Nightmares as an adult. Anybody find something that helps?



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    How do you feel about lucid dreaming? I rarely have night terrors, so I'm sorry they happen to you. I usually know that I'm dreaming and can take control if things go wonky. A last resort is *kitten*.
  • LifestyleChange33
    LifestyleChange33 Posts: 169 Member
    Seek counseling. They may refer you to a medical doctor for medications to help what ever imbalance that is causing your nightmares- but you should do something about it; it is not healthy to continue on with disturbed sleep. Best wshes!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Don't eat before bed if you don't do that already. I dunno. I have nightmares ever since 2 years ago when I almost died in a house fire with my daughters. I wake up with panic attacks. Not fun. I find though, when I talk my sleeping pills, I'm more calm and they don't happen as often, or same with my anxiety medication. Not that I'm saying meds are the way to go, just what helps me with mine.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Green olives. I cannot explain why, but I saw an episode of Ghost Hunters with Jason talking about how he was having nightmares and night terrors, and some lady told him that green olives would make it stop. I was having the same problem and sure enough, it works. Cannot for the life of me figure out, but its worked on me, and my kids. Placebo effect? Maybe. Does it work? Definitely. 5 or 6 before bed time. Hope this helps.

    I wonder if it is a placebo effect?!

    Grandma always told me to flip my pillow over each night before I go to sleep to keep nightmares away. And if you wake up from one, flip it again. True enough it freaking works. I have always thought it was an in the head thing.
  • Everend
    You are not alone. I suffer from very bad/disturbing dreams that affect me even after I wake up. From feeling like I never slept at all, or having a difficult time reassuring myself that what I experienced was in fact just a dream. I have found therapy has helped tremendously as well as avoiding sugar before bed.

    People who suggest to enjoy them don't understand what a truly horrifying dream is. They are not like regular dreams, they are not mini movies. Usually with a dream your subconscious as well as your conscious brain state is aware at least to some degree that you are in fact asleep.

    These dreams completely fool your subconscious as well as your conscious brain as to what is real. Now that may sound "fun" to people who haven't experienced it, I can tell you it is not fun at all.

    They can be very dangerous to anyone who tries and wake, or console you. I have gone so far as attacking people trying to wake me or stop me from shouting, thinking that my life was in danger. Therapy is key. In my case, I suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and facing and dealing with my trauma has helped alot.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    sounds like you are not getting past the R>E>M> stage of sleep and not going into your deep sleep. I would ask your doc about sleep related problems...To add about the night mares, if you can remember, You CAN control them when the worst thing happens, you have to think this is not real and make the dream change and you take control of it. Not always easy but I have done it before. I am a vivid dreamer and lots of times its useally dealing with everyday stress or past instances. Sleep thearpy would help...
  • butterflyqueen1984
    I went through a really bad patch when my ex and I split up. I was having nightmares that someone would break into the house in the night (because I was living on my own after he left) I started taking some tablets called Karms (I think) it was like a herbal way of reducing stress and anxiety before bedtime. I also try and meditate as much as possible to some calm music this helps to calm you down. I know it sounds weird but maybe buy a dream catcher, I am not saying they work but your mind will make you think like the catcher does work, if that makes sense?
  • andivaclavicek
    Embrace them? I don't know..I have nightmares every single night. I enjoy them.


    it's such a horrible feeling...the one last night was so vivid I could actually smell what was going on...I've never enjoyed them :(

    I hated them as a kid, but they are kinda cool now. Once in a while I will have a really gruesome sad one which I do not enjoy, like a family member dying or something, but other than that I enjoy them. It's like a mini movie while I sleep!

    I used to have nightmares every night. I too got to a place where I enjoyed them. Just like a mini movie! I don't really have them that much anymore. Not sure what caused the change.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i have nightmares too; really bad. then i practiced lucid dreaming and it kind of helps them a lot. you should pick a time of day where you arent tired at ALL and lay down, and try to go to sleep. you`ll slip into this weird kind of half sleep/half awake realm where you can dream but KNOW that youre dreaming, and practice controlling your dreams so that way when you finally DO sleep, you have the tools to control the nightmare.

    sometimes i sleep with the light on so that i can wake up easier if i am in a nightmare. then once i am awake i get up and make sure i am FULLY awake so i dont go back to sleep and have that nightmare again.

    limit caffeinated beverages, definitely. also maybe if you have a hot cup of caffeinated chamomile and honey tea before you go to bed, it will help you? its more calming than anything. good luck babe!
  • projectxreborn
    Do you watch/read a lot of horror genre? It doesn't sound like you do as you are bothered
    by scary dreams but thought I'd ask the obvious anyway. Some medications can cause
    nightmares as well like antidepressants, some blood pressure medications, and possibly
    even sleep deprivation (which doesn't help, I know.) Sleep apnea or restless leg
    syndrome may trigger them as well as post traumatic stress disorder. If you have any
    concerns in these areas mention them to your doctor.
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Seek counseling. They may refer you to a medical doctor for medications to help what ever imbalance that is causing your nightmares- but you should do something about it; it is not healthy to continue on with disturbed sleep. Best wshes!

    ^^ YES!! YES!! YES^^^
    Are you anxious, depressed, stressed out...? Are you taking medication?
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    this helps me alleviate my anxiety and also helps with nightmares as well.
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    cognitive behavioral therapy, melatonin, dream catchers, journaling before bed, meditation. i have nightmares often as well. i am so sorry! good luck!
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    I used to have night terrors/sleep paralysis often for a period of a year or so. They disappeared entirely when I went gluten-free. That might have partly been because I stopped eating pizza right before sleeping.

    I'd suggest....

    -Don't eat heavy breads or pastas right before bed, instead snack on nuts and seeds, yogurt, or other lighter foods
    -Try to eat more fats and protein before bed, less on the carbs/sugar
    -Take some relaxing herbs before bed: valerian root, skullcap, kava, etc.
  • boonognog
    boonognog Posts: 55 Member
    I have a weird question, based on my own experience with nightmares...

    My nightmares were not the kind that involve horrible things happening. Typically, the subject of my dream was some anonymous person, usually doing nothing scary; but for some reason, in my head during the dream, that person's presence or otherwise innocuous behavior would be interpreted as extremely aggressive and endangering to me. There was never anyone else I care about in the dream. And usually in my dream I felt like I had woken up in the room I was asleep in, and this person was not supposed to be there. Then I would let out a blood-curdling fat lady scream (no offense intended) that would give my wife a heart attack.

    The funny thing is, even though I was terrified in my dream and screamed (every single time) to the point that my scream woke every living thing up within a 5 block radius, by the time this happened 6 or 7 times, I got to the point that I started laughing when I did wake up because I could hear myself screaming that way... and it was ridiculous, based on what just happened in the dream.

    I could go into details of the dreams, but most people would be bored to tears here, I'm sure... Freud or some other dream symbolism fanatic would probably have a field day with them though. ;-)

    Sooo... my question is, is there anything specifically scary happening in your dreams? Or are you just terrified while you have the dream?
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Prayer helped me. I would have horrible dreams in the past, but I cleansed my life of spiritistic things that I had like, demonic movies, ouijia board, vampire books, even harry potter books. After that they stopped.
  • jessicahelene
    jessicahelene Posts: 77 Member
    Actually sometimes nightmares can be caused by an allergy... I knew someone growing up who was allergic to Red#40 (one of the food colorings used in a lot of candies and things) and he had terrible nightmares whenever he had something with that in it. I saw a previous poster had mentioned gluten... also might have been an allergy effect.

    I think all of the pillow turning, green olives, moon stones, etc are placebo effect. Lavender would help soothe you and help you to fall asleep but I'm not sure it would help get you to deep sleep.

    Melatonin is generally accepted as a harmless natural sleep aid... you may try that to see if maybe it takes you into deeper sleep. I have taken it in the past and haven't had any ill effects.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I too have horrible nightmares, but not every night. Sometimes I'll go for a few weeks where I have them every other night or so and then they go away. Very realistic and very scary. They usually involve me screaming or yelling at ghosts, who are you, what do want from me, this is my house, get out...etc. The screaming is never an actual scream in the dream. For the longest time I couldn't make the sound, but I'd be woken by my partner claiming I was "making weird noises" (trying to scream in real life, but paralyzed).

    One time she woke me up while I was trying to say "who is holding my hand". I could see her standing in the doorway and knew no one else was there but could feel someone else laying beside me with their arm around me, holding my hand. I was paralyzed with fear. The sensation was SOOO real, only to discover she'd been trying to wake me for almost 5 full minutes. That particular time, I was on pain medication following a hysterectomy. I can't explain the other times. Are you taking any meds? Perhaps talk to your doctor.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    If you find a way to get rid of them, let me know. I have the same nightmare every night that I only have a few minutes to live. I wake up and I am either standing in my room screaming or somewhere random in the house. I can't embrace these dreams! They leave me so freaked out

    I also have waking nightmares a lot of the time...where it takes a good 2-3 minutes AFTER I wake up for things I've seen in my dream to go away.

    Example: Little girl standing at the foot of my bed, an arm reaching around the door like someone's coming in, a dark figure standing in the hall between our room and the bathroom...Or a difficulty breathing because I'm so frightened when I wake up-a distinct feeling someone's in the room even though there's nobody there.

    When I was little it was the same dream all the time (Alice in Wonderland related-my whole family was beheaded by the cards/Queen of Hearts and their bodies were laying there). These are not necessarily action-type dreams. More like horror films...and I wake up most days exhausted and worn out.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    cognitive behavioral therapy, melatonin, dream catchers, journaling before bed, meditation. i have nightmares often as well. i am so sorry! good luck!

    This...I have had nightmares, night terrors (whichever you like to call them) since childhood...My mother would find me walking down the street while sleeping and steer me back to my room many, many nights. I still have horrible nightmares now but over the years I learned how to control some parts of my dreams and how to get out of them while I was asleep. Once I started to be able to control them and get out of them before dying or whatever was happening they didn't happen as often. I used to have them like the OP, at least 5 nights or more each week. I still have them but actually since I have started eating healthier and working out I have not been having them on a regular basis like before which is a great way to keep me motivated to stick with my new healthy lifestyle.

    I have had people in the past tell me not to eat a couple of hours before bed b/c it causes unsettled sleep, also try what was said above about lucid dreams, and I also use dream catchers in my house...I actually have one outside hanging from the roof of my porch and one in my bedroom as well. For me, I've tried pretty much anything to make the dreams come less often. I hope you find something that works for you. :flowerforyou: