 4th and so far I love MFP. My first week weigh in is tomorrow and I can't wait to post an update. I'm looking to lose 60 lbs! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • kawaii_spn
    kawaii_spn Posts: 116 Member
    I started here about a month ago, looking to loose 35 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • I also started today! Good luck to you!
  • missypoo1964
    missypoo1964 Posts: 3 Member

    Good Luck-I started one week ago and have lost 4 lbs and am so Happy!!! Please feel free to add me as a friend
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Welcome! I lost 10 kilos in the first month but have now stuck (but had to change scales mid month as the old ones went to electronic heaven) It's great when you start and it just falls off - now is the testing time.

    BUT Don't worry if you don't lose weight.
    It may be the scales (especially if you weigh on carpet)
    You may be storing water in place of fat and you might be building muscle.
    e.g. suppose you lose 3 lbs fat but build 2 lbs of muscle and store 1lb (less than a pint) of water = scales frustration - then after a few days you spend all night getting woken up to go to the loo and next morning you dance for joy when you weigh in (thus using up even more calories before you've even had breakfast)

    I have at least a couple more stone to lose before I trade in my Party 7 for a Six-pack so I will be around a while, if I can help in any way.

    Best wishes
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Here is how to do it right and never yoyo diet or fall off the wagon (for long) again. I have lost 7lbs in 45 days of pure fat (I'm watching BF%) and no muscle. This is the only way to avoid lowering your metabolism.

    Sleep at least 8 hours.

    Keep your carbs lowish, as much protein as you can (very hard to overdo), and have a medium amount of fat. This will keep you full and satisfied. Your brain is made of fat. Many vitamins are fat soluble and cannot be absorbed without it. DIETARY FAT DOES NOT EQUAL BODY FAT. It is your friend.

    Work out, even if it is just a 20 minute walk, every day. Do strength training which will keep you toned, build/maintain muscle which keeps your metabolism up, and make your skin look tighter once you have lost the weight. This will also allow you more calories. Change things up so it isn't boring. I do 30 day shred videos, walk, take bike rides, lift weights, cardio at the gym, etc.

    Keep your NET calories to AT LEAST 1200 calories. Eat back your exercise calories (though be careful not to overestimate them). There is a reason that MFP adds them on to your goal cals. I aim for 1500, and I am losing just over a pound a week without ever feeling hungry. If you don't eat enough calories and enough protein, your muscle will get broken down for fuel. You WILL lose weight faster, but look and feel worse, and slow your metabolism which usually leads to yoyo dieting.

    Eat the things you want just with smaller serving sizes, and only 1-2 a day that you fit into your day. Cutting all of the things you want will just lead to feeling deprived and ultimately failing. I ate pizza two days in a row (for dinner then breakfast). Breakfast was a mistake because I didn't have the protein to balance the carbs. Pizza dinner was awesome!

    NO GUILT. If you don't do so well one day, try to determine why, and move on. If it is stress eating, try meditation/yoga/cuddle with SO or pet etc. If it is lack of food options, work on planning lunches and bringing healthy snacks. If you were starving, look at your macros and calories from the last two days and adjust

    Drink water! This will curb your hunger. If possible, drink a glass of water before you put ANYTHING in your mouth.

    Want a second helping or a snack? Wait 20 minutes. Drink a glass of water. Take a walk. Chew on gum. Brush your teeth. Meditate. Whatever works for you. Still hungry? Eat.

    Do NOT go hungry. You will only binge at the next meal or the next day. Usually on something unhealthy.

    Soup is low calorie, fast, cheap, and very filling. The other day, I had a protein shake for breakfast, a can of soup with an extra chicken breast for lunch, and took a walk. Now I can have the pizza I want for dinner. I added the chicken breast to make sure that I wasn't starving when I got to the pizza otherwise I would eat too much of it. This also gave me enough protein.

    Listen to your body! For example, if your knee is acting up do low impact or upper body workouts such as swimming or punches. Take care of yourself, but don't use it as an excuse.

    To get a realistic goal for youself, read this:
    Some of it will be a repeat of what I said, but still great info.

    Feel free to add me if you would like (and if you plan on eating real food) :) And good luck!