Starting again

I am off and starting again on the road of weight loss. I hope this to be my final start. I want to view it as a lifestyle change that is continuous not a start and stop diet. My picture is from 2 days ago with my daughter. I can't believe how i look. That is nothing like I feel so I am truly disillusioned. I want to slim down and be more healthy. I have recently been having a lot of back pain and I know its from my weight. I weigh more now than when I delivered each of my kids. That is horrible. Looking for new friends to help keep me on track and new friends to make this change in lifestyle.


  • Em05us
    Em05us Posts: 117 Member
    I also have been viewing it as a start and stop again process. However i am coming to realize that losing weight is like life. You have ups and downs, and what matters is that you just keep trying. I know that sounds cheesy but before when i would "cheat" it would take me a few days to get back on track and i would just keep thinking well i already ruined it whats the point now. Well somehow i got my mind set right this time lol. For instance last night i ate pizza but i didnt let it ruin my whole day. If i can help you on your weight loss journey in any way please add me!
  • Free2bme39
    Free2bme39 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Oly, I know what it feels like to feel great until seeing a pic of myself--it's so discouraging! But, I can honestly say that you have a beautiful smile and a happy face that makes you beautiful all over. Even though you are experiencing these aches and pains I can sense from the pic that you have an enthusiasm for life, so I'm sure you'll find a way and make it happen. Feel good and start again every day, every hour --don't ever give up on yourself! Besides, if your daughter is anything like mine, she won't let you! :)

  • I have been through alot over the past year. I had Gastric Bypass surgery 1 year ago and have lost over 100 lbs, thought I would get back on and start over I just dont have as much to lose as I did before. If anyone has any questions on the surgery I would be happy to answer. Want to lose 40 more lbs. Goodluck everyone.